I wrote this and sent it to fedsmith.com and they posted it.
TSP holders get the shaft again. The buy low and sell high practice in a bear market has all but been taken away by the TSP board; RESULTING in thousands of federal employees loosing much of their retirement savings. With the limited trades now in place, TSP participants must now wait years to regain some of the losses they have experienced in this market crash, while others in the financial world get rich using the buy low and sell the bear market rally’s investing principle. The only way to make money in a bear market is to buy low and sell high, but the TSP board in their knee jerk response to the frequent traders have now made it impossible for all tsp participants to make money in this bear market. TSP frequent traders found it difficult to make money in the good times; but regularly beat the averages by wide margins. Savvy investors wait a life time for opportunities like this, but the TSP board has taken that option away from its participants. Now because of the TSP board decision to limit trades all TSP participants are getting the shaft and many have locked in losses at the worst possible time by moving into the G fund very late in this crash. Many have lost upward of 50% of their retirement holdings. The frequent traders of the TSP community have lost considerably less then the average TSP participants because they continue to trade with in the trading parameters set up by the TSP board. Those that lost money in this bear market will have to wait years to salvage a small portion of their funds. The new trading limits IMPOSED and set up by the TSP board makes it almost impossible to buy low and sell the rally’s, yet that is the only way you can hope to make up your losses in a bear market. The TSP board not only screwed the frequent traders but the rest of the TSP participants as well, with their knee jerk response to the frequent traders and by imposing trading limits across the board. I think there should be a congressional investigation into the TSP board’s decision to limit trades based on the timing of the boards’ actions and the market crash. I bet my TSP account that TSP board members have not imposed trading limits on their accounts. TSP BOARD SHAME ON YOU