Market Talk Page

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I believe we are set for take off and moving down the runway. Why? Oil. That is what hurt us so bad before. Do I see oil going down a lot, depends. If you mean a lot- below 40, like around 37, NO. Do you mean alot like around 45, Yes. It will take time. We will start to see a fall around this next week or the one after, (I HOPE). Why the weather is warming up in areas. That is part of the vilian. Another is OPEC. Well quess what, they are starting to back off. The market wants to go. The chalks were just not removed. Looking at going in on Monday. Mondays are not good and I suspect some profit taking. I want the bull and waited for it. Let it out and run. Im home for a week and perhaps several weeks. I want to work the market. Need the money, for retirement. Goverment will not be there for us. To those that made a killing- GOOD JOB:!
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Yes, you could be right on the oil thing short term. But come the end of March the Northern states are coming out of winter and going to plant food and that takes fuel. One thing you got to watch out for is the talking heads always blaming one commodity or a company for the down fall of the market. There isdays when oil goes up and so does stocks. As human beings we absorb information that is in front of us and that is what the media tries to get you to believe. They want you to see their point ofview and react and many of us do.
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I agree. The market feels like the early 1970s with the run up in oil prices and commodities. The only thing we do not have is the old and even system yet at gas stations to get 5 gallons at a shoot.

When you hear the talking heads say the stock market is in great shape just look at the way commodites are acting (kutlow) be very careful. High commodities must sooner or later get pasted through to you and I meaning inflation, meaning the death nil for stocks. The stock market in 1973 to 1975 was like rubbing sandpaper on sunburn.
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See ya on the flip side! Rgds.
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I "believe" he got let go from his air control job and trans out of TSP to Vanguard.

Just a "guess" on my part.
