nasa1974's Account Talk

This is for all the newbie’s out there. It is important that you take control of your account.
When I started my TSP (around 1985) I didn't pay much attention to it and spent most of my time in the G fund because it was convenient. I did play in the C fund a little bit but really didn't educate myself on how things worked. It wasn't until 2004 that a friend of mine showed me what could really be done with my TSP. I am no expert by any means and I would say a lot of my accomplishments could be attributed to dumb luck but since the start of 2004 to the end of 2011 I was able to increase my TSP account by 114%. These numbers could have been better but in 2008 I finished at a -12.82% and last year I finished at a 2.17%. I guess where I am going with this is those that still have 15-20 years left can really make an impact to your account. Use this forum to your advantage and increase your knowledge of how things work. We all want to be comfortable in retirement. Good luck.

Senate Republicans call for two-year pay freeze extension
Bill also would reduce the federal workforce by 5 percent through attrition. February 2

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is a sponsor of the bill.Susan Walsh/AP

All Thrift Savings Plan funds post positive returns in January TSP finishes out month in the black. February 2

Joint Chiefs chairman pushes BRAC Dempsey says some Defense savings must come from infrastructure. February 2

Shared services require a solid business case, IT leaders say | FROM NEXTGOVThe key to developing a successful shared services strategy is ...February 2

Authorities seize 307 websites in pre-Super Bowl crackdown | FROM NEXTGOVThree days before the 2012 Super Bowl, federal officials said they ...February 2

Military danger pay now calculated by the day, not the month Change is part of the Defense authorization act.February 2

Deputy Secretaries cite their proudest accomplishments Panel examines challenges facing politically appointed chief operating officers.February 2

Navy expects first shipboard network installed by October | FROM NEXTGOVThe Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command said it plans the first ...February 2

Feds not authorized to deal with electric grid disruptions | FROM NEXTGOVIndustry pushback and politics have stymied efforts to expand ...February 2
View attachment 17433

Senate Republicans call for two-year pay freeze extension
Bill also would reduce the federal workforce by 5 percent through attrition. February 2
View attachment 17432

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is a sponsor of the bill.Susan Walsh/AP

All Thrift Savings Plan funds post positive returns in January TSP finishes out month in the black. February 2

Joint Chiefs chairman pushes BRAC Dempsey says some Defense savings must come from infrastructure. February 2

Shared services require a solid business case, IT leaders say | FROM NEXTGOVThe key to developing a successful shared services strategy is ...February 2

Authorities seize 307 websites in pre-Super Bowl crackdown | FROM NEXTGOVThree days before the 2012 Super Bowl, federal officials said they ...February 2

Military danger pay now calculated by the day, not the month Change is part of the Defense authorization act.February 2

Deputy Secretaries cite their proudest accomplishments Panel examines challenges facing politically appointed chief operating officers.February 2

Navy expects first shipboard network installed by October | FROM NEXTGOVThe Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command said it plans the first ...February 2

Feds not authorized to deal with electric grid disruptions | FROM NEXTGOVIndustry pushback and politics have stymied efforts to expand ...February 2


Nasa where is this info found? I thought it was on bott0m of most pages.

On the home page right column says "Join the 15,492" on email list. ??? Approx 940 folks on the auto tracker.

People out there looking for a lot of information. 447 user's online with 110 of them members.
Nasa where is this info found? I thought it was on bott0m of most pages.

On the home page right column says "Join the 15,492" on email list. ??? Approx 940 folks on the auto tracker.

Go here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

There are currently xxx users online. So many members and a bunch of guests.
Click on the xxx users online link and it will tell you who's reading what.
Didn't want to fall to the second page. A slight setback today but not unexpected. Tomorrow should be interesting. Let's hope for a good day.

Employee groups assail proposal to increase pension contributions
House committee will mark up bill Tuesday requiring feds to contribute a total of 1.5 percent to their defined benefit plans over three years beginning in 2013.
Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., says he expects a party-line vote on the measure, with Democrats opposing it. Alex Brandon/AP

U.S. could maintain virtual presence in Syria FROM NEXTGOV
Social media provides American officials with potentially valuable outreach ...
February 6

Senators express frustration over OPM backlog of retirement claims
In letter to OMB, three lawmakers from Virginia and Maryland seek new ...
February 6

Defense must increase availability and awareness of child care, GAO says
Department is addressing space issues and stepping up outreach.
February 6

Head of Postal Regulatory Commission traveled much as USPS struggled financially, the Post reports
Ruth Goldway spent more than $70,000 and ...
February 6

Feds fight cyber attacks on public image FROM NEXTGOV
Cyber assaults on federal authorities are garnering increased attention due to ...
February 6

Groups ask Congress to postpone new anti-piracy efforts FROM NEXTGOV
Opponents of the House's Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act ...
February 6

Survey says only 2.3 percent of college students want federal jobs
Government should overhaul its pay system to help generate more interest ...
February 6

Leadership Lessons: Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC chief opens lines of communication.
February 6
The last 2 hours in this market may get real interesting. The I and C fund are barely outperforming the S fund today.
Anyone know how serious congress is about cancelling the SS supplement in 2013???????

I was reading the "Employee groups assail proposal to increase pension contributions" and the cancelling the FERS SS supplement got my attention, I am eligible to go this summer but wanted to work another 2 years (dont know if I have 2 left in me, our organization is so screwed up).

This may be a deal breaker for me if they vote to cancel the SS supplement in 2013.

thanks as always for any comments and this is a awesome site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bj

Employee groups assail proposal to increase pension contributions
House committee will mark up bill Tuesday requiring feds to contribute a total of 1.5 percent to their defined benefit plans over three years beginning in 2013.
View attachment 17491
Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., says he expects a party-line vote on the measure, with Democrats opposing it. Alex Brandon/AP

U.S. could maintain virtual presence in Syria FROM NEXTGOV
Social media provides American officials with potentially valuable outreach ...
February 6

Senators express frustration over OPM backlog of retirement claims
In letter to OMB, three lawmakers from Virginia and Maryland seek new ...
February 6

Defense must increase availability and awareness of child care, GAO says
Department is addressing space issues and stepping up outreach.
February 6

Head of Postal Regulatory Commission traveled much as USPS struggled financially, the Post reports
Ruth Goldway spent more than $70,000 and ...
February 6

Feds fight cyber attacks on public image FROM NEXTGOV
Cyber assaults on federal authorities are garnering increased attention due to ...
February 6

Groups ask Congress to postpone new anti-piracy efforts FROM NEXTGOV
Opponents of the House's Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act ...
February 6

Survey says only 2.3 percent of college students want federal jobs
Government should overhaul its pay system to help generate more interest ...
February 6

Leadership Lessons: Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC chief opens lines of communication.
February 6 [/QUOTE]
Re: Anyone know how serious congress is about cancelling the SS supplement in 2013???

from that same article: Federal employees have planned for and relied on this benefit being available to them for decades,” Kelley said. “It is hard to imagine that this Congress would blatantly break this promise when so many are just about to become eligible for this benefit.”
this reminds me of the stories of folks getting relieved of their employment at other public, and private, busineses just before their pension would kick in. the veterans are up against broken promises from our government all the time, so is the Congress thinking it is okay to follow suite?