nasa1974's Account Talk

Sure would be nice to finish the year off on a positive note. I can't complain though.

See everyone next year. Maybe 2011 will be even a better year that 2010.

OK! Over the weekend I read a couple of articles (business section of local newspaper) about how the third year of a presidents term is a good year for stocks, more so the S&P, and so so for bonds. With that said, can any of our chart makers and statistical guru's put anything together to show this?
Well a good start for the new year. :D #87 :D on the Tracker. WOW!! 72 out of the top 76 are 100% S fund. Now that is going to be a tough crowd to move up on. :nuts:
Let's hope this January doesn't follow 2010. The first week was great and then the sell off started.

Good luck everyone. Let's have fun.
This is from

Specter of government shutdown still looms
By Jeremy P. Jacobs and Edmund Andrews National Journal January 3, 2011

"A top Senate Republican signaled on Sunday that GOP lawmakers are ready to engage in brinkmanship over the federal government's debt ceiling, threatening to let the Treasury default on its obligations if Democrats don't agree to drastic cuts in spending..."
With the C and S funds in the red today I thought I would fall farther down in the tracker (40% C & 60% S). Instead I moved up. I forgot about all those 100% S funders in front of me. At least for today thanks. :laugh: Will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. :nuts: Good luck everybody.
Looks like I missed the mad rush to the "I" fund. Almost like the good old days when we used to do student body "S" or "C" or "I". Might raise a few eyebrows with the FRTIB. Of course they are a bit embarrassed after sending out errant checks.
With the mass move it will be interesting to see how the tracker sets up over the next few days. Good luck everyone.
WOO!! HOO!! 22 on the tracker. Party time. Oh! wait how many more trading days left in the year??? Oh! who cares 22 baybeeee 22

OK! Overall not a real good day in the market. Maybe tomorrow we can all take part in some profit sharing. Good luck all.
With as many members just under me in the tracker sitting 100% in the "S" fund it was going to happen eventually. :D I fell from 26 to 80 yesterday. Being near the top of the leaderbaord for a few days was worth it. :nuts: Besides I am still on the positive side of zero. Good luck today.
You are doing great Nasa. I see that DohaDon (#1) has moved to the G fund. He seems to know when to move in and out of the S fund. Hope for a hugh move up for the S fund tomorrow.

#73 is ain't bad.