Just now getting a chance to check in. Looks like my post on BT's account talk yesterday was timely... Yesterday would have been a good day to lighten up on equities. Hope BT and others are paying attention.
There's lots of choppy action ahead, but I seriously doubt that we'll see a strong market this summer. BHO could order Bernanke to pump up the markets, but I believe it will be all for naught. Yea, I know that we're in an election year, and history says I'll be proven wrong. I think this time just might be a little bit different than all the other presidential election years.
I have confidence that my timing systems will keep me out of the major downdrafts, and get me back in for the major market upswings. I've been chewed up occasionally when the market whipsaws back and forth, but that usually doesn't last too long.
Although my analysis is showing an 80% plus avg return using 3x leveraged ETF's, I'm not planning on those figures going forward. If I cut that figure in half, 40% seems like a reasonable expectation. A 40% return would double my money approx every 2 years.
Before you start licking your chops, I urge you caution... this is not for the faint of heart, and you can lose a lot of money using leveraged ETF's. Paper trade this for a while, until you're sure you want to risk any money to it. Then, after you've paper traded it for a while, and you feel comfortable, only risk a small amount of capital to this system with your real money. I wouldn't want anyone to get burned by a series of bad trades, and then watch them bail with big losses.
Good luck!