Music Videos

OMG !!! Memories of my mis-spent youth ! I wore the grooves off of that LP, with a nickle taped to the tone keep it from skipping...

Just LOL at what the youngsters today might be thinking of this crappy video, AND the song. All I can say is : "You had to be there..." :rolleyes:

Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane, McD !!!

So while driving on a beer run today, I heard the tail end of a song on Sirius XM Tom Petty Radio...

WOW ! Forgot all about this classic duet with Stevie just speaks volumes to me !!!

Here's the 1st version I ever heard...from Tom Petty's "Live From Gatorville" concert, circa 2006 :

...and here's the original studio video done, circa 1981...

Man !!! ...interesting that both versions are awesome, and sound so good, even with 25 years between them !!!

Sorry...probably should've posted both in the "Oldies But Goodies" forum :D :
