
The article that was posted made some interresting points except we are not going to lose the war. Winning or losing is how you define win. If it was ti get mrid of Saddam? we have won. If it was ot convert Iraq into Christians, not going to happen. .

Vic -Hopefully I did not word the post in such a way anyone would construe I think we are, or will, lose this war. As for conversions, this is happening - even tho the media is reporting the exact opposite. Morocco, Sudan fact, any of the countries you read that are having additional vicious onslaughts against Christians, have increased their activity for one reason - their people are discovering the way of persecution Against them, the natives, by their very own leaders, is not the way of the Christian world. Example, 14 new churches have opened in Baghdad alone since the beginning of the war, business are being run without threat from hoodlums. Our troops over there Are doing their job, not to open churches, but to set the people free to do their own thing, whatever it may be. We all need to visit other News sites besides the mainline media. Also, a great deal of what I have mentioned is also found in Joel Rosenberg's book, EPICENTER., c2006. Previous administrations, as you noted, brought us to this point; we are now over there full force, and we are dealing with the knowledge Iran is now able to pop off a bomb where ever it chooses -America first to disable us, then eliminate Israel, a land barely the size of our smallest states!! Why anyone would elect those same guys again is beyond me. Knowing where my trust is does not rule out intense concern.
I was just stating my opinion. Robo had posted an article by Martin D Weiss, we are going to lose the war in Iraq. I agree with you grandma that we are doing a lot od good things in Iraq that go unreported. the Iraqs are scarificing a lot for their freedom. They are dying daily and they continue to
over come and win. Remember they were dying before with Saddam, dying is a way of life at least they have hope that they will have some freedom. The insurgents want ot go back to an Iraq that was the same as before, only with out Saddam. The culture has to be changed and this will take a while.
The main stream media does not report ever any thing good from Iraq. I agrre with we should be voting most of these people out, we never do. Kerry and Kennedy can run for ever in Mass. and be reelected, why? What has he ever done? What good legeslation has he ever pushed thru congress? Out side of being a Kennedy, what has he done. Kerry, we could talk forever on his agenda, and he damn near became president. This country is in trouble because we can not get honest people to remain honest AFTER WE ELECT THEM. Again this is just my honest opinion. I do not see us leaving Iraq any time soon, and if we leave before the Iraqs are ready to control their destiny. we will be back there. It is in our national interrest to be there.
I’m in London, in transit for our return flight to Florida, and I have a brief, but painful, message for you this morning:

Every single newspaper on this side of the Atlantic is headlining the deepening chaos in Iraq.

Robo - the European countries have no interest in unbiased news - Russia is working on getting the USSR countries back besides moving on southward, and has convinced them that the Europeans have a vested interest in seeing to it.

Even should those newspapers be the only ones available, they would be worthless.
Please, everyone, read EPICENTER - non-fiction -(a very easy to read print) then make your own informed decision on just where the truth lies.
The last democrat with a backbone was Harry S. Truman. Dropped the big one and then dropped it again. After the second one they said 'No Mas'. If we had done tha same in North Korea, we would not have the problems with them. If we had done that to Iran when they overran our embassy and took hostages, we would not have the problems there today. If the world knew we can not and will not be pushed by third world countries that are going to impose their doctrine on us we would not be in the trouble we are in today.
The world is constandly changing, our friends yesterday are not our friends today. China is quickly becoming a more capitalistic country. India's ecconomy is growing as are other european countries. This is not your fathers world any longer and it changes quickly. If we had fought differently back when, we may not be fighting today. IMHO
If we must sacrifice soldiers' lives then it should at least be on a 500 dead enemy to one american. That's the price that should be paid by both Shiite and Sunni.
IMHO 1000 Shiiite and Sunni could never equal the courage of one American service man/woman. They do not need to be dying if they were allowed to fight the war properly. The Iraqes would not be dying like they are by cowards who have been brainwashed by a religion, that has been highjacked by a few militants for their own agenda. We as Americans do not understand completely, but we are being forced by circumstances beyond our control. Just pray that these human bombs stay over there and not cross the big pond. Look at Europe. We are not immune, we are the target. They have been baiting us into war for a long time. We need to repond with more force then they have ever seen. Unfortunately that is the only way they will understand. We are more concerned about gay marriages, stem cell reserch and if we want to imbeach the president because he listen to phone convversation from people that are trying to kill us. This president has two degrees from Yale and Harvard and they love to call him stupid. I do not get it. I think the media hate G.W. more then they hated Nixon and they{media} are going to do every thing they can to drive him out of office. G.W. is not the best president we have had, I would rather have him then Gore or Kerry.Maybe McCain can step up to the plate. God knows the democrates have no one. Only time will tell.
I just finished reading Hubris by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. As we now know, Iraq had no WMD. However, the administration knew there were no WMD before we went to war. The allegation that Iraq was seeking yellow cake in Nigeria, that their aluminum tubes were for centrifuges, and that they had mobile bio weapon labs were all proven false before the war. In addition, the administration knew, before the war, that Iraq was not involved in 9/11.

The CIA strongly suspects that the Iraq National Congress’ (INC) intelligence director, Aras Habib, was an Iranian agent. The INC is run by the administration’s favorite Iraqi, Ahmad Chalabi. Ironically, the CIA now suspects that Iran suckered us into defeating their old enemy Saddam Hussein. In fact, who had the most to gain from us attacking Iraq? Iran.

