Amazing C Fund $9.80.:blink: Who would have predicted that a year ago? I am still 80G/10C/10S. The S&P hit my 860 today but I didn't pull the trigger. I may regret it tomorrow but I decided to wait one more day. If the market is down in the morning I may buy in as long as it doesn't crush 840. I sold at 954 so even if the market goes up a couple percent after 1200 tomorrow I should be in pretty good shape if we stay in the trading channel. I will probably be out Friday or Monday depending on what happens if I go in. The down side is that 750-800 is as easily attainable if 840 doesn't hold. I am continuing to DCA my contributions in at these low prices. One IFT left this month and I want to make the most of it. I will be making my decision around 1100ET tomorrow. My two cents or .002 shares of C. :nuts: Good luck to everyone!!