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tsptalk wrote:
mlk_man wrote:
why would I "give away" a system that gets the kind of returns I'm getting? So other's can "sell it" or whatever? You've seen the kind of jerks coming in here lately. You think that would be smart?
I have been thinking the same thing lately. Since I started this site 2 or 3 other TSP sites have popped up. I barely break even running this site. I figure if I charged a fee, 95% of the people would flee and howwould that be helpinganybody? So if others take this idea and create some sort of pay "system" site and make a bunch of money based on my idea, more power to them but as you say MM, is it smart of me?
I am wondering what really happened to Rolo and FrizzB. Rolo was such a great personality to have around and he contributed so much to the forum. And FrizzB had great ideas and was a wizard with the numbers. The two of them met here,came up with a system of their own and then one day poof! They're both gone. Coincidence? I hope so.
Tom,you read my u do that? I was gonna ask you personally what happened to them, guess I don't have to now. I figured Rolo just went off the "deep" end, easy to do when your "bi-polar" i offense to those that are!
The one's that have been here for awhile know that Frizz had something going, worked about the same as my orginal system, we pretty much bought and sold at the same time....would it work better in different markets? You tell me......... I came up with my first system to help others, I've came up with my present system to help others in any market. But you know what, greed eventually gets to most, except for the good at heart. I can tell you have a good heart Tom. Except I didn't realize you made money from this site. You should though, I know you put a lot of effort into it.
I've also put a lot of work into my present system, a lot of work!!!!!!!!!! I can leave now and not worry about anything except for the fact that I left someone behind, I find that hard to do. Ex-military and present will understand that.
I've thought about charging people to follow my system, I'm just not sure I can do it. I don't need their money....well, I could use it now, but like i said in earlier posts, I WILL be retired in 8 years making a million a year. I haven't BS'd anyone here yet.............YET............ <

I'm gonna continue to post my moves for awhile, maybe longer, I really don't thiink it will affect, effect? my returns. I did think "what if someone figures out your system" then I realized, if someone can figure it out, more power to em, I'll bet the farm they can't..............Is that mathmatics guy still in prison? The one that lived in the cabin? Sorry, can't think of his name right now...Kazinskyowskieuwmlindileooewoogledoogle? Something like that.........:shock:
Anyway, if one can turn $5000 into $1000000 in 8 years, how much do you charge for that? My luck, I'll die in 7...................but that's why I'm taking better care of myself:^
And I'm talkiiing about an IRA account where you can play 2X funds and inverse funds, not TSP funds...........Closed on hurricance days and govt holidays... give me a break........does our military get to take a day off then? TSP is a "contractor" right.?maybe I'll put a bid in............
Funny thing is, when you know your're gonna be "one of the higher class" one day, makes you think you"deserve" it...gotta fight that feeling.........when I was a young cowboy, I use to think I was put here for a "reason", of course as you get older and settle into "life" you start losing that feeling,...... maybe I'm here to prove that "nice" guys don't finish last.....nah, screw that....

If you don't mind Tom, I'd like to e-mail you personally later, I have some other "legal" questions to ask you. I would just send them to you, but I'm a very "un-intrusive" person.
Good luck kids,