James48843 Account Talk

That particular episode remains in the back of mind even today after all those decades.

Lieden is stating food shortages are coming and soylent green is around the corner

  • A Swedish scientist is now promoting the “food of the future” … and it’s dead humans. And yes, just as you suspected, eating dead humans is being pushed in the name of stopping “climate change.” As Paul Joseph Watson reports, “He told the host of the show that one of the biggest obstacles to the proposal would be the taboo nature of corpses and the fact that many would see it as defiling the deceased.”
  • Newsweek magazine is also pushing cannibalism as the next step for “progress” on Earth. As reported by Natural News: “Citing a paper published by psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie from the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom, Newsweek makes the proposition that cannibalism might not be all that bad after all because some cultures throughout the world have been doing it since the beginning of time.”
Lieden is stating food shortages are coming and soylent green is around the corner

  • A Swedish scientist is now promoting the “food of the future” … and it’s dead humans. And yes, just as you suspected, eating dead humans is being pushed in the name of stopping “climate change.” As Paul Joseph Watson reports, “He told the host of the show that one of the biggest obstacles to the proposal would be the taboo nature of corpses and the fact that many would see it as defiling the deceased.”
  • Newsweek magazine is also pushing cannibalism as the next step for “progress” on Earth. As reported by Natural News: “Citing a paper published by psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie from the University of Lancaster in the United Kingdom, Newsweek makes the proposition that cannibalism might not be all that bad after all because some cultures throughout the world have been doing it since the beginning of time.”

Tastes like chicken?

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Yes,. it's showing 65/35 C/S as of COB day before yesterday.

Now I gotta think about whether to SELL today, and take the gain, or to wait one more day.


(Remember- pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. I really don't want to get slaughtered, but it looks So temping to stay one more day. )
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Yes Sir. I just tried again, and it's not showing for me (see below) . Are you "Premium Member"?? Maybe thats why?? I have no idea. Sorry ..... :dunno:


I’m gonna wait another day. This bounce is powerful enough I think it will continue, to a lesser degree, on Monday.

So I’m riding the bull another day.



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Looking at the P&F chart, I’m seeing the S fund can likely go about 30 points higher between now and Tuesday, before running out of steam. I’m thinking 1710 to 1725 or so.

I’ll likely sell on Monday.



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Ah yes, I am a premium member.

I kind of figured everybody was. It’s very much worth the investment to me- I am not really replicating any of the premium services, but I do use Tom’s system as an important milestone indicator to watch. I’ve got about five things every day they go into my decision making, and premium TSPTALK is one of the best ones I’ve found for understanding sentiment.

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Ok- I’m going to hang out in stocks over the weekend, and then jump back to:

G= 90%
L Income = 05%
L 2025 = 05%

Prior to noon Monday- to be Effective COB on Monday. In and back out in just 3 trading days total. Back to safety, and a positive 3.5-4% for the month. I’m ok with that.

Good luck.
Then I’m locked in until after the TSP comes back in it’s new form in June.
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ok- what I am seeing is that the market is ready to fall a little bit more. I see the highest downside risk on the S fund takes it down to 1575 or so. IF it goes down that far. I really think it may not go down that far in this next cycle down.

The good news is that there is what appears to be a good, solid floor building around here. Last week's tweek up showed some investors on the sidelines willing to jump back in. I'm thinking it MAY go down to 1570, and then that MAY be the end of it for a while.

Because the IFT dead period ahead, I won't be able to make any more moves until June, but I am pretty much ok with that. I need to sit out of r abit and watch whether a good solid base forms here.

Good luck.
Alright TSP- Let's see what the new company you hired has built for a website, and a new window. I'm ready to start learning.

Lets GO!!!

Well, pretty wide variety if significant problems right off the bat.

The good news appears to be, when WE post the problems we are running into, with specificity, someone is actually fixing the issue! That’s good news.

I’ve had at least six or seven issues processing transfers , and partial withdrawal- and each problem I have documented here on TSPTALK has been repaired within 2 days. Damn good news.,

I’m still waiting for my partial withdrawal to reach my bank account. It now shows it has been cashed out of TSP and I hope it arrives in my bank electronically on Monday or Tuesday next week.

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For future reference:

The Thrift Board's "Office of External Affairs" head , Her name is "Kim Weaver", qand she has the following contact information:

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board,
Office of General Counsel,
77 K Street NE, Suite 1000,
Washington, DC 20002,
(202) 942-1600.

Then you have to enter the last name, and the # sign.

Her last name is WEAVER.

That gets you to her voice mail.

All other phone numbers for her appear to be sent to a mailbox that has not been set up. (202)942-1602 is not set up to hold voice mail, but is the contact number listed on federal register notices.

Just thought I would make note of the phone number to try and reach an actual human at the FRTIB.

I just received a SURVEY in my email asking how satisfied I am with the new TSP website.

I told them exactly what I thought of it.

Now I feel better.


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NASA, I would love to take that survey and ditto your responses. It tells me my email address is already in use and requires me to call in. Wait time is over 1.5 hours. I will try later....ugghhh... :(