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Now see there, slow and steady......................

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i still like this one
I think 2% a month is very optimistic, especially in TSP where there is no shorting. I think we got spoiled with this past big up year. 'No volatility last year' my options broker explained. 2%/month compounded is 26.825% for the year. Remember Madoff lured billions of dollars from many supposedly financially saavy investors and instituitions with a steady, repeated 10% annual return. The analyst that brought Madoff down said he (the analyst) could sell 10% return to investors all day. But I'm hangin with ya, MLK.
Sometimes it's not about always being right, more about not being wrong for an extended period of time. IT has been consistently good at this.
. I know from experience an investors biggest problem is himself, too bad others around here haven't figure that out yet...
I found this one:
View attachment 10423
not suggesting a ponzi scheme...just suggesting that a repeatable 10% a year is seen as a desirable return to most industry professionals.
I-T, TSP Talkers should be thankful for the opportunity to trade with you. You don't have to put up with the grief that will come with charging for your system. You could have easily just used your system to make your 28% by yourself. We'll see who's crying at the end of 2011!
Wasn't suggesting you were suggesting, just saying..........Do you think I should be charging more?
How's the weather up there in Maryland? Moved back to Texas at the end of Nov. after 25+ years in Frederick............60 degrees today..........probably be moving to Wisconsin in a couple months though............:nuts:
Hope your coming back to maryland...still got some beer to drink:-D
Thanks IT for sharing your system and knowledge after a very disappointing year for me I actually was in the top 3 for December! I requested the shirt. I do intend on signing up for your service. R U going to be posting your FAS and FAZ:nuts: trades as well, would love to follow. I have alot of stocks and have done well there but looking for a slow steady gain from you. Now go buy some YOKU and retire again in the future! dhstdog!!
Most have been positive, but I get some telling me my service isn't worth $20 per month...
Lets put this in perspective - in a simple way even a moron can understand. And additionally lets be conservative, lets say the I_T system gets you a 15% gain in a year and you have a smallish TSP account.
! Any higher figures applied only garner you more profits (unless IT decides to up the price before years end)
$20.00 = (1/2 tank of cheap gasoline, 2 mcdonalds meals for two, carton of "cheap" smokes, get the picture)
$20 X 12 = $240
15% of $20,000 TSP = $3000
Me? I CANT afford not to spend the $240
Also consider you can blunder big-time...wind up -15% for the year and OUT the $3000
'tink about it.