Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

Ut oh, I wonder if this will effect the markets tomorrow. The market likes to go against the herd. Of course, this article didn't come out until today:

Interesting that the Baltic Dry Index is down again (-1.2%) with the stock markets up! (Stockcharts charts of daily and weekly $BDI attached, hopefully)

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View attachment 10406

Battle Ground, WA
This data is still from Dec 24th. Can't find an updated price anywhere. Something isn't right................

Lots of euphoria in the air. Hope people aren't getting trapped..........patience is still key here I believe.................
Lots of euphoria in the air. Hope people aren't getting trapped..........patience is still key here I believe.................

Mm - yeah, and I just bailed which puts me back in your system. (I know I cant say stuff like this public for much longer.)

the VIX is spookin me, down over 2%, light volume trading and I expect a whiplash maybe tomorrow. Just hoping the gains hold for the days trade and maybe the high rollers will push it a little more. Gets me close to my Jan. goal and still another IFT to play with later. :D
Yepper, lot of people chasing today. I can see the big boys grinning ear to ear right about now.....................:notrust:

I wonder what the sentiment survey would say today...........99% Bulls to 1% Bears? :blink:
The word I hear is many folks have fund auto contributions set up for IRA purposes, and the first part of the year is the trigger.

Bennie Bear is dumping minimum 25B in over the next 2 weeks, and with every major financial player up multiple %, I'm sure they will suck up every last cent, then get to work at leverage.
Although I'd expect the retirees and those that do large IRA infusions to lean more conservative towards Blue Chips, I could see this fresh money directed at R&D, new technology and mid's looking for capital, hence the 'Daq boost.

It's interesting to note that the dollar fluctuations seem to have less impact on the Nasdaq than the Dow, and I wonder if that is viewed as more stable with the currency war looming in the background...
Yepper, lot of people chasing today. I can see the big boys grinning ear to ear right about now.....................:notrust:

I wonder what the sentiment survey would say today...........99% Bulls to 1% Bears? :blink:

Hmm the current sideways action in stocks seems to be paralleling the UnMighty US $ - so whichever way the buck breaks,, will the Lamb be sure to (not) follow? :laugh:
Bennie Bear is dumping minimum 25B in over the next 2 weeks, and with every major financial player up multiple %, I'm sure they will suck up every last cent, then get to work at leverage.

Bennie Bear LOL :laugh:
This data is still from Dec 24th. Can't find an updated price anywhere. Something isn't right................

Lots of euphoria in the air. Hope people aren't getting trapped..........patience is still key here I believe.................

Bloomberg's $BDI = -1.22%, same as Stockcharts for today. Looks realtime to me, but I don't know how they calculate it....

Assuming you were talking about the $BDI, are you saying these are still based on data from Dec 24th?
Ut oh, I wonder if this will effect the markets tomorrow. The market likes to go against the herd. Of course, this article didn't come out until today:

Much Thanks for this article. It will be very interesting to see what happens "after-the-fact (today) - meaning Tuesday the 4th!...
"The strategy appears to work because of a market quirk. Money tends to go into stocks of the first day of the month [incl. January?] as institutional investors reopen their books for a new reporting period. It's also the day when money tends to go into 401(k) or other retirement accounts.":suspicious:
VR ;)
Yes it is. The BDI's close on Dec 24th was 1773. Your original stockcharts post, (your last one is for the Dow), also has the date as Dec 24th.

OK, now I see Dec 24th is their latest price showing for $BDI at both Stockcharts and Bloomberg. Same at some other sites. That is unusual! :confused:

"The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is finally out today for the first time since 12-24-2010. It continues to drop..."

Stockcharts and Bloomberg still showing Dec, 24th :confused: Can't find $BDI on Yahoo Finance. Where's a better source?

"The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is finally out today for the first time since 12-24-2010. It continues to drop..."

Stockcharts and Bloomberg still showing Dec, 24th :confused: Can't find $BDI on Yahoo Finance. Where's a better source?

Looks like the "Omen of the Baltic Dry" has entered the market today, its going down rather sharply.
Ut oh, looks like the rest of the herd is jumping in today.................:nuts:

Big money might push the S&P down to 1240 or lower to get people to bail before they start buying again................:notrust: