James48843 Account Talk

And don’t forget the hospital is being run by the military. My point is that all official information is “washed” before we get it. Truth is probably somewhere between the official numbers and way under the social media scare posts but that’s still a huge window.
The attached image was from 4 days ago. So far the spread is tracking the projection perfectly, with the latest numbers from about 12 hours ago being over 6,000 cases and 132 dead.
By this Sunday the numbers could really be getting scary if it keeps up.

I heard that China had the gnome on this bug about two weeks into the outbreak. Interesting. Australia has already isolated the virus and is working on how to get rid of it and a Boston firm is starting to produce an antivirus shot for this. The news report said it was already tested on animals. More interesting.

Now just to find out how much of this is true and not just some conspiracy theory
I just did a wild guess WAG on the math.

At the current rate of growth, the current 5,000+ confirmed sick is expanding- DOUBLING every two days (for the last 8 days).

At this rate, it will be more than 100,000 in just 9 days from now. And a million a week later. And at the moment the bulk of those Ill are in the most populous nation on earth.

Do you remember the 1971 movie “The Andromeda Strain”?


Go find it and watch it. Today.

The clock is ticking.

I’m moving to G.

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It's unfortunately panic not substantiated by evidence. It's much less deadly than the flu and most people will just get sick from it. I predict even as it spreads as they see and realize how low percentage of deaths is, and it really is a lower percentage than the flu, and things will settle down.

It's unfortunately panic not substantiated by evidence. It's much less deadly than the flu and most people will just get sick from it. I predict even as it spreads as they see and realize how low percentage of deaths is, and it really is a lower percentage than the flu, and things will settle down.


Yep, agree 100%. Over 8,200 deaths in the U.S. from the flu so far this year, and yet it gets very little media attention since people are used to hearing about it I guess. I had a horrible flu 2 years ago, so bad I thought it might be the end of me one horrible night. At this point I'm much more concerned about the flu than coronavirus.

In the people who got the flu shot? In others? Does the shot make you contagious to others? :worried:
Absolutely not, it is NOT a live virus shot, you CANNOT get the Flu from it, you only catch the flu from being near someone with the active Flu!
Sometimes people have inflammatory reactions to the shot and will get mildly sick, but it is not the flu!
That is why if you read the articles already shared only about 60% of Americans get immunized, we would have a lot less deaths from the Flu if more people got immunized.
This is a terrible misconception that is all over the internet, unfortunately.
I'm an RN and my wife and kids and I get it every year, and I recommend it to everyone, we've never had a problem. I have not had the flu since before I was a nurse when I did not get the shot, and I used to get the flu almost every year as a kid and older teen.

(Sorry to hijack your thread away from the market James, but it is related to the market with the Cornavirus :sick:)
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You are more than welcome to hijack my thread an time. the more the merrier.

To all those people who run around claiming to get sick from a vaccine, I just tell them they got sick because they came in contact with someone or something contaminated-
like the doorknob AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE!

i try and get my flu shot at the VA during a drop in visit to a Nurse. So much easier that way.

Not to sideline this thread but I have to comment here. Think stats...millions come down with flu each season...which we are a few months into the season. 8200 represents a very small percentage of cases for this length of time and the majority of those that die from flu often have otherwise weakened immune systems. There are was too many unanswered questions about the corona virus for me to feel any comfort with a comparison to any other virus. Prime example is this....what are the health status of those who ended up dying? Any update on those in the us that have been diagnosed. I just spent over an hour looking for these two answers and can’t say I read anything other than rumor...in both fear and reassurance directions.
Well, it looks like we are pretty close to on-track for that excel spreadsheet. Not a good thing, but it is data.

CHINA- Coronaviris - bad omen #1.

I know we hit inverse bond interest INVERTED YIELD CURVE yesterday.

Bad omen number #2.

We had a six event HINDENBURG OMEN and a TITANIC SYNDROME back in November 14-19, 2019.
Bad Omen #3.

Another HINDENBURG OMEN hit Monday this week.
Bad Omen #4.




That’s it- I’m out of stocks and into safety.

I’m sitting now in “G” and crossing my fingers.

Good luck!

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4 Bad Omens, Hmmmmmm. That means the market is going to climb the wall of worry and go up, right? :1244:
For what it's worth- I just looked at the $S&P500 , and the $EMW charts over on Stockcharts.com, in gallery view, and both seem to be telling me we are still just in the MIDDLE of a leg up, NOT at the end of a leg up. Both seem to be saying we have another 1-2% more to go higher at least.

It's not anything I can easily describe on here- it just "is". I'm going to trust that.

So I am staying in a little longer.

Have a great day!
Are you talking about the Point and Figure Chart's possible high of 1625? It looks like there was some kind of error or flash (up)crash in $EMW in late September 2018 and that is affecting the P&F chart.

Divergence in the daily Price Oscillator in $EMW. Same with $COMPQ and $SPX.
Are you talking about the Point and Figure Chart's possible high of 1625? It looks like there was some kind of error or flash (up)crash in $EMW in late September 2018 and that is affecting the P&F chart.

Divergence in the daily Price Oscillator in $EMW. Same with $COMPQ and $SPX.

1. Yes, that was an error at the 1625 back months ago. I saw it when it happened one afternoon- they never fixed it. No big deal

2. Yes, I'm seeing the oscillator showing onlyl a partial upward cycle. That tells me at LEAST one more full day, and likely TWO full days, before we peak out. I am going to assume at least one more and look again tomorrow, when, I think, it has about a 75% chance or more of being higher than today.

Here are the two charts I just saw, and I marked in GREEN the areas that interested me.

and C Fund:
Unless the Chinese aren't reporting accurately, the estimates have been grossly exaggerated, but of course nobody knew for sure. The chart had the deaths near 36K by today. I'm glad it was off, but I hope it really is off and not being covered up.

The attached image was from 4 days ago. So far the spread is tracking the projection perfectly, with the latest numbers from about 12 hours ago being over 6,000 cases and 132 dead.
By this Sunday the numbers could really be getting scary if it keeps up.

View attachment 45321
Unless the Chinese aren't reporting accurately, the estimates have been grossly exaggerated, but of course nobody knew for sure. The chart had the deaths near 36K by today. I'm glad it was off, but I hope it really is off and not being covered up.

I would have guessed that the Chinese were not being honest except for one small detail-

That is the OUTSIDE CHINA death toll has only been one.

That tells me that although it's growing, it isn't as deadly as first indications had it. PLUS now China is saying today's deaths are fewer than yesterday's deaths.

It is definitely something to watch over the next few days and weeks.

Here is today's WHO release of information, published about 15 minutes ago:
