Market Talk

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Thanks for the update.

S fund has had a push recently I believe because people believe the fed is near stopping.

I bonds tell me neutral is 4.80 because that is what they are paying now.

I believe the fed has a long way to go.

Funny thing about Eurozone is all their stock markets are near record highs.

I would be very happy with their performance this year.

To bad I fund has to adjust back to USD each day :shock:

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Hey .... DMA

RE: Your chart. Why is S. Korea such a hot little item? I've been noticing this for a while. Think they would be worth a buy? :h Spaf
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Euroland did not like the U.S. economic data that was released at 0830. The whole continent turned south at the same time.

Example (France):

Right at the U.S. 0830EST.
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Spaf wrote:
Hey .... DMA

RE: Your chart. Why is S. Korea such a hot little item? I've been noticing this for a while. Think they would be worth a buy? :h Spaf
Symbol EWY PE of 8.

I had all kinds of stuff for you but it times out.

Good luck!
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USD did not like the data either it is down .3 since the 0830 data was released.

Should be an interesting trading day.

Will the shorts cover today ahead of trip witch? Or get greedy and cover tomorrow to ik out all they can.

The market under the market. :shock:
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The precious metals stocks and the precious metals are on a rocket.

Inflation in check? I do not think so. The market action will tell you the story - the tea leaves as Spaffer says.

Now it is all a matter of time before the experts start seeing this too. Tick tick tick.
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Spaf wrote:
RE: Your chart. Why is S. Korea such a hot little item?
Didn't someone post an article in the recent past about S.Korea and the high % ? I am thinking it gave the impression of some manipulation. The `Search' button didn't bring it up where I could find it..... ???
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Isn't funny how the people who seem to have the least to spend are driving these big new SUV's. I have people ask me all the time, with the money you make why don't you buy yourself a nice truck. They never seem to understand my answer of, "because it's a bad investment". When I got hired and knew I was going to be traveling I opted to use my own vehicle to get the mileage instead of a Government Vehicle and bought myself a Toyota P-up 4 banger. For every $100 they pay me in mileage I put $85 in my pocket. This prevailing mentality is part of the reason so many Americans are in such debt. Being up-side-down on a car loan is common place today.
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The S&P has broken out of the trading range of the past 2 1/2 weeks (1190-1208). For any technical types out there: where exactly is the upper resistance on the S&P chart right now? Is it higher than I originally thought it was (somewhere between 1208-1209), or have we broken through it?

I missed badly on my sentiment this week unless we get killed later today / tomorrow (doubtful). Perhaps I'm becoming like Tom's indicators - a bit early. :shock:

At least my Roth is pretty much invested, so I'm making money somewhere. :P

Shaggy - people give me crap about that a lot at work, too. They see me working a bunch of overtime (it's impossible to hide that fact, obviously), and at least once or twice a week, I get the "so, what are you spending all this extra money on?" question from them. They just shake their heads when I tell them for the most part, I save it or invest it.

Edit: I just checked the SPX chart on Tom's comments page, and it looks like the resistance line is now roughly 1220.
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I believe given the market status, any indicator could be null and be precautionary when you look at them...manipulation is hard to predict.....of course some may say there is no manipulation happening here.....

Something else showing up as manipulation.....

Lawyers want a piece of the pie in Gitmo....they want to represent the prisoners as inmates and charge the govt for their "expensive time". In the mean time our sons and daughters are suffering from Senator Durban and his group overseas....I heard on Limbaugh that the comments Senator Durban made yesterday about Gitmois now across the pages of Al Jazeeera!!! The poor uneducated populace that read the paper will not understand therefore .....Durban is a threat to our military men and women....given aid and comfort to the enemy....

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The market is manipulated all the time, so that is nothing new.

Tom just mentioned the newest "dumb money" survey - it's strongly tilted toward bullish. :shock:

If we don't break out of this channel one way or another, I may have to just take a very short-term strategy - buying in with smallish chunks of 20% or so when it's near the bottom of the channel, and selling when it approaches the top. This reminds me of last year, except the channel is slowly moving up instead of down. Hmmmm. In any case, I'm going to wait at least 2-3 weeks to see if the pullback (or a breakout past the yearly high) materializes.

