nasa1974's Account Talk

WOW!!! I haven't seen this many people chatting on the MB in a long time.:D:D

With SB not able to post for awhile if anyone has any questions about the <1% option give me a shout.
Going a little more into protect mode. For the rest of the month I will be 80,5,5,5,5 (GFCSI). I will be out of town and will not have my laptop. Celebrating my 30th wedding annivesary and just planning on relaxing with the wife and not going to worry about anything else. :nuts: Talk to everyone when we get back around June 1st.
My bad. I can not put anything in the F fund.:embarrest::embarrest: So I am 85,5,5,5 (GCSI). See ya next month.:nuts:
I'm back!!!! Had a great time. JTH thanks for the parole info.:D But I'm looking at not being paroled soon. The wife and I visited a small church on the island of Kuaui. It was the first catholic church established on the island and it has the same name as the church we currently belong to. We where going to be on the island on our actual annivesary date so we thought it would be nice to visit the church. Well our pastor wrote a letter to the priest at the church on Kauai and when we showed up the priest asked us if we would like to renew our vows. That was the highlight of the whole trip.

SB, I am really happy that everything is working out for you.

Lady when you get a chance PM me with the information.

It is going to take a few days to get back into the swing of things. Now I have to spend some time on the TSP site to see how my account faired. Later folks.
Thanks Lady information received.

Well with no IFT's left for May and being gone for almost two weeks with no way of playing with my account. I finished the month off with a 2.29% profit. Three profitable months in a row. :D Lets hope June is a good month. Hopefully I can jump into the pond with both feet tomorrow.
Well I jumped into the game. 5F,20C,25S,50I. Almost back to my 2009 beginning balance. Fingers crossed.:D
They say timing is everything. Well I must admit that my timing STINKS. Jumped in with both feet yesterday and made .06%. WOOHOO!!! Today looks like a crash and burn.:mad: I just want to climb out of this hole I am in. DANG!!!!
Kevin, I am not planning on bailing today or in the next few days. I had some really bad days the last three months but came out with a positive finish. It's just that I am so close to switching from the negative side of the force to the positive side that it is going to be hard to swallow a 2-3K loss today.:( Historically June has not faired well.
Kevin, I am not planning on bailing today or in the next few days. I had some really bad days the last three months but came out with a positive finish. It's just that I am so close to switching from the negative side of the force to the positive side that it is going to be hard to swallow a 2-3K loss today.:( Historically June has not faired well.
2 or 3 shoot thats nothing , i am still looking for 50 k loss from last year now that hurt:eek:
I've been dead last on the tracker before and it provides for great motivation. :D

This pullback was expected, but the trend is still up until proven otherwise. Screw the Bears...

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Wow...I guess I won't be asking for any bear hugs from this crowd...:laugh:

Hey baby I've got love for everybody. Long-term I'm EOTWAWKI Mad Max Bearish. But in the meantime I've still got to bank some coin... :p