KevinD's Account Talk

I don't think I'm doing this right. :( TSP is hard... :sick:

100 G :rolleyes:

Alot of all-or-nothing mentality on the boards.
Frankly, IMO, hedging your bets by spreading risk across several funds while holding some in G allows you the chance to lump-sum DCA to the best chance performer if things go bad, then make a marked turnaround.
I think it actually helps with anxiety, especially with today's instant media and knee-jerk market behavior
Alot of all-or-nothing mentality on the boards.
Frankly, IMO, hedging your bets by spreading risk across several funds while holding some in G allows you the chance to lump-sum DCA to the best chance performer if things go bad, then make a marked turnaround.
I think it actually helps with anxiety, especially with today's instant media and knee-jerk market behavior

You can do this and it is actually what I'm thinking about doing soon if not starting today. Example being.

I still have both of my ift's for this month. We are getting late into the month now. With the markets dropping now might be a good time to dca maybe 25%. Wait and see what happens another couple of day's out and then dca another 25%. Wait another couple of day's then we are in the august month with a fresh new 2 ift's.

Anyway this is what I'm thinking. If the market's go up with me being only in say 25 or 50% then I can make the decision to either grab the money and run or add more to the kitty.

The thing that scares me about this also is what if we take a 2000 point hit in the djia. The economy is **** poor about now. :sick:
Alot of all-or-nothing mentality on the boards.
Frankly, IMO, hedging your bets by spreading risk across several funds while holding some in G allows you the chance to lump-sum DCA to the best chance performer if things go bad, then make a marked turnaround.
I think it actually helps with anxiety, especially with today's instant media and knee-jerk market behavior

crws, good point! Before the IFT limitations you could actually DCA in or out of the market. Even the pros have a tough time hitting tops and bottoms!
With only 2 IFTs you don't want to waste them. Tempts us to go all in or all out. ie this month I went 50% in early (IFT # 1) and balance in mid month (IFT #2) and then back to the lily pad. Now stuck for the rest of the month. Gut feeling is last 2-3 trading days of the month will be very profitable and I'm out of luck. I guess my point is that the IFT limitations create more risk not less.:(
A "trending" market this ain't.

Oh but it is...down. :embarrest: Lower highs are lower highs any way you look at it.

I'm currently 100% L2020 which is actually 35G, 7.5F, 30.5C, 10S and 17I.

Maybe I'll go change my IFT to 50G and 50 L2020 in order to reduce risk. I have a few minutes to decide. :rolleyes:
Oh but it is...down. :embarrest: Lower highs are lower highs any way you look at it.

I'm currently 100% L2020 which is actually 35G, 7.5F, 30.5C, 10S and 17I.

Maybe I'll go change my IFT to 50G and 50 L2020 in order to reduce risk. I have a few minutes to decide. :rolleyes:

Depends on what timeframe of reference one uses, but it's a good point.
Happy B-Day Kevin!
They gave you the day off with the little-known TACS option- Birthday pay, right? :D
Well, you deserve it anyway, have a good one.
Hoping for a little relief rally to fill some gaps that Tom and JTH were talking about.

40F, 20 each in C, S and I.

Good luck everybody. :)
Hey KD,

Keep your bright's on. I am catching up to you fast and I don't want you to run me over. Just swerve around me OK?
I guess I've had too many beers. :nuts:

I started a user group for TSPtalk board members who have a negative return on the tracker. I'm calling it the Root Cellar. The purpose is to try and help each other get back in to positive territory.

I sent out several invites to people who are active on the message board. If you have a negative return on the tracker and didn't get an invite and you want to participate you can send me a PM but heres no guarantee you'll get an invite. :rolleyes:

I'm really tired of being in the bottom 100 and need some help to get back up the tracker. I hope we can help each other out with our IFT's and get back into the green. :o
I guess I've had too many beers. :nuts:

I started a user group for TSPtalk board members who have a negative return on the tracker. I'm calling it the Root Cellar. The purpose is to try and help each other get back in to positive territory.

I sent out several invites to people who are active on the message board. If you have a negative return on the tracker and didn't get an invite and you want to participate you can send me a PM but heres no guarantee you'll get an invite. :rolleyes:

I'm really tired of being in the bottom 100 and need some help to get back up the tracker. I hope we can help each other out with our IFT's and get back into the green. :o

gotta hedge your bets, man.
All or nothing leaves you with just that... All or nothing...
If you have all day to plan your moves, that's one thing, but if you're a workin' stiff there's alot to life besides watching the market, especially this friggin' calliope.
I personally don't mind doing almost 3x better than the G Fund, while not worrying as much to what extent I'm gaining or losing while the slow grind of economic recovery progresses.
Seems like the board's drifted to the 1 or 2 best days ST philosophy instead of MT.
A solid turnaround will be more than a 2 day rally....
(Watch in HD)