Well-known member
Down we go some more. S&P now showing down 0.68%.
Now the Fed is spending some of that money. More money down the tubes.
When will Paulson figure it out?
Two things Mr. Paulson- to fix the mess. No new legislation needed, and nothing more than rules you can have the SEC issue:
First- #1 . No more naked shorting on anything. If you want to short, you have to actually borrow the stocks FIRST- before placing the short order.
If you are caught "selling short" without being in possesion of the stocks you are shorting, first offense- you are banned from trading for 90 days and fined lightly (Say, five times the profit or loss you made on the change in value of the stocks you didn't have to sell short).
Second offense. You are banned from trading for a year and fined heavily. (Say the underlying value of those stocks.)
Third offense- banned for life and accounts siezed.
If you are going to "short" the market, then do it legitimately, with shares in hand, PRIOR to making the short order.
And then #2: Reinstate the Uptick Rule.
No short selling until you get an uptick in the price.
Do those two things, Mr, Paulson, and the markets will calm down. It doesn't cost you a dime. Both of those rules were in place at some time in the recent past. Both of those rules were removed as part of the "W" deregulation of the markets. Both should be put back in place for the good of stability.
Do those two things- and markets will be much better.
Please Mr. Paulson and Mr. Cox:
Treasury and SEC:
Before you do anything else, spend any more billions, just do those two little things. Please???
I agree 100%. Their removal is one big thing that has led to the instability of the market.
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