MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

I believe I am going to start investing my Roth IRA again and I think I'm going to take a break on this ETF stuff with my individual account since I can't seem to win for my life on that stuff. I did buy 20 shares of FE in my individual account and it has a nice dividend. I need to transfer my $5,000 for the year into my Roth and that will give me a little over $10,000 to start investing in some long dividend paying stocks. Thanks for all of the posts everyone. Definitely gives me a place to start looking for more funds. :)
Decided to purchase Lowe's (LOW), due to the fact that the price recently collapsed from ~32 to ~25 due to weak fundamentals, and an analyst downgrade. Not really a dividend bellwether, but if it just gets back to where it was a few weeks ago, I should pocket about 20%. I like my chances. Give it a few months.

FWIW, I moved my TSP "cash" from G to F. If Europe implodes this summer/fall (like I think it might), the dollar will strengthen, which will help stocks will go down, and money will flow to the (perceived) safety of U.S. Treasuries, which will lower their yield, which will cause the F fund to rise. Just trying to squeeze out an extra percent or two out of my "idle money". Also, since it's the end of the month, it's a good time to burn an IFT now, rather than wait until June. Just trying to plan ahead and use my IFT's wisely. ;)
I'll have to check the tracker to see how far I have to climb before you can eat some hoof dust.

Ha! Yeah, good luck with that. You'd be wise to keep a close eye on me. I'm pretty nimble. ;)

I got two big-ol' Holly 850 double-pumpers bolted on. Sorry if my exhaust is a little rich, it's prolly making you choke. :laugh:
Just now getting a chance to check in. Looks like my post on BT's account talk yesterday was timely... Yesterday would have been a good day to lighten up on equities. Hope BT and others are paying attention.

There's lots of choppy action ahead, but I seriously doubt that we'll see a strong market this summer. BHO could order Bernanke to pump up the markets, but I believe it will be all for naught. Yea, I know that we're in an election year, and history says I'll be proven wrong. I think this time just might be a little bit different than all the other presidential election years.

I have confidence that my timing systems will keep me out of the major downdrafts, and get me back in for the major market upswings. I've been chewed up occasionally when the market whipsaws back and forth, but that usually doesn't last too long.

Although my analysis is showing an 80% plus avg return using 3x leveraged ETF's, I'm not planning on those figures going forward. If I cut that figure in half, 40% seems like a reasonable expectation. A 40% return would double my money approx every 2 years.

Before you start licking your chops, I urge you caution... this is not for the faint of heart, and you can lose a lot of money using leveraged ETF's. Paper trade this for a while, until you're sure you want to risk any money to it. Then, after you've paper traded it for a while, and you feel comfortable, only risk a small amount of capital to this system with your real money. I wouldn't want anyone to get burned by a series of bad trades, and then watch them bail with big losses.

Good luck!

I know you were talking about opening long positions in stocks such as MCD, INTC, etc. and I know you stated you bought some LOW. Through these rough times do you let these nice dividend stocks continue to ride in your roth or do you actively trade out of them? I bought some MCD and INTC the other day and so far I'm positive on the INTC and down slightly on MCD, but nothing that I'm worried about. Plus MCD is about to pay a .70 dividend on June 15th. I figure for the long haul in the roth I may as well let these ride the waves since I won't need this money anytime soon and these type of stocks are stable for the most part.

Thanks for your input in advance!
All my accounts continue to ride the open range - no fear of taphophobia here. I've lived under ground in my past. There is a long year ahead for great gains.

I know you were talking about opening long positions in stocks such as MCD, INTC, etc. and I know you stated you bought some LOW. Through these rough times do you let these nice dividend stocks continue to ride in your roth or do you actively trade out of them? I bought some MCD and INTC the other day and so far I'm positive on the INTC and down slightly on MCD, but nothing that I'm worried about. Plus MCD is about to pay a .70 dividend on June 15th. I figure for the long haul in the roth I may as well let these ride the waves since I won't need this money anytime soon and these type of stocks are stable for the most part.

Thanks for your input in advance!

I think for the most part, your dividend stocks should not be traded. McDonalds and Intel are not going to go out of business anytime soon, if ever. Just let the dividends compound and grow, and keep pumping more money into your Roth to buy more shares when prices get to ridiculously low levels, like they did back in March 2009. I think that's a good way to build a solid, conservative account. You can use a portion at some point for more aggressive trading when you're ready.

Good luck!
All my accounts continue to ride the open range - no fear of taphophobia here. I've lived under ground in my past. There is a long year ahead for great gains.

Birch, quit being so dang stubborn. :toung: There really is something to be said for market timing. You and I both know it.

Even if you only use it for your piddly little TSP, it might make you an extra 12% a year. Do the math - it adds up to a lot of money.
I think for the most part, your dividend stocks should not be traded. McDonalds and Intel are not going to go out of business anytime soon, if ever. Just let the dividends compound and grow, and keep pumping more money into your Roth to buy more shares when prices get to ridiculously low levels, like they did back in March 2009. I think that's a good way to build a solid, conservative account. You can use a portion at some point for more aggressive trading when you're ready.

Good luck!

Thanks for your input! I am waiting on my $5,000 for the year to be transferred in. I am monitoring some of these good dividend stocks and making entries at points I feel are good. It seems that the dividend will pay for any gradual loss you may take here and there and make you more money in the long run so I'm not worried about it. Like you said Intel and McDonald's isn't going anywhere lol. It looks like KO and MSFT recently had a small pullback so it may be a good time to buy into those as well. JNJ is oversold according to OptionsHouse's research tab. That chart is crazy looking for the past year, but it does look like it may be a good time to buy as well since it seems to be nearing the bottom of a pullback.

So many many I want to buy lol. I'm excited to add $5,000 for the years to come and continue investing in a lot of these good dividend paying companies. :)
Also ZNGA is said to be in a good buying position...I just don't know if I should chance buying some shares in it. Could be a big reward if the stock got back up over $10 eventually.

I wish I knew more about what all of the financials meant. I've heard you want to look for companies that don't have a ton of debt, etc. but I don't know what all of the technical jargon means.
Went to cash on May 8th, with the S&P at 1363.72.

Here we are at the end of May, and the S&P is at 1310.33.

That's an extra 3.9% in my account that would have gone up in smoke in a little over 3 weeks had I stayed in.

Also, we're now down about 7.9% from our high on April 2nd. Most people consider a 10% drop a "correction", so we may need to go down a few more points to get there.

This could be the summer of discontent for many investors.

Good luck everyone!
My TSP account went up in smoke a while ago...I don't think there is much left to burn. I really hate this and why the hell did I keep my TSP invested...lately I've been so consumed with investments outside of TSP I haven't even been paying much attention to my TSP account lol.