Market Talk

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It looks like we may have turned the corner. Two up days make a big difference. 1103 is a big resistance level on the S&P. If we were to break it we may go on down. IBM had good results so tomorow should be good, but more earnings coming.
Still 50% I 50% S.:D


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I Just saw that the I fund was down 3 cents. Is that because of stronger dollar or better market last two day in US?
I'm still trying to figure I fund out.:(
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clester wrote:
I Just saw that the I fund was down 3 cents. Is that because of stronger dollar or better market last two day in US?
I'm still trying to figure I fund out.:(
Was the dollar up today? That would be why,but I thought it was down for some reason. Maybe the IBM news gave the dollar a boost after hours. Just a hunch. I fund may make it up tomorrow.
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Sorry for the long wait, I was out of town.

When I was saying a pro- that was my way of saying someone you know and trust in this area. Here it is-we are all responsible for our trades and I do not want someone to take my word for it. They need to do the work and research. It is their responsibility. I just gave an idea. Yes, I have thought about it a lot. This is our retirement. More to the point this is my retirement. We have to accept the risk we take, and not just do what others say. I will not take the fault for another pesons error. I could very easly be wrong. As my name says I am learing.:^ Do what you will the risk is on you.
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Spaf wrote:
Two books I liked: "Financial Freedom" (Suze Orman) and Mutual Funds for Dummies. TSP has options on retirement, one is a transfer toa Traditional IRA. You can withdraw 4% annually, and it should grow in retirement. You need other funds for emergencies i.e., 6 mo salary / 20K (min) in liquid assets (Money Mkt, mutuals, etc). Property investments (home, rentals) also good, but the money is not readily accessible. Married? 2 salaries, inheritances, all other factors you have to consider for your self. Have a good day Learning!

I agree with you. I will look up the books and others and read them. As to the last part about- Married? 2 salaries, inheritances, all other factors you have to consider for your self- that is part of the reason I said a pro who knows where you are at in life. This being a person you know and trust, (paid or otherwise) that can help guide you. And that is all any can do is help guide you. You have to make the decisions and take the responsibility. The market is a gamble and we can all lose our shirts. Happens every day:X

But thanks, I have enjoyed reading what you and others have said. You have taught me a lot :u
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You sound loke those "Hold and Hopers" back in early 2000 that watched their investements go down 65%. Some people lost 80% plus and you sound like you have their mindset. You let your crap go down 5 to 10% and then get not let your investments drop 50% because you did to go up 100% just to break even.

Is Market Timer still on this board? He told me to take a look on this board and it appears I am wasting my time with you BULLSSSSSSSS!.

The market will turn tomorrow, I do not want to miss out on a gain....GREED will drive you to the poor house.

Leaving this board...wasting my time here. MT is right you sound like you listen to those talking heads on TV and puke up their advice. I AM BULLISH! BUY TECH ON THE CHEAP, QUARTER 4 IS THE BEST QUARTER. BUY IN THE FALL.

By the way...the only good stock fund is the I fund becaue the U.S. is going into recession. Every time the crude has spiked it has happened...100% of the time.

Chasing away MT was a bad move. Moving on and making cash!

lkatteng wrote:
PATIENCE IS A PROFITABLE VIRTUE ! I do not take loses... the market will turn around if I stay long enough... next time I will wait till it goes lower and will get out early... now nothing I can do just wait with patience.... :zz
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Pat wrote:
You sound like those "Hold and Hopers" back in early 2000 that watched their investements go down 65%. Some people lost 80% plus and you sound like you have their mindset. You let your crap go down 5 to 10% and then get not let your investments drop 50% because you did to go up 100% just to break even.

Is Market Timer still on this board? He told me to take a look on this board and it appears I am wasting my time with you BULLSSSSSSSS!.

The market will turn tomorrow, I do not want to miss out on a gain....GREED will drive you to the poor house.

Leaving this board...wasting my time here. MT is right you sound like you listen to those talking heads on TV and puke up their advice. I AM BULLISH! BUY TECH ON THE CHEAP, QUARTER 4 IS THE BEST QUARTER. BUY IN THE FALL.

By the way...the only good stock fund is the I fund becaue the U.S. is going into recession. Every time the crude has spiked it has happened...100% of the time.

