Market Talk

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coolhand wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
jesse quote:

"Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn.
That's the key isn't it. To have conviction in ones decisions requires not only confidence, but knowledge rooted in study and observation. Second guessing can take its toll, so gain a keen understanding of the market and have a strategy.
Yes Sir it sure 2 do your own DD folks:


Chart Education:
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coolhand wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
jesse quote:

"Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn.
That's the key isn't it. To have conviction in ones decisions requires not only confidence, but knowledge rooted in study and observation. Second guessing can take its toll, so gain a keen understanding of the market and have a strategy.
Yes Sir it sure 2 do your own DD folks:


Chart Education:
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Every once in a while ole Bob Chapman hit the nail right on the head:

"Doesn’t anyone get it out there? We are ripping the heart out of our country. You cannot compete against slave wages. We are being forced down to the level of the third world. Our economy is disappearing as our trade deficit explodes and all Americans can think of is to speculate in real estate. GM will cut 28% from its 38,000 “US” white collar workers, or 10,640 will lose their jobs. As we predicted, this will happen for years to come as production is moved to China and the third world, destroying the industrial economies of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Ontario, and Quebec. These will be targeted reductions; nevertheless jobs will be gone forever. This year GM’s earnings will fall 75% to 85% and their $100 billion in bonds are in junk status. This is the beginning of the end for the US car and truck industry. Nobody seems to get it. Our country is being destroyed. Are we the only ones with the guts to write about it? Yes, we are a lone voice among a populace that is too dumb to understand what is being done to them."

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coolhand wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
jesse quote:

"Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn.
That's the key isn't it. To have conviction in ones decisions requires not only confidence, but knowledge rooted in study and observation. Second guessing can take its toll, so gain a keen understanding of the market and have a strategy.
I agree. But you do have to be right. Sitting tight when you are wrong can bean unpleasant experience. :) Knowing when you arewrong is important as well.

A good trader may only be right half the time. Sitting tight when right makes the big money.Getting out of a losing positionwhen you are wrong is how you keep it.
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tsptalk wrote:
coolhand wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
jesse quote:

"Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn.
That's the key isn't it. To have conviction in ones decisions requires not only confidence, but knowledge rooted in study and observation. Second guessing can take its toll, so gain a keen understanding of the market and have a strategy.
I agree. But you do have to be right. Sitting tight when you are wrong can bean unpleasant experience. :) Knowing when you arewrong is important as well.

A good trader may only be right half the time. Sitting tight when right makes the big money.Getting out of a losing positionwhen you are wrong is how you keep it.
Right. That's where"strategy" comes in. Thanks Tom! :)
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coolhand wrote:
The dollar rally was definitely stronger this time. Wegot another quarter pointrate hike (number 7 in a row) and all of a sudden it's enough toget dollar bulls doing cartwheels.

What about inflation? What about the twin deficits? What about oil? Or commodities in general for that matter....
I'm just looking at the chart. The fundamentals will shape the chart and I'll try to read what it's telling me. You'll know why it's happening when it does. :) Us technical analysts don't know why things happen. Wejust know what is happening.
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Did some reading this morning on Yahoo business.

Malasia, (cant spell it) is seriously talking of getting out of the dollar.

Cuba is said to be getting out of the dollar. Now they have more in mind then making money. This is taking a shot at us and perhaps still making a little money. Or a lie. This is Cuba and there is some history here.

I have no idea which way the dollar is going. With intrest rates possibly going up quick this could help the value big time. This will also hurt our market. I see us going down possibly to Early November levels.:(

Tom is this scared enough. :D Time to buy soon. :shock: Be careful your retirement here folks.
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Procrastination is the devils tool......:s

It really is hard to say when to get in (out) at this point....just the end of the month (quarter) for the market makers and fund managers to get their toll and position.

Getting in is sort of like a gun fight at high noon. Who is gonna move first. You or the market.

By the way, do you know why gun fighters fought at high noon...?

Mainly no sun advantage to either gun fighter and after a hard night drinking it was easier to wake up late for your date..... You're puking anyway....
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The Technician wrote:
Procrastination is the devils tool......:s

It really is hard to say when to get in (out) at this point....just the end of the month (quarter) for the market makers and fund managers to get their toll and position.

Getting in is sort of like a gun fight at high noon. Who is gonna move first. You or the market.

By the way, do you know why gun fighters fought at high noon...?

Mainly no sun advantage to either gun fighter and after a hard night drinking it was easier to wake up late for your date..... You're puking anyway....

LoL! The high noon theory was developed by the film industry. Procrastination is the devils tool! I like that one. If I was drinking and you and I got in a fight I would shoot you right there! They would bury you at high noon! Then I would get up and not remember a thing and plead insanity due ot my drunkiness. :)The devil doesn't care who dies just like God doesn't care whohe gives money to. Just look at who has or claims to have money.:D
imported post out there Silver :shock:....we got us a wild one......!:D

Cowboy, you sure are an edgy one......maybe the markets are making you have indecision????

The only thing to protect at the moment is if the market takes a dive.....hmmmm something tells me today that the market diving has less possibility than yesterday......but there is always that chance....ain't there Cowboy.:^

Man, I feel bullets a'comin Silver....we better getty up!!! Heh Heh Heh
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If I had indecision, I would be playing G right now.:D See the way I look at it is the ones that now have to make a decision are setting outside the market. You may have to spur Silver in the *** as it may go up and there you set procrastinating. Your playing wether you want to or not! If you playyou'll fuel the ones in on up and suddenly dumb money becomes smart and vise versa. :cool:The market is up today so I lose nothing and maybe I fund will move tomorrow while you decide to play at high noon. Thats the chance you take. Good luck to you! I have already decided.:^
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Hey Cowboy....u remember the song sorta goes like this

Got to get those doggies moving. Get'em up move'em out...... Rawhide.....with a cracking whip.......:)

I think I heard the whip cracking today.......and them there doggiesare moving out!!!! :shock:

If you got caught in the wash out you can stand by and hear them doggies moving in the distance........:%


Hey Tom,

I think that the market reminds me or March 2000.....what do you think???
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You watch too much TV! LOL:DIf it's moving you need to make a decision so what is it! You in or out! I said I would be out to dry if tomorrow I fund goes down and C&S keep going up. I think today reminds me of insiders trying to scare everyone out before a push up. Theyear 2000 means nothing but I do believe history repeats itself. My thought is C&S go down tomorrow and I fund either stabilizes or follows todays US markets and I buy more stocks again. No indecision at all, if I am wrong I'll just change the plan. It's been about 10 trading days down for the I fundas far as a move and hopefully it goes up some tomorrow. Now the question for many is do you buy in tomorrowif C&S goes down or do you still think it is going lower and want to perch on the edge of the cliff.Do you jump in I fund if it doesn't move up tomorrow. I can see that little squirrel running on that emotion train making that trigger finger getting itchy. :D
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Most gun fights were a bullet in the back. No, set time. Is the other person looking or ready,no. Then kill them. The best gun fighter was the slowest. I forgot his name. He killed when not looking and he was slow on the draw and the finger. He made sure the first, second .... shots hit. Many tmes theperson hit could still get of a good shot even if they were going to die. Never, know what the market is going to do. Gets you when your not ready. Or, you are and it still gets that one ugly shot off in your back.

Now, Tom. See there all I needed to do was worry more and see what happened. Your wall of worry. Took off today and it made a killing. Thats ok. I avoided a lot of bleeding. ;)So no bigtake for me.:P
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Well, I guess Tom will have to tell you what happen to my Account transaction in this last week....

One day the boardwas there next day it was gone.....but I've been in since Thursday.....50%C,50%S.

I ain't chicken....but I do get them feelings how the market is gonna react........

Think we will be good through early April....then we will see if we go on.....something is telling me though that to look at the first week of that itchy feeling going again...... some'in gonna happen........

I have 3 horses, how about u Cowpoke....

The Technician
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The Technician wrote:
Well, I guess Tom will have to tell you what happen to my Account transaction in this last week....

One day the boardwas there next day it was gone.....but I've been in since Thursday.....50%C,50%S.

I ain't chicken....but I do get them feelings how the market is gonna react........

Think we will be good through early April....then we will see if we go on.....something is telling me though that to look at the first week of that itchy feeling going again...... some'in gonna happen........

I have 3 horses, how about u Cowpoke....

The Technician

I see. Don't own a horse any more as all they aregood for is to burn hay.I do have 20 to 30 of them in my back yard though that are going to foal in April. Women seem to like them but I already got one of those. Had an old cowpoke tell me one time when I was a kid, if you got more than one horse and one woman your sure to have problems. If you got one of each there more loyalif you have ashort bit and a tight cinch.:DOh by the way he said if they are both full of oats neither is worth anything. ;)
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This web site is such a Hoot!! :D

I'm just afraid Tom's gonna have to start charging because the entertainment value is going way up. :l
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well shoulda woulda half azz step back in stox has beenconfirmed. should the dollar go back into slide mode a litlethe i fund may also be a good move. the 1929 vs. 2000 model is the game we face folks...all stock actions repeat themselves over time. we will rock thru 2006!!!!

why i did not plow more intoC fundis my own fault. now i need a dip to buy into:dude:


i'm telling ya this baby is gonna rock....put that dubious MT on iggy and buy some stox.:D:D:D