nasa1974's Account Talk

WOO! HOO! My 3,000th post. WOOP WOOP :D:D:D But who's counting.
Congratulations! ...and when I think of all the financial information they contained, I can truthfully say, I'm overwhelmed by what you've added to this MB.! :)

Tom, does he get one of those posts by his title Moderator, to add TSP Universe?
Congratulations! ...and when I think of all the financial information they contained, I can truthfully say, I'm overwhelmed by what you've added to this MB.! :)

Tom, does he get one of those posts by his title Moderator, to add TSP Universe?

Thanks grandma

It's true ask him, he is a post thief big time!:nuts:

This coming from someone with 18,000+ posts. :laugh:
Don't post for a day and you fall to the second page.:( Yesterday's market was a surprise. Took it in the sticky pants. Let's hope for some buying strength today.

Senators seek to ease hiring of veterans
By Emily Long May 11, 2011

"Senate lawmakers have offered legislation to make it easier for veterans to enter civil service positions. The 2011 Hiring Heroes Act, introduced Wednesday, would expand job skills training for service members to prepare them for civilian employment and would streamline federal hiring procedures to ensure that veterans can enter government service quickly..."

New IDs aren't keeping ports secure, GAO says
By Joseph Marks May 11, 2011

"Despite nine years of fine-tuning and more than $400 million in funding, a government-issued picture ID card used at U.S. ports provides less security than the average state-issued driver's license, a federal auditor told lawmakers Tuesday. Government Accountability Office investigators were able to make counterfeit versions of the Transportation Worker Identity Credential card, which they used to bluff their way through security at major U.S. ports, according to a GAO report released Tuesday during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing..."

How the oil industry saves $4.4B a year on taxes

$4-a-gallon gasoline makes $4.4 billion in oil industry tax breaks a tempting target for Obama

Jonathan Fahey, AP Energy Writer, On Thursday May 12, 2011, 6:06 am EDT

"NEW YORK (AP) -- Motorists are paying nearly $4 for a gallon of gasoline as the oil industry reaps pre-tax profits that could hit $200 billion this year.
This makes another big number hard to take: $4.4 billion. That's how much the industry saves every year through special tax breaks intended to promote domestic drilling..."
Well the stock market has smacked us around pretty good the last couple of days. Lets hope the bulls come back soon.

Treasury taps federal pensions as Uncle Sam hits debt ceiling
By Kellie Lunney May 16, 2011

"The Treasury Department on Monday suspended investments into federal employees' pensions, as the government officially hit its debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced a debt issuance suspension period from May 16 to Aug. 2, when the government expects to default on its obligations. The law allows the government to take extraordinary measures to avoid a default, including tapping into and suspending investments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and halting the daily reinvestment of the government securities (G) fund, the most stable offering in the Thrift Savings Plan's portfolio..."