Oh well. At least the weather finally turned nice - now that I have no days off in sight, of course! :@

(Another gas price note: $2.099).
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[align=left]Philadelphia Fed Res report released today....[/align]



Philadelphia Fed Survey

The general conditions index from this business outlook survey is a diffusion index of manufacturing conditions within the Philadelphia Federal Reserve district. This survey, widely followed as an indicator of manufacturing sector trends, is correlated with the ISM manufacturing index and the index of industrial production.Why Investors Care



Consensus Range
1.3 to 16.0

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve's manufacturing survey showed weakness, not strength like yesterday's industrial production and Empire State reports.

The Philly's Fed's business activity index fell to -2.2 in June vs. an already soft 7.3 in May. This is the first negative reading in more than two years.

New orders fell sharply, to 2.5 vs. 15.0 and pointing to softening activity in future months.

Prices paid fell back to 23.5 vs. 30.9 while prices received dipped to 8.1 vs. 15.7, both consistent with slowing conditions.

But employment readings were positive, with the index rising to 7.1 vs. 5.4. Still, slowing conditions, if not contracting conditions, will not inspire manufacturers to add new employees. Yet in a special question in the survey, a large 43% of respondents expect to add employees over the next six to 12 months against only 11% expecting cut backs.

Two readings on the supply chain clearly show slowing: delivery times improved sharply to -13.2 vs. 0.5 while inventories declined to -0.4 vs. 2.0.

This report falls directly in line with the ISM's national purchasing survey which has been decelerating sharply in recent months and itself is on the verge of a contractionary reading.

Is the manufacturing sector now shrinking? Is the robust two-year recovery in the sector dead? Again, the readings are mixed. But this survey is unusually robust, with a large sample and a long history. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve's industrial production report is telling a different story.

Bonds firmed and the dollar weakened in reaction to the Philly data, which will likely prove a negative for the stock market through the afternoon. [/align]

Market Consensus Before Announcement
In contrast to the Empire State Survey, the Philadelphia Fed's business outlook survey moderated in May to 7.3 but it did not drop below zero. Still, it appears that manufacturing activity may be moderating in this Fed region.

Philadelphia Fed survey Consensus Forecast for June 05: 10
Range: 1.3 to 16
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class=econo-chartcaptionThe Philadelphia Fed's business outlook survey is a good leading indicator for the index of industrial production. It is reported in the third week of the month and thus has a lead time of nearly three weeks. class=haver-creditData Source: Haver Analytics

[align=left]class=econo-sectiontitle2005 Release Schedule

Released On:

Released For:
Dec [/align]
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For those who would like to draw their own conclusion or aren't sure why the Philly Fed Survey is important. To some anyway, I mean hey, it's just Philly..............:P

Good luck,


The general conditions index from this business outlook survey is a diffusion index of manufacturing conditions within the Philadelphia Federal Reserve district. This survey, widely followed as an indicator of manufacturing sector trends, is correlated with the ISM manufacturing index and the index of industrial production.

class=econo-sectiontitleWhy Do Investors Care?
Investors need to monitor the economy closely because it usually dictates how various types of investments will perform. By tracking economic data such as the Philly Fed survey, investors will know what the economic backdrop is for the various markets. The stock market likes to see healthy economic growth because that translates to higher corporate profits. The bond market prefers more moderate growth which won't lead to inflation.
The Philly Fed survey gives a detailed look at the manufacturing sector, how busy it is and where things are headed. Since manufacturing is a major sector of the economy, this report has a big influence on market behavior. Some of the Philly Fed sub-indexes also provide insight on commodity prices and other clues on inflation. The bond market is highly sensitive to this report because it is released early in the month and is available before other important indicators.
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mlk_man wrote:
For those who would like to draw their own conclusion or aren't sure why the Philly Fed Survey is important. To some anyway, I mean hey, it's just Philly.

Good luck,

Mike ..... Thanks for the information!

I was a giving it a hard look see, why it was so important??
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When did crude over 55 stopped to matter?

Answer it did not. Short coverning today.

The squaring up started after therelease of the Phily Fed.

Hard to play quad/trip witch weeks.

Lets see if crude over 55 matters tommorrow?