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So what you are saying is that you withdrew prematurely???...
June has been very very good to me, considering I spent most of the month in safety. autotracker is showing that I've gained 2.99% with one day to go this month, and today is up. That's a nice thing.
So I am going to be bold again, and just entered an IFT to move to 90% "S" and 10% "I", effective the COB on Monday. That will be the 1st of the next month, so I am hoping we get a good July out of the deal. Wish me luck.
How does L-Income work for you as a safe haven?
On the other hand, there is a small amount of "C", and a tiny amount of "S" and "I" in there- so on the off chance that I am wrong, and the markets go higher, I STILL have a positive outcome.
Buckle up: Repo Meltdown Shows Budget Deficit Has Limits
The repo market madness lives on for a ninth day.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced Wednesday that it would increase the size of its next overnight system repurchase agreement operation to a $100 billion maximum, from $75 billion previously, and also raise the limit on its 14-day term repo operation to $60 billion from $30 billion. Simply put, the bank wants to flood the funding market with enough cash to soak up all the securities that dealers submit 1 and leave no doubt that the critical financial-system plumbing is in fine working order ahead of the end of the quarter.
By now, just about everyone has heard the explanations for this persistent liquidity squeeze, which has lasted long enough to refute the earlier notion that it was merely a one-day confluence of unfortunate events. To some, the main structural issue is that banking regulations are disrupting the financial system’s inner workings. Others say the Fed has simply found the lower bound for reserves necessary to control short-term rates and can move forward accordingly.
In addition to those two assessments, I’d offer another angle that’s largely flown under the radar: The chaos in repo markets was a long time coming given the widening U.S. budget deficits and the lenders that are financing that shortfall.
Something similar is coming home with China's bond markets...See attached. This is on Yahoo this morning so it is hitting "mainstream" news instead of the dedicated financial sources. In many ways that worries me more that the information in the article. As my grandfather always said (he was a newspaper reporter) "Always look behind the headlines, skip the front page, always look under the fold, and then ask yourself what else is known but didn't get written"