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I think you called that one right...Interesting article in NYTimes about the US Dollar... Should be good for the I Fund when it happens. :^I believe that oil prices will have an inverse relationship with the value of the US dollar for the coming months. The US dollar rally is unlikely to continue........
While I believe this bill would be of some benefit, I believe that that the lending houses have a large share of the blame for this problem. No one dictates that they have to loan the money, yet all of them have adopted a very loose risk policy that when loses goes directly on the backs of the people who pay their bills on time.MBNA Corp., the credit card behemoth and fifth-largest contributor to Bush's two presidential campaigns, is among those on the verge of prevailing in an eight-year fight to curtail personal bankruptcies. Exxon Mobil Corp. and others are close to winning the right to drill for oil in Alaska's wildlife refuge, which they have tried to pass for better than a decade. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., another big contributor to Bush and the GOP, and other big companies recently won long-sought protections from class-action lawsuits.
United Republicans are counting on the support of enough Democrats to pass a bill that has been stalled since the mid-1990s. It would require many people filing for bankruptcy to repay more of their debt. Under current law, tens of thousands of people file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which erases all of their debt. The new law makes it harder to file for the more generous Chapter 7 protections.
Most Democrats and consumers groups say the new law is too hard on the sick, divorced and unemployed. Supporters argue that it is a necessary and long-overdue way of preventing people from shirking their debts when they could repay at least a portion of them.
Like the class-action law, hundreds of companies stand to benefit from changes in the bankruptcy law, even though it will include new mandates on business, including one requiring credit companies to tell consumers how long it will take to pay off their balance if they make only the minimum payments. Credit card and banking companies, who are leading the lobbying effort, were top financers of Bush's two campaigns. MBNA, Credit Suisse First Boston LLC, Bank of America Corp. and Wachovia Corp. were among the top 20 contributors to Bush, contributing more than $300,000 apiece.
The legislation includes several provisions benefiting specific industries. Retailers such as Target and Nordstrom, which help fund the National Retail Federation, a trade association lobbying for the bill, will benefit because they lose substantial money each year when people erase their debt through bankruptcy. "Retailers who offer credit card programs are left holding the bag on bad debt," said Craig Sherman, spokesman for the retail federation. "This legislation will get us out of this situation." Target contributed 80 percent of its $300,000-plus PAC money to Republicans last election.
Ford Credit Co. and others would benefit from a provision that stipulates that all automobile loans be repaid in full by people who file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, or the auto will be repossessed. Under current law, only the present value of the car must be repaid. Ford Motor donated more than 80 percent of its PAC money to the GOP.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
Not in the short term...banks will gourge themselves with the extra profits for a while.:?If this passes, which it will,do you think that the cardholders at large will see a reduction in interest rates?
While I believe this bill would be of some benefit, I believe that that the lending houses have a large share of the blame for this problem. No one dictates that they have to loan the money, yet all of them have adopted a very loose risk policy that when loses goes directly on the backs of the people who pay their bills on time.
Bad debt is not erased, it is merely shifted. If this passes, which it will,do you think that the cardholders at large will see a reduction in interest rates?
Credit Cards should be curtailed to the point of elimination....just another way for the banks to incrementally rip u off. We have one for the internet (1k limit)and another for travel (5k limit)...if we can not pay cash at the store for food, clothing, or a depreciating assetthen we go without.blueskys4ever wrote:While I believe this bill would be of some benefit, I believe that that the lending houses have a large share of the blame for this problem. No one dictates that they have to loan the money, yet all of them have adopted a very loose risk policy that when loses goes directly on the backs of the people who pay their bills on time.
Bad debt is not erased, it is merely shifted. If this passes, which it will,do you think that the cardholders at large will see a reduction in interest rates?
We have had people do the same thing at our credit union. File bankruptcy, turn around and buy some big ticket items. File again, do it all over again. Those are the one’s that need to be crushed. I would be completely behind the Bill if those were the people they are after. BUT, some responsibility has to be put on the lenders!
I was listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio on the way to work. He likes privatized Social Security and hates the Bankruptcy Bill. A woman call in with a problem. She was on disability and received $570 a month from SSI. She tapped out her life savings. Owns her house free and clear. I don’t know if she is really disabled, faking, or lazy. Point is she is making $570 a month and wants to use her credit card to pay for some outside house work.
MHO - If she had the credit card before her life changing events there needs to be a system in place to identify those people before they run up a bill. Second if she is getting applications in the mail and gets a card after the fact, the credit card companies andthe womanshould get smacked across the mouth for both being irresposible. Only they don’t care because they will pass on the loss to another card holder that carries a balance. The smartest move is to not carry a balance if you must have a credit card. O by the way I’m not very smart but I’m learning.
Credit card mailings are one of the largest mailings the USPS handles according to Dave Ramsey. Maybe they need to cut back a little and get more selective.
Good luck everyone.
oh there u are! nice handle....LOLGee Techno......I'd be careful about comparing the 1930's to today.....we do have a different situation.....have you considered the energy, interest rates, debt, etc etc...factors.....?
I'm not sure if you can compare the two and get an straight evaluation.....
I'll repeat it again....I don't like our long term picture mainly due to the fact the world is relying on us to buy their goods.......have you seen your neighbor get any increase in income lately....on a frequent basis....?
The world economic powers to be don't seem to get can only squeeze so much out of a if they want to lower their profit margins or bring some income back to the good old US, that would be another story....but what they have done over the last decade is destablizing at best to the world.....they did it just for some quick profit and to make a killing in the stock market
......they should have been looking at how to protect the economies they have and spreading through the world at a slower rate.....therefore keeping the world economics stable and bringing new hope to those who don't have a good life/income.
I don't agree on the parallel between today and yesterday.....I firmly believe we're infor a destablized period for more than several decades.....probably until after 2050.
Go to China and get a job.....may have a new meaning in the future.....
The Technician if they want to lower their profit margins or bring some income back to the good old US, that would be another story....but what they have done over the last decade is destablizing at best to the world.....they did it just for some quick profit and to make a killing in the stock market
The business world (including the media as a business),as a whole, does not have the moral aptitude to think ahead of their personal bank accounts, their cars nor theirdinner reservations. (or what they can get away with in any aspect of life.)......they should have been looking at how to protect the economies they have and spreading through the world at a slower rate.....therefore keeping the world economics stable and bringing new hope to those who don't have a good life/income.