That's nice to know I/T. I laugh when I think how many years it took for us to pester Customs into getting us Hep B shots even though everyone had to daily dig through undesirable's baggage and handbags. Years before that when I was in the BOP and doing occasional light gladiator action with even nastier vermin we were at least very cognizant of AIDS and the implications of being bled on, and all the other bodily fluid implications. I'm damned glad I got myself out of there just as the drug resistant TB started making it's rounds. Strange sometimes how these organizations can be both far ahead and far behind the curve when it comes to safety items. While they were making us watch videos ( produced by and for NY State Corrections) on AIDS we were giving the convicts double edged razor blades to shave with and they were all over the place. Imagine that, in the age of plastic razors (early 80's) giving felons deadly weapons with no accountability whatsoever. I bet a couple of you think I'm fulla bulla on that one . I find it hard to believe myself. Good thing it was in a Youth Corrections Act Prison, FCI Englewood where it was all young guys under 30. We called it Gladiator School and it lived up to it's name very well.
I learned a long time ago that the responsibility for this disease business started with the individual as the agencies just pretty much did the least they were forced to do to cover their back sides. I will give the agencies more credit today though. They do seem to be much more proactive about these things than 20, 30 years ago although a lot of the credit goes to AFGE / NTEU and perhaps other employee unions for shoving them along. I do find that article itself a bit alarmist though, something akin to what you see on "Natural News" ect.. sometimes. Just like Diabetes and such when you think about the percentage of the population who are / were hard drugies and such I bet it skews those percentages a lot. It's definitely a good read and food for thought though just like HIV testing for those of us who worked around the drug culture as well. Personally I would rather worry about my money than my blood stream though.....................Play safe out there kiddies
