Market Talk Page

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teknobucks wrote:
USA is the only superpower along with that title comesBIG problems. We can fry a few fish at the same time.
Unfortunately, we seem to be frying ourselves in the process.
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On a different note. I was exploring the site and check out coal company stocks. What a trend since the Iraq war started. Don’t know if that is the reason but the trend does not seem to be faltering. Running out of oil, natural gas, LP is oil byproduct. All of the natural gas elect. power plants are struggling because of the high cost. Nuke. power still scares most people sooooo guess what’s left. COAL! Peabody is the largest in US.

I was talking to friends about long term investments that the country must use. Coal, electric, transportation (rail is best for coal), water, medical services (prosthetics for knee and other joints) ,and so on.

I guess this site is teaching me to diversify and explore. LOL:D Hope you find it as interesting as I did. Just FYI. Happy Prez. Day.
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I should add to those who don't know how. Just GOGGLE or GOGGLE NEWSthe word COAL and you will be on your way to different companies.

I would also like other opinions. Be gentle I'm sensitive. :l
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* the mid east party is over when they price themselves out of bussiness.

Oil Shale and Oil Sand

Oil shale= brown-black clastic sedimentary rock consisting of kerogen and fine mineral grains

  • OIL contained in rock and sand
  • 10 times oil reserves of the Middle East !!!!!
  • between canada and the us we have the loins share of this stuff on the planet.
  • green river area has enough for the entire US!
  • have heard the strike price for production is around 80 bucks per barrel of oil. (will try 2 find data)
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•••LAYOFFS for the Week of Feb 18th•••

February 17, 2005
Number of Entries: 53

I have enjoyed the info but holy cow,:shock: the size ofthese posts are getting a bit too intimidating and lengthy for the board. Other posts are being lost in between them. Maybe you can post the first paragraph with a link to the rest of the article for those interested?

And with all this going on worldwide - what is the master plan:

More Military Bases in U.S. to Be Closed

Sun Feb 20,12:50 PM ET
Also, let's try to keep things ontopic. This one probably didn't need to be in Market Talk. Do we need another military forum? Let me know.

Don't get me wrong,I love what you are doing. I'm just trying to make sure the board stays organized and easy to read. Also, I have to pay for thespace and bandwidth.:D

Thanks folks!
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Show-me wrote:


teknobucks wrote:
we have the loins share of this stuff

Yeah! Share the loins!


re: long articles. Ja...I suggest posting the gist w/commentsand a link to the whole thing.
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Inflation is a much greater problem than the federal government admits. Health care, housing, and energy are three areas where costs have risen dramatically. The producer price index is rising at the fastest rate in seven years. Bond prices are rising. To suggest that rapid expansion of the money supply and artificially low interest rates do not ultimately cause price inflation is absurd. Third, Fed policies do indeed have adverse political ramifications. Fiat currency and big government go hand-in-hand. Without a gold standard, Congress is free to spend recklessly and fall back on monetary expansion to pay the bills. Politically, it's easier to print new dollars than raise taxes or borrow overseas. The Fed in essence creates paper reserves that enable Congress to undertake spending measures that far exceed tax revenues. The ill effects of this process are not felt by the politicians, who can always find popular support for new spending. Average Americans suffer, however, when their dollars are "confiscated through inflation," as Mr. Greenspan termed it.

It's not enough to question the wisdom of Mr. Greenspan. Americans should question why we have a central bank at all, and whose interests it serves. The laws of supply and demand work better than any central banker to determine both the correct supply of money in the economy and the interest rate at
which capital is available- without the political favoritism and secrecy that characterize central banks. Americans should not tolerate the manipulation of our economy and the inflation of our currency by an unaccountable institution.

[size=-1]February 21, 2005
Rep. Ron Paul
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Rolo wrote:
Show-me wrote:

hahahaha I mean GOOOOOOGLE! :dah:

I gota start drinking more.:l Or better yet you start drinking more and then what I type will either make sense or you won't care.:l
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It is time to yank some post off. This includes mine. If they are not about the market lets get them off before the sight is ruined.

Also, Perhaps we can make a forum where people can post articles and then direct us to them. This way it is a little easier to read.
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Have you head of coalbed methane??? This is getting to be another viable source of energy. I've done some research in the past about this. One company I had shares in that does this is Lexington Resourses (LXRS). It is a high risk company, but I did well with it in thepast. There are other more reputable companies that are starting to do more in this field. Check it out:).
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Here is a penny stock company I stumbled on to while doing some reading. Don't know much about them but thought I would share.

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Market Talk Feburary 21 Presidents Day

Overall sentiment about the market remains somewhat neutral.

Looking at the charts, it's almost like reading tea leaves, we are in a very narrow bullish range that could go either way. Climbing out of this retracement started back on the 26th of January. And, we are not out of it yet, not until we can climb past the December higher high of 1213.55 on the S&P.

The dominant trend is still bullish. The RSI relative strength indicates that stocks are neither overbought or over sold. Above 50; the average gains are higher than average losses, and confirms a bullish condition. Chartwise not by very much. The MACD moving averages are still bullish, but by a narrow margin.

Favorably, last Friday's bar chart depicted a bullish single bar reversal. While daily fluctuations may indicate a trend. The big picture on weekly charts indicate a very slow climb from the January retracement.

Using the S&P at the short term buywas at 20%, medium term 75%,long term 67%, overall 56%.

Attachment S&P chart

Rgds, and be careful! :) Spaf
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What do you think about the Fed Minutes being released? Did you notice anything about the timing of the market in January going down with the first release of the early minutes? I read that the minutes are going to be released this week on Wed. What do you think about this? This will be the second time that they have done this. I do not like it. It adds a new dimension to the market.:shock:
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tsptalk wrote:
•••LAYOFFS for the Week of Feb 18th•••

February 17, 2005
Number of Entries: 53

I have enjoyed the info but holy cow,:shock: the size ofthese posts are getting a bit too intimidating and lengthy for the board. Other posts are being lost in between them. Maybe you can post the first paragraph with a link to the rest of the article for those interested?
wiil do
imported post

ou81200 wrote:

Have you head of coalbed methane??? This is getting to be another viable source of energy. I've done some research in the past about this. One company I had shares in that does this is Lexington Resourses (LXRS). It is a high risk company, but I did well with it in thepast. There are other more reputable companies that are starting to do more in this field. Check it out:).
will check it out.

imported post

Rolo wrote:
Show-me wrote:


teknobucks wrote:
we have the loins share of this stuff

Yeah! Share the loins!


re: long articles. Ja...I suggest posting the gist w/commentsand a link to the whole thing.
and using spell

most of my posting is done at work on breaks...always in a hurry and no clue how 2 spell. sorry