Chasing away MT was a bad move. Moving on and making cash!

lkatteng wrote:
PATIENCE IS A PROFITABLE VIRTUE ! I do not take loses... the market will turn around if I stay long enough... next time I will wait till it goes lower and will get out early... now nothing I can do just wait with patience.... :zz
Patience is a profitable virtue ???? Hold and hope/pray/close eyesdoes not work in bear market. MT told you about lower highs and lower lows...YOU BOUGHT AT THE TOP OF the LOWER LOW. Geez.
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Pat wrote:
Pat wrote:
You sound like those "Hold and Hopers" back in early 2000 that watched their investements go down 65%. Some people lost 80% plus and you sound like you have their mindset. You let your crap go down 5 to 10% and then get not let your investments drop 50% because you did to go up 100% just to break even.

Is Market Timer still on this board? He told me to take a look on this board and it appears I am wasting my time with you BULLSSSSSSSS!.

The market will turn tomorrow, I do not want to miss out on a gain....GREED will drive you to the poor house.

Leaving this board...wasting my time here. MT is right you sound like you listen to those talking heads on TV and puke up their advice. I AM BULLISH! BUY TECH ON THE CHEAP, QUARTER 4 IS THE BEST QUARTER. BUY IN THE FALL.

By the way...the only good stock fund is the I fund becaue the U.S. is going into recession. Every time the crude has spiked it has happened...100% of the time.

Chasing away MT was a bad move. Moving on and making cash!

lkatteng wrote:
PATIENCE IS A PROFITABLE VIRTUE ! I do not take loses... the market will turn around if I stay long enough... next time I will wait till it goes lower and will get out early... now nothing I can do just wait with patience.... :zz
Patience is a profitable virtue ???? Hold and hope/pray/close eyesdoes not work in a bear market. MT told you about lower highs and lower lows...YOU BOUGHT AT THE TOP OF the LOWER HIGH. Geez. The major bear starts soon. BE READY. You really do sound like the people that lost 50% plus. Why did you let your investment go down 50%. BECAUSE I DO NOT TAKE LOSSES. HA HA.:^
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Pat wrote:
You sound loke those "Hold and Hopers" back in early 2000 that watched their investements go down 65%. Some people lost 80% plus and you sound like you have their mindset. You let your crap go down 5 to 10% and then get not let your investments drop 50% because you did to go up 100% just to break even.

Is Market Timer still on this board? He told me to take a look on this board and it appears I am wasting my time with you BULLSSSSSSSS!.

The market will turn tomorrow, I do not want to miss out on a gain....GREED will drive you to the poor house.

Leaving this board...wasting my time here. MT is right you sound like you listen to those talking heads on TV and puke up their advice. I AM BULLISH! BUY TECH ON THE CHEAP, QUARTER 4 IS THE BEST QUARTER. BUY IN THE FALL.

By the way...the only good stock fund is the I fund becaue the U.S. is going into recession. Every time the crude has spiked it has happened...100% of the time.

Chasing away MT was a bad move. Moving on and making cash!

Are you sure you're not MT???;)

Your post has his classic signature of the quotes being on the bottom.

FWIW, tell him that I'm STILL waiting on his emails!!!:?
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Pat wrote:
Patience is a profitable virtue ???? Hold and hope/pray/close eyesdoes not work in a bear market. MT told you about lower highs and lower lows...YOU BOUGHT AT THE TOP OF the LOWER HIGH. Geez. The major bear starts soon. BE READY. You really do sound like the people that lost 50% plus. Why did you let your investment go down 50%. BECAUSE I DO NOT TAKE LOSSES. HA HA.:^

You sure are familiar with what MT has told us!!!;)

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Hi Pat! Your post is right on buddy anyone with a hold and hope theory is probably going to be jumping off a building somewhere. I would rather get out and lose $.20 and let the market go down then to set in it and hope it comes back. My reasoning is if it goes down another $.30 you made a dime when you bought back the shares with no risk if your setting G or F. :D

Oh by the way if your MT just post on this thread cause I like your advice!:^
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cowboy wrote:
Hi Pat! Your post is right on buddy anyone with a hold and hope theory is probably going to be jumping off a building somewhere. I would rather get out and lose $.20 and let the market go down then to set in it and hope it comes back. My reasoning is if it goes down another $.30 you made a dime when you bought back the shares with no risk if your setting G or F. :D

Oh by the way if your MT just post on this thread cause I like your advice!:^

MEEE TOO!!!!:^
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G fund holdings won't be worth anything if the gov't doesn't pay back what it borrowed from you to cover its debt. :shock:

BTW, for a recession to happen, GDP must go negative for two consecutive quarters. In spite of a mostly jobless recovery and high oil prices, the GDP will still manage about 4% growth this year... that's a long way from a recession.

