Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

SO what are you considering that he reconsider? :toung: - Im too lazy to go back and read your posts!

I was suggesting he might reconsider his strategy of NOT making an IFT in between his signals, e.g. if he had used his 2 IFTs for the month and was in the middle of a signal at the beginning of the next month. But now the market's'm just a fickle b#$!@.
Got a feeling a lot of mutual fund traders are going to be selling their longs today. These should be placed between 3-4pm. I'm expecting another late day drop........................
You were right about that IT! I bet this does'nt bode well for next week? I knew I should've to G fund today to lock in this month's gains.
Doesn't look like much of a sell off at the end? Birchtree is predicting a rocket blast off Monday. Of course that's the prediction for every Monday. :)
Finally finished a F fund strategy to incorporate with my trading system. My backtested results with this strategy look like this:

Year______Return___ Positive\Total Moves ____% Positive Moves
*2010____ 3.20% ________8\12 _________________67.00%
2009 _____6.80% ________8\11 _________________73.00%
2008 _____6.75% ________9\11 _________________82.00%
2007 _____3.66% ________8\11 _________________73.00%
*2006 ____2.44% ________6\6 _________________100.00%

*2010 has an active buy signal from 12|14 so the number of positive moves may go up to 9 out of 12 (75%)

* 2006 is based on half a year (July thru Dec). I wasn't tracking the necessary data to go beyond this.

Not too bad. This strategy will fit in nicely with my current trading system because I move into the F fund either right before my buy equities signal or right after. The rest of the time I'll be in the safety of the G fund (about 2 weeks per month).
Yes. I"m really looking forward to 2011 returns wise, no matter what the stock market does........THAT, is a great feeling............:D
I hear congress wants the large return accounts to spread their gains around to the smaller returns. ;)

It wouldn't surprise me. :rolleyes:
So good job, Intrepid, but we're confiscating the percentage you made above everyone else's. ;)

Congress always knows how to motivate those most productive citizens.
Hey, I'm trying to do my part to abide by the "No Man Left Behind" unwritten rule as it equates to the stock market war between big institutional investors versus small average-Joe investors......................:D
That latest F-move of yours worked so far; it was something I was thinking about - but did it in November early and unsuccessfully so I hesitate now. What do you see? A short term bottomfishing expedition (time to get out if in - money will continue to flow out of bonds, next year), or a reversal (money to go back in)? I've heard both sides on CNBC - unsure who is (will be) right...
That latest F-move of yours worked so far; it was something I was thinking about - but did it in November early and unsuccessfully so I hesitate now. What do you see? A short term bottomfishing expedition (time to get out if in - money will continue to flow out of bonds, next year), or a reversal (money to go back in)? I've heard both sides on CNBC - unsure who is (will be) right...

I'm not sure what it's gonna do, not good at predictions, obviously. I just do what my F fund system tells me to do. It would of had me in the F fund early in November also and I would of lost 0.69% myself. But with a profitable return over 75% of the time in four and a half years, I'm inclined to stick with it.........:)
i see your introduction, works fine, just click through create a new id, act like you own the place, it will let you in.

i would have been happy with any of those returns 2008 - 2010, but i didn't do so well.

Intrepid Trader... will you still be posting your IFTs via the Tracker? I hope so, as this is how I have been tracking you now for about months. Thankyou kindly.