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I'm sorry but the reality is still only 3,000 and not over 50,000. That's a heck of a difference. We'll send 30,000 more troops to clean out Sadar City and clean out Anbar Province as well. This should have been done two years ago. We'll seal the borders and allow the population to have some peace. And if it moves after 2200 hours kill it. It's time to take off the white hats and get down to serious business.
To think that we can negotiate or appease this dangerous enemy is to misunderstand the culture and the theology that is driving this conflict. As a nation we are still approaching this with a Cold War mentality and seem to believe that our good intentions and noble action can win "hearts and minds". I am afraid this will be our undoing.
We only have to hear the words of their own leaders to understand that the intention is for global domination, and the crushing of western civilization.
We as a nation have not yet come to terms with the scope of what we are faced with. Half measures and political timidity will only embolden those who already suppose we do not have the resolve to step up to this task.
We cannot just "get out", as this conflict has already come to our shores (Trade Center #1). We did not recognize the danger then, and I fear we still refuse to accept what is daily becoming more apparent.
While we may disagree on the particular strategies, we must come to consensus that this issue must be addressed. And this time, diplomacy is not the answer, unless we are willing to negotiate away western civilization.
But, there are many good opinions regarding this issue, and some strong arguments that are contrary to those opinions expressed above.
Let us continue to pray for peace.
There is only one I can say "Saddam is dead, may the Christan's prevail"To think that we can negotiate or appease this dangerous enemy is to misunderstand the culture and the theology that is driving this conflict. As a nation we are still approaching this with a Cold War mentality and seem to believe that our good intentions and noble action can win "hearts and minds". I am afraid this will be our undoing.
We only have to hear the words of their own leaders to understand that the intention is for global domination, and the crushing of western civilization.
We as a nation have not yet come to terms with the scope of what we are faced with. Half measures and political timidity will only embolden those who already suppose we do not have the resolve to step up to this task.
We cannot just "get out", as this conflict has already come to our shores (Trade Center #1). We did not recognize the danger then, and I fear we still refuse to accept what is daily becoming more apparent.
While we may disagree on the particular strategies, we must come to consensus that this issue must be addressed. And this time, diplomacy is not the answer, unless we are willing to negotiate away western civilization.
But, there are many good opinions regarding this issue, and some strong arguments that are contrary to those opinions expressed above.
Let us continue to pray for peace.
To think that we can negotiate or appease this dangerous enemy is to misunderstand the culture and the theology that is driving this conflict. As a nation we are still approaching this with a Cold War mentality and seem to believe that our good intentions and noble action can win "hearts and minds". I am afraid this will be our undoing.
I hate to point this out, but Iraq didn't conduct the World Trade Center attack. Osama did. And our resources are now stuck in Iraq rather that going after "the real killers", as OJ would say.We cannot just "get out", as this conflict has already come to our shores (Trade Center #1). We did not recognize the danger then, and I fear we still refuse to accept what is daily becoming more apparent.
While we may disagree on the particular strategies, we must come to consensus that this issue must be addressed. And this time, diplomacy is not the answer, unless we are willing to negotiate away western civilization.
But, there are many good opinions regarding this issue, and some strong arguments that are contrary to those opinions expressed above.
Let us continue to pray for peace.
Very wise of them - less time to organize an escape, a bribe, or a martyr's death by bombing him.Didnt take em long to hang Sadam once the sentence was handed down, did it?
GREAT WORDS, THEY NEED TO PAY FOR THEIR ACTIONS!I remember months before September 11th I would be driving to work. My drive takes me past Pearl Harbor (Kam Hwy).One day (I believe it was April or May 2001) I saw an aircraft carrier -the USS John Stennis (brand new)-in port.
The John Stennis's dock is across the the USS Arizona Memorial reception center and not far from the Kam Hwy which I was taking. They had some huge stage being erected on the carriers deck and as it turned this was was for the movie premier ceremony for 'Pearl Harbor' (Starring Ben Affleck....). As the days went by the stage got bigger and more elaborate. They had more news about the movie premier on TV. There were interviews with locals, Navy PR types, Pearl Harbor vets, movie actors etc about how we should be prepared and never let another Pearl Harbor happen again yada yada yada blah blah blah. I personally though it was all a waste of money and resources. But I guess it was great public relations for Hawaii, the Navy, Pearl Harbor etc etc.
As the summer progressed before 9/11 you probably all have forgotten by now what the great national security problem that was being debated. More then enough video tape
was used on it.
Anyone remember?
Why it was the great 'Black Beret' debate.
Should the US Rangers give up their beloved black beret so the regular army types could get it. That move was designed to increase espirt in the regular US Army. I remember some pair of US Rangers were going do some protest march to show their displeasure on trading in their black beret for a tan one.
Now I'm not going to get political here saying who should have done what to whom and when back before 9/11-But what I related to you above are 2 vignettes I remember from my country running through my mind after an old girlfriend called me early 9/11 morning to tell me somebody had crashed a jet airliner into the World Trade Center and I better go turn on the TV etc etc etc.
I thought then as I watched that horror all unfold on 9/11 that all victories and all defeats are TEAM EFFORTS.
And I thought of the movie preimier on the USS John Stennis deck and all those words....("We should always be prepared blah blah blah) and the important Black Beret debate.
A lot of people will go on about who was responsible for 9/11. I have felt then as I feel now more then a few people-past and present -political (both parties) and military and media-had their collective heads in a very dark place.
Damn them and damn Osama Bin Laden to hell.