Friendly reminder to those that care: each time the oil prices spike like this for an extended period of time, it benefits our economy in the long-term (although it obviously hurts in the short term)by making alternative energy sources competitive - thus encouraging greater investment in them which diminishes oil's influence on our economic output. In the 1970s, this type of oil price spike would bump us into a recession for sure. That no longer is the case.
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But I never know for sure 100% all the time if it going to be going up or down... But I know from history that if I stay long enough the fund will come back always with profit.. :^

By the way...


There will be no nursing home in my future.........

When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day. I have checked
on reservations at Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That leaves $65 a day for:

1. Gratuities which will only be $10 per day.

2. I will have as many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service
(which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week).

3. Princess has as many as three swimming pools, a workout room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night.

4. They have free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo.

5. They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you.

6. I will get to meet new people every 7or 14 days.

7. T.V. broken? Light bulb need changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No Problem! They will fix everything and apologize for your inconvenience.

8. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don't even have to ask for them.

9. If you fall in the nursing home and break a hip you are on Medicare. If you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.

Now hold on for the best! Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, or name where you want to go? Princess will have a ship ready to go. So don't look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.

P.S. And don't forget, when you die, they just dump you over the side at no charge.
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Hey that's good. Drop me a e-mail when U get ready. I'll make a reservation with U!

Now that's a plan!
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Mike wrote:
G fund holdings won't be worth anything if the gov't doesn't pay back what it borrowed from you to cover its debt. :shock:

BTW, for a recession to happen, GDP must go negative for two consecutive quarters. In spite of a mostly jobless recovery and high oil prices, the GDP will still manage about 4% growth this year... that's a long way from a recession.

Friendly reminder to those that care: each time the oil prices spike like this for an extended period of time, it benefits our economy in the long-term (although it obviously hurts in the short term)by making alternative energy sources competitive - thus encouraging greater investment in them which diminishes oil's influence on our economic output. In the 1970s, this type of oil price spike would bump us into a recession for sure. That no longer is the case.

I don't think it matters what fund your in if they borrow from the TSP it will be covered by all the funds. Basically the government is going to take a lions share of your funds when you retire and it knows how much is in the funds that it will receive so basically their borrowing from themselves. They just give it to you to make you think your gaining more then you really are. My theory is they give you a 5% matching annually to encourage you to save knowing full well that when you withdraw you will be paying Uncle Sam back the percentage of the money depending what tax bracket your in. So basically it works as a savings account for the government also. The scary part is the politicians are borrowing from the savings to pay for special interest that everyone feels they need.

On another note yahoo has a question on which party has helped the market the most in the past, and to my suprise the democratic party was in office when the markets did the best. They always claim the republican party is for businesses but that seems to be a false statement.
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Yea but how many times has a Democrat inherited an economy on the upswing and a Republican inherited an economy on the downswing. Has anyone ever looked at that little statistic?
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Paul wrote:
Yea but how many times has a Democrat inherited an economy on the upswing and a Republican inherited an economy on the downswing. Has anyone ever looked at that little statistic?

I knew that someone would make this comment. It always happens when you fool with politics. I guess the market doesn't care if the republican party inheritedon a downswing.Maybe you should ask yahoo to look it up! I am guessing here but maybe the market is going to go up until election day now and when Bush wins the market will start going down this kind of matches the chart where Tom was talking about Kangaroo tails. We just of well have Kangaroos, we have donkeys and elephants trying to drive the market!:D
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Interested observacion... so if the economy are meant to go down... the democrats will win... if the economy is meant to go up the republican will win...

I also think the market will go up till election... but if Bush will it will continue going up till mid January... if Kerry wins.. it will have a quick correct till December and the and up rebounce till mid January... after January... it may be bear till next September or so... but I do not have a crystal balls... and I may be totally wrong... :*