Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

JTH was saying he thinks the VIX is going to have to reach the 18.3 area to rein in the bull.

It came damn close to that this afternoon. BDI and other technicals are protesting against the bull's momentum.

I think sitting on the lily pad is quite comfortable at this juncture.
JTH was saying he thinks the VIX is going to have to reach the 18.3 area to rein in the bull.

It came damn close to that this afternoon. BDI and other technicals are protesting against the bull's momentum.

I think sitting on the lily pad is quite comfortable at this juncture.

We stopped just short today from flipping my switch today, tomorrow's action should tell me if i need to pull the rip cord, or hang in. If you recall, last January I was on top during the upwave. But I stayed in and rode the down wave making it to the bottom of the tracker. It took a bit of time to gain the slots and I never did get back into the top 50 for the year...:cool:
We stopped just short today from flipping my switch today, tomorrow's action should tell me if i need to pull the rip cord, or hang in. If you recall, last January I was on top during the upwave. But I stayed in and rode the down wave making it to the bottom of the tracker. It took a bit of time to gain the slots and I never did get back into the top 50 for the year...:cool:

That 4 letter word again.... POMO
Take a look at the banks- you know the ones that haven't lost a penny in how many trading days?
Up Big.
Bennie has his slight of hand so well rehearsed, you can hardly see the blur of Franklins as they go into GS's coffers.
Today was but a day of reloading opportunity for next week when the pump gets primed starting Thursday with a minumum of 4 - 7's aka 7777.
That's a BEEG WEENER in Reno!
You may note my opinion that Monday's rally was the result of 3 prior days of pent-up cash influx, 15B +/-.
The next load will be nearly double that... ;)
I suspect Intrepid will make his move before the payroll numbers on Friday trying to catch that bounce.

A single payroll number isn't that relevant; birch; there has to be something like 140,000 created jobs to offset the number entering the worker pool to change the unemployment rate; last month's 30,000 doesn't do it. A single 150,000 number doesn't change the 4 week moving average that people look at.

If there were 300,000; or more; that would be something. But I doubt it. Disappointments inside the job report, like where the jobs are being gained/lost, or the weekly claims numbers, all factor into the mix.

We are creating alot of jobs; in China, that is.
Seems possible any jump up may be today with the unexpectedly grand ADP numbers this morning.

Have you noticed these news releases always use the word

Unexpected = (boy are we surprised)

:laugh: Lol, right.

Are the 270,000 service sector jobs - Part Time Christmas Help? ho ho ho

And the other 20,000 gubmint positions! Homeland securtity, TSA mall cops, etc?

Got gotta admit its gettin better, so much better, gettin better all the time. Yawn.
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VIX was dropping sharply, now its leveled off.

But will the UnMighty Dollar hold this market down today? :confused:
You have followers in great number. We heed your beck & call.

Just dont pull none of that pied piper stuff on us okay? :toung:
You changed your avatar I see.

Didya see that Nuutt?

Theres no need to Fear, Underdog is here! :D
Sometimes it's not about always being right, more about not being wrong for an extended period of time. IT has been consistently good at this.
Sometimes it's not about always being right, more about not being wrong for an extended period of time. IT has been consistently good at this.

Thats what most people will expect when they fork over the dough for the signals.

Others may expect more...:toung:

While its on the house , nobody can bitch, no one twisted your arm. :rolleyes:
Thats what most people will expect when they fork over the dough for the signals.

Others may expect more...:toung:

While its on the house , nobody can bitch, no one twisted your arm. :rolleyes:

I suppose you're right, some folks will gripe if he doesn't catch the exact top or bottom. Most seasoned folks know better, newbies don't understand yet, but they will. Some of our members may pay for his service, yet let other outside influences let them deviate from his system. I'll lay odds they will regret doing that.

Some folks may think I'm an A-hole, but hey I finished one year on the tracker in the bottom 10. I know from experience an investors biggest problem is himself, too bad others around here haven't figure that out yet...
You'd be surprised at some of the PM's I get. Or maybe not.........

Most have been positive, but I get some telling me my service isn't worth $20 per month, exclamation mark!! but then proceed to ask me advice about their IRA accounts. I don't mind giving advice, I enjoy helping others, but you'd think they would at least be nice about it.........I gave them the advice anyway...........;)

I'm expecting a love-hate relationship with this. I"m sure at the end of the year there will be more love than hate.

I like JTH's analogy about our returns being like a marathon. I consider the finish line to be the S&P 500 and if you don't cross it, you need to train a little harder for the next race (year). Slow and steady wins marathons. If we can get a couple percent per month, we'll be among the race leaders at the end..............especially when we hit those big dips , or hills in a marathon, and people start falling back....................
I think 2% a month is very optimistic, especially in TSP where there is no shorting. I think we got spoiled with this past big up year. 'No volatility last year' my options broker explained. 2%/month compounded is 26.825% for the year. Remember Madoff lured billions of dollars from many supposedly financially saavy investors and instituitions with a steady, repeated 10% annual return. The analyst that brought Madoff down said he (the analyst) could sell 10% return to investors all day. But I'm hangin with ya, MLK.