Finally, who was the neocon prime mover behind the war? Harvard professor Laurie Mylroie. Yeah, I never heard of her either. But apparently, Cheney and Wolfowitz thought a lot of her.

I hope Bush 41's guys, Baker and Gates, can get this back on track.
I just finished reading Hubris by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. As we now know, Iraq had no WMD. However, the administration knew there were no WMD before we went to war. The allegation that Iraq was seeking yellow cake in Nigeria, that their aluminum tubes were for centrifuges, and that they had mobile bio weapon labs were all proven false before the war. In addition, the administration knew, before the war, that Iraq was not involved in 9/11.

The CIA strongly suspects that the Iraq National Congress’ (INC) intelligence director, Aras Habib, was an Iranian agent. The INC is run by the administration’s favorite Iraqi, Ahmad Chalabi. Ironically, the CIA now suspects that Iran suckered us into defeating their old enemy Saddam Hussein. In fact, who had the most to gain from us attacking Iraq? Iran.

Finally, who was the neocon prime mover behind the war? Harvard professor Laurie Mylroie. Yeah, I never heard of her either. But apparently, Cheney and Wolfowitz thought a lot of her.

I hope Bush 41's guys, Baker and Gates, can get this back on track.

Not to mention, haven't Colin Powell, and W himself, gone on record saying their 'intelligence' re: Iraq was incorrect after all?

Now we have kids over there dying, while their commander in chief is saying, 'oops I did it again.' :mad:
I just finished reading Hubris by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. .... Ironically, the CIA now suspects that Iran suckered us into defeating their old enemy Saddam Hussein..

Now that you have read HUBRIS, I'd like to ask you to take another 2-3 hours & read EPICENTER. :)
Rosenberg documents statements from these leaders that show how they Are working together & their goals ...statements that the newscaster/printers buried where not really noticible, or with sarcastic/denigrating comments.
From World Magazine 11/28/06 issue:

...I'd like to ask you to take another 2-3 hours & read EPICENTER. :) Rosenberg documents statements from these leaders that show how they Are working together & their goals ...statements that the newscaster/printers buried where not really noticible, or with sarcastic/denigrating comments.

Sorry. It appears the book is based, at least in part, on the biblical prophecy of end days. I don’t like to mix prophecy and politics.
Sorry. It appears the book is based, at least in part, on the biblical prophecy of end days. I don’t like to mix prophecy and politics.

You have it backwards. The book is based on exclusive interviews w/top political, military, intelligence, business, and, religious leaders in Iran, Iraq And Russia, also Israel. The book shows now declassified documents from the CIA, the Pentagon, and the White House. He talks of the oil reserves, much more abundant than ever before thought, recently found in Israel, of the oil companies that are taking notice & having profitable drillings. Mr Rosenberg uses the Old Testament to show where the different peoples in Europe originated, settled & moved on. Mitrofanov of Russia, Nitanyahu of Israel, Gen Sada of Iraq, Gen. Youssef of PA, Cap Weinberger, besides others from Russia, Morocco, Jordan, did not seem to mind talking with Mr. Rosenberg in preparation for this book.
You cannot separate these people from their history. Their history is their politics and for many, their religion, and that is what is/was/will rule their world.
Mr Rosenberg pulls no punches as to his belief; whether you agree or not is your responsibility. But I believe you are missing some eye openers as to the events in the middle east, considering much of it has been eliminated from reporting by our local newscasters and newspapers.
In the News

Dubya, piles up strategy session. Plans to unveil a new strategggy!....:confused:

Iraq Coalition Casualty Count

Iraq death toll 'soared post-war'. Iraqis are now 58 times more likely to die a violent death, [Lancet]. Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists claim.

Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000
Bulltinky - those dead are not Iraqi - but jihads from Syria, Iran, Algeria, Indonesia, and every other damn place. Too bad we can't kill another 500,000 of the Shiite militia and Sunni insurgency combined. Let the Kurds run the silly country.
Re: Market Talk / Dec. 24 - 30

Judge: Saddam to be executed by Saturday


Yep, he probably derseves it, but the kid in our town who died this week in Iraq won't be able to share Christmas anymore with his family. His family doesn't deserve it. The family learned about it the day before Christmas. Small town America lost another one. And this week, it's a kid in the next town over, and two more Michigan National Guardsmen that got killed.

I pray it ends soon. Please, God, let it end soon.
Re: Market Talk / Dec. 24 - 30


Yep, he probably derseves it, but the kid in our town who died this week in Iraq won't be able to share Christmas anymore with his family. His family doesn't deserve it. The family learned about it the day before Christmas. Small town America lost another one. And this week, it's a kid in the next town over, and two more Michigan National Guardsmen that got killed.

I pray it ends soon. Please, God, let it end soon.

Re: Market Talk / Dec. 24 - 30

I'm sorry but the reality is still only 3,000 and not over 50,000. That's a heck of a difference. We'll send 30,000 more troops to clean out Sadar City and clean out Anbar Province as well. This should have been done two years ago. We'll seal the borders and allow the population to have some peace. And if it moves after 2200 hours kill it. It's time to take off the white hats and get down to serious business.