Well-known member
The article that was posted made some interresting points except we are not going to lose the war. Winning or losing is how you define win. If it was ti get mrid of Saddam? we have won. If it was ot convert Iraq into Christians, not going to happen. .
Vic -Hopefully I did not word the post in such a way anyone would construe I think we are, or will, lose this war. As for conversions, this is happening - even tho the media is reporting the exact opposite. Morocco, Sudan fact, any of the countries you read that are having additional vicious onslaughts against Christians, have increased their activity for one reason - their people are discovering the way of persecution Against them, the natives, by their very own leaders, is not the way of the Christian world. Example, 14 new churches have opened in Baghdad alone since the beginning of the war, business are being run without threat from hoodlums. Our troops over there Are doing their job, not to open churches, but to set the people free to do their own thing, whatever it may be. We all need to visit other News sites besides the mainline media. Also, a great deal of what I have mentioned is also found in Joel Rosenberg's book, EPICENTER., c2006. Previous administrations, as you noted, brought us to this point; we are now over there full force, and we are dealing with the knowledge Iran is now able to pop off a bomb where ever it chooses -America first to disable us, then eliminate Israel, a land barely the size of our smallest states!! Why anyone would elect those same guys again is beyond me. Knowing where my trust is does not rule out intense concern.