nnuut's Account Talk

Still 100% "F" - Just don't trust Oil prices, if it hits $100 a barrel WATCH OUT BELOW!!
I think the Jobs Numbers and GDP are telling investors that there may NOT be another rate cut in the near future.:cool:
Still 100% "F" - Just don't trust Oil prices, if it hits $100 a barrel WATCH OUT BELOW!!
I think the Jobs Numbers and GDP are telling investors that there may NOT be another rate cut in the near future.:cool:
Looks like you done good, Nnut. F's still kicking today!
Wisdom from http://www.[[financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/cherniawski/2007/1102.html (click for more)

A MERE CORRECTION OR REVERSAL? [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]by Anthony M. Cherniawski[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The Practical Investor, LLC[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]November 2, 2007[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]From its closing high peak on October 9, 2007, the Dow Jones Industrials spent 8 days in decline and 8 days in a corrective rally. Assuming the up-trend from August to October may be over for now, where may the market go from here?[/FONT]
Good evening folks, here it's Sunday night, just can't wait to get back to work tomorrow, and an hour later! Yuck!!:(
Markets have really been really irratic lately, I took some big hits, lots of us did. When the market is in turmiol the Message Board seems to mirror the it's actions. Everyone is getting into little spats, disagreements and some are actually blaming others because the Market isn't cooperating. This happens all the time, nothing different, the markets are crazy because it is a crazy time. Look at what we are dealing with, SUBPRIME MESS, OIL/and GAS at record highs, the DOLLAR Falling to new lows, Friancials taking a big hit, MORTGAGE companies shutting their doors, firing their CEOs, IRAQ, IRAN, Turkey, what else --- Hillary. With all this happening is there is anyone that can consistently predict what the Markets will do from day to day, NO! So let's work together and do the best we can.
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Have a good one. Do I see GREEN?
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Markets in another late day rally, do I see a trend here? This is 3 out of the last 5 days and more before that. Looks like Day Traders are buying low almost every day at about 14:30? Buy low sell high. They may be selling the next morning?:D
I've been wondering the same thing -- in particular, if and whether this may be big institutional players - LIKE THE BANKS that are in trouble.

Like to hear any opinions if there could be some collusion of these insttutions going on (with maybe the the SEC even be looking the other way). Need someone who knows whether these are "Big Boy" moves.
Its a good conspiracy theory anyway!
I really don't know, but someone is making BIG MONEY on these quick moves envolving Millions and Millions of dolllars at the end of the day, sell on the up trend in the morning and BAM BIG MONEY!!!! That's what I think!:)
These are big money moves for sure and they are Day Trading, buying low and selling high, The difference isn't that much but the volume is tremendous, big bucks! Who is it, nobody knows!:confused: Who said that, I SAID THAT!!
Griffin's last post (#1007) is interesting in it discusses the "Big Boys" dissatisfaction with Ben's last statement. This may support theory that "they" will try seeking satisfation elsewhere (& any way they can) -like what we're discussing as an obvious strategy. What was Mel Gibson's character's name in the movie? Think I should destruct-enable my residence? :D:D
The BIG BOYS want a Bailout!! Burntankle is taking his time, they want it NOW!! I don't think they will get what they want, DON'T Fight the FED!!
Hedge Funds Qualify as BIG BOYS! They are getting desparate, But I really don't know if it is a specific group or Day trading in general, Big Bucks though.:cool:
Not GOOD!!
Oil Hits $97 on Bombs, Demand Prediction

Tuesday November 6, 11:23 am ET
By John Wilen, AP Business Writer

Crude Prices Soar Past $96 a Barrel on Middle East Bombings, Government Demand Expectations

NEW YORK (AP) -- Oil futures jumped to a new record of $97 a barrel Tuesday after bombings in Afghanistan and an attack on a Yemeni oil pipeline compounded the supply concerns that have driven crude prices higher in recent weeks.
Those concerns were further fed by a government prediction on Tuesday that domestic oil inventories will fall further this year while consumption rises.
Oil was already up before news of the blasts in northern Afghanistan that killed 64 people and the attack in Yemen. Severe weather forecasts for the North Sea, expectations that domestic crude supplies fell last week and the weak dollar all contributed to the latest move upward. [more]
I think there is a good chance tomorrow, if Crude inventories come in below expectations! You never know, the way the Market is acting lately. It doesn't give a squirrel nnuut what Oil/Gas does!:cool: That's why I'm on the Ole Lilly Pad.:laugh: