nasa1974's Account Talk

::Runs and Googles 'kangaroo tail'::

I'm really learning a lot about these market trends. Two weeks ago I didn't know what the 'head and shoulders' pattern was, and now it seems like it's popping up every time I read something new.

XOMek welcome. This MB is a good place to learn for sure. Sometimes you can get a bad case of data overload. :laugh: Good luck.

First nurse nominated as Army surgeon general
By Bob Brewin May 5, 2011

"Maj. Gen. Patricia Horoho would become the first nurse and the first woman to serve as the Army Surgeon General if the Senate confirms her nomination and simultaneous promotion to lieutenant general, which were announced by Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Tuesday.
Horoho currently serves as Army deputy surgeon general and 23rd chief of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps..."

In raid on bin Laden, little-known geospatial agency played vital role
By Marc Ambinder National Journal May 5, 2011

"Any number of officials and agencies have been in the limelight since the raid on Osama bin Laden, including the CIA and the Defense Department. But the little-known and little-heralded work of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, often called the NGA, was central to the demise of the terrorist leader..."
Lunch time crowd has taken a good bite out of the C & S funds. :( Let's hope we get some buy back instead of the slow bleed this afternoon. :notrust:
Are our lawmakers that out of touch with reality??? I know it is a rhetorical question.
Do they not understand that if you reduce the federal workforce that provideds services for the American public, may cause these services that now takes a few days or a few weeks to resolve may now take months. An example is OPM. When you retired it took about a month to get everything taken care of. Now they are telling you it could take up to 6 months.

Lawmaker proposes federal hiring freeze

By Emily Long May 6, 2011

This story has been updated.
"A House lawmaker is seeking a freeze on federal hiring until the government eliminates its deficit. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa., on Thursday introduced legislation that would prohibit agencies from hiring new employees until the deficit is resolved. The bill does allow "common-sense" exceptions for national security and law enforcement, however..."

Senators seek cost-of-living raise for disabled vets 05/06/11 Legislation also would boost benefits to surviving spouses and children.
GOP senators vow to block consumer bureau nominee 05/06/11 Resisting Obama's pick of Elizabeth Warren, they want a board rather than a director to run new agency to serve as a 'check.'
Obama thanks troops involved in bin Laden raid 05/06/11 The president met with members of SEAL Team 6, before addressing 2,500 soldiers in a Fort Campbell aircraft hangar.
The cost of battling bin Laden: $3 trillion 05/06/11 Over 15 years, the terrorist leader cost America more than any villain, ever -- which is exactly the way he wanted it.
From Disaster victims expect more than Facebook can deliver, FEMA director says 05/06/11
Trains a target for al Qaeda, DHS says 05/06/11
Do they not understand that if you reduce the federal workforce that provideds services for the American public, may cause these services that now takes a few days or a few weeks to resolve may now take months. An example is OPM. When you retired it took about a month to get everything taken care of. Now they are telling you it could take up to 6 months.

So maybe efficiency is the question/answer vice just hiring more people?

Just a question...
So maybe efficiency is the question/answer vice just hiring more people?

Just a question...

I understand it is a tough balancing act. The problem is that the government work force is getting older and if you do not bring in new people, corporate knowledge is lost. Who becomes the losers and winners just to save a couple of bucks? OK, so we have a hiring freeze and those taking care of Social Security start making more mistakes because they are over worked. What then? This debate could go on forever. Just my opinion.
Working for USDA in the field, we've been told to do more with less for years. Programs have been added without budget for staffing to run them and now we are being told our state's budget is at least 6 figures in the red but they don't know if it is low or high 6. I've got 29 years in and at 51 I still have at least 6 more years to be eligible for a full retirement under FERS. I feel we're looking at a minimum some furloughs later this summer if not RIF'S. :sick: The first cut they are looking at is our class of new trainee's to replace retiring managers. :embarrest:As the knowledge pool decreases, the work quality goes with it. :mad:
Working for USDA in the field, we've been told to do more with less for years. Programs have been added without budget for staffing to run them and now we are being told our state's budget is at least 6 figures in the red but they don't know if it is low or high 6. I've got 29 years in and at 51 I still have at least 6 more years to be eligible for a full retirement under FERS. I feel we're looking at a minimum some furloughs later this summer if not RIF'S. :sick: The first cut they are looking at is our class of new trainee's to replace retiring managers. :embarrest:As the knowledge pool decreases, the work quality goes with it. :mad:

They just don't look at the long term effect. Just the short term dollars.
Lots of peaks and valleys today. Hope everyone has their sticky pants on. :blink: Going to be a heck of a ride to the close. :worried: Good luck all.
Yesterday morning started out scary. But by noon the bulls took control. I sure could use a few more days like that.:D