Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

I think 2% a month is very optimistic, especially in TSP where there is no shorting. I think we got spoiled with this past big up year. 'No volatility last year' my options broker explained. 2%/month compounded is 26.825% for the year. Remember Madoff lured billions of dollars from many supposedly financially saavy investors and instituitions with a steady, repeated 10% annual return. The analyst that brought Madoff down said he (the analyst) could sell 10% return to investors all day. But I'm hangin with ya, MLK.

No ponzi scheme here. My trades are open and I'm not handling any money. Now if you want to give me a 15% commission like my friends and family do, we can talk...........;)

That 2% a month is a goal and an average, won't happen every month. But as long as it's black and not red, we should be alright at the finish line. :D
not suggesting a ponzi scheme...just suggesting that a repeatable 10% a year is seen as a desirable return to most industry professionals.
I-T, TSP Talkers should be thankful for the opportunity to trade with you. You don't have to put up with the grief that will come with charging for your system. You could have easily just used your system to make your 28% by yourself. We'll see who's crying at the end of 2011!
not suggesting a ponzi scheme...just suggesting that a repeatable 10% a year is seen as a desirable return to most industry professionals.

Wasn't suggesting you were suggesting, just saying..........:p Do you think I should be charging more? ;)

How's the weather up there in Maryland? Moved back to Texas at the end of Nov. after 25+ years in Frederick............60 degrees today..........probably be moving to Wisconsin in a couple months though............:nuts:
I-T, TSP Talkers should be thankful for the opportunity to trade with you. You don't have to put up with the grief that will come with charging for your system. You could have easily just used your system to make your 28% by yourself. We'll see who's crying at the end of 2011!

Just trying to help. :)
Hope your coming back to maryland...still got some beer to drink:-D

Wasn't suggesting you were suggesting, just saying..........:p Do you think I should be charging more? ;)

How's the weather up there in Maryland? Moved back to Texas at the end of Nov. after 25+ years in Frederick............60 degrees today..........probably be moving to Wisconsin in a couple months though............:nuts:
Thanks IT for sharing your system and knowledge after a very disappointing year for me I actually was in the top 3 for December! I requested the shirt. I do intend on signing up for your service. R U going to be posting your FAS and FAZ:nuts: trades as well, would love to follow. I have alot of stocks and have done well there but looking for a slow steady gain from you. Now go buy some YOKU and retire again in the future! dhstdog!!
Thanks IT for sharing your system and knowledge after a very disappointing year for me I actually was in the top 3 for December! I requested the shirt. I do intend on signing up for your service. R U going to be posting your FAS and FAZ:nuts: trades as well, would love to follow. I have alot of stocks and have done well there but looking for a slow steady gain from you. Now go buy some YOKU and retire again in the future! dhstdog!!

Your welcome dog. Yes, I'll continue to posting ETF and mutual fund moves on my spreadsheets.

YOKU huh? Interesting. I'll keep an eye it. Thanks!
Most have been positive, but I get some telling me my service isn't worth $20 per month...

huh? :confused::mad::notrust:

Lets put this in perspective - in a simple way even a moron can understand. And additionally lets be conservative, lets say the I_T system gets you a 15% gain in a year and you have a smallish TSP account.

! Any higher figures applied only garner you more profits (unless IT decides to up the price before years end) :toung:

$20.00 = (1/2 tank of cheap gasoline, 2 mcdonalds meals for two, carton of "cheap" smokes, get the picture)
$20 X 12 = $240

15% of $20,000 TSP = $3000

Me? I CANT afford not to spend the $240

Also consider you can blunder big-time...wind up -15% for the year and OUT the $3000

'tink about it.
Most have been positive, but I get some telling me my service isn't worth $20 per month...

huh? :confused::mad::notrust:

Lets put this in perspective - in a simple way even a moron can understand. And additionally lets be conservative, lets say the I_T system gets you a 15% gain in a year and you have a smallish TSP account.

! Any higher figures applied only garner you more profits (unless IT decides to up the price before years end)

$20.00 = (1/2 tank of cheap gasoline, 2 mcdonalds meals for two, carton of "cheap" smokes, get the picture)
$20 X 12 = $240

15% of $20,000 TSP = $3000

Me? I CANT afford not to spend the $240

Also consider you can blunder big-time...wind up -15% for the year and OUT the $3000

'tink about it.


I agree.... some people cannot imagine paying some coin for advice... even if it would make them many $$$$$ more.

Figure 10% on a 6 figure TSP account and see what a small fraction 20 bucks a month amounts to.:nuts:
Figure 10% on a 6 figure TSP account and see what a small fraction 20 bucks a month amounts to...

No doubt.

I chose a much lesser amount for the example and the gains
are still significant.

ITs track record of success is the final part of the equation.

The rest depends on the person who wants to see their TSP gains improve. If the evidence compells you, get on board.

Of course the SS is cost-free and has proven recently to produce handsome returns if you follow it. But keep in mind ITs service also include signals on EFTs and mutuals for the same $.
I can see why some people don't want to pay though. If you don't have a pile of cash in there it's hard to appreciate those subtle profits adding up so well. It's sometimes hard to take the long perspective and harder to take the time to keep up with markets. Aside from that some of us are numbers folks and some not and in my case it took the army to teach me to count to four and turn left;).
More power to you guys who can do it, all I can say is keep both eyes open EVERY DAY. I really knocked em dead in both of the last 2 decades and still wound up with my face in the dirt TWICE:sick:. I don't feel too bad because I was anything but alone. Like Clint Eastwood said in some spaghetti western once , "A Mans Gotta Know His Limitations". Wise words to live by. I.T. show me the way........
all I can say is keep both eyes open EVERY DAY

IT - is that the definition of "nimble"

(thats a fact Jack)