Yesterdays $.02 per share increase in C wasn't enough to to give a .01% increase in my allocation C versus the normal G daily increase. My TSP account lists me at 98.00%G and and 2.00%C so I am going to have to stand pat for Monday unless it looks like a big down day and then I will put in an IFT for a rebalance to the values above.
So 1%(C) with a 0.0257 tsp cent gain wasn't enough to add a .01% gain
to the (C) Fund. I'm glad you mentioned that because it reminds me that
the percentages allocated are considered "overall" percentages. In other
words, the (G) Fund gain percentage of .01% offset the (C) Fund. So the
starting level of 1% being allocated in the (C) Fund alone would require a
.00785% gain (or greater) on Tuesdays thru Fridays. Because of the larger
(G) gain on Mondays, a .022782% gain (or greater) would be required.
So, by allocating 2% in any given fund would cut the requirement in half.
Further, you
CAN'T change the requirements by simply adding 1% to any
other fund. ie.... (96-1-1-1-1). If your looking for the ability to bump up
any of the 1% allocated funds, what ever fund beats the requirements
would be eligable for a <1%IFT bump up on the next day. But you must
realize that any fund that was subject to loses would be required to be
changed as well. Either rounded up to its original % or lowered. This will
also play a part in your decision making when comparing your results in
each of your individual funds.
For me, I eliminate the (F) Fund all together when I reach my desired
<1%IFT levels (as seen in the autotracker). This may or may not be a
mistake, but it complicates the whole situation. I also make it easy on
myself by figuring out my comfort level concerning risk and dividing that
amount by three. ie..... Risk Tolerance = $12000.00 / 3 = $4000.00
So, If my current balance was $100,000 my starting level goal would be
a modifiable 88%(G) 0%(F) 4%(C) 4%(S) 4%(I) and subject to change
based on unforseen circumstances (either up or down).
There was so much good information included in this post, I'm gonna copy
it to my thread as well. Like I said at the start, I'm glad you mentioned
the lack of % change within your account. It might help some of our friends
out in their investigative efforts concerning the potential <1%IFT benefits.