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Trading Strategy
My trading strategy for a bullish primary movement. [As a position trader.]
Background Information:
The Secret of Successful Trading RE:
The secret of successful trading is to take a step back from the market. Trade with the big picture in mind at all times and don't follow the day to day market movement. Daily market talk can hypnotize you if you follow it too closely. You have to see the wood and not the individual trees.
Focus on the big picture. Follow the bull market and not individual stocks. The market has more influence on stock prices than any other factor.
So what is the secret formula?
-The key is to buy when the market signals the start of a bull trend.
-Select leading stocks that are outperforming the market.
-Sell when the bull trend has ended.
-There are exceptions to this rule: Sell individual stocks if they move against the trend.
In TSP we have the equity funds of F, C, S, and I.
As interest rates are going up the F-fund becomes an under performer. Leaving the C, S,and I funds.
Caution: The I-fund has a double edge sord: price and dollar.
Using weekly averages. Two weeks seems to be a fair balance, the C fund was up .45, the S fund up .63, and the I fund was up .50
Mathematically the proportion, based on 100%, rounded to the nearest 10 would create an allocation of: 30% C-fund, 40% S-fund, and 30% I-fund.
Right now I'm at 35-35-30. Close enough!
Accordingly, not all eggs are in a single basket. While 100% does make me nervious. The deversification at least lets me get some sleep.
Will also consider any (other) strategy talk! Open minded!
Rgds, and be careful!
