Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk




Everything's not going to go perfect. You're going to have some losses that you're going to have to bounce back from and some things that are a little unforeseen that you're going to have to deal with.

― Tony Dungy
I keep hearing this lack of health insurance law is going to be a tax and not a penalty. Um, aren't you suppose to tax things you earn, buy or sell, not what you don't have and don't plan on buying? Weird.............
End of June update.

The below are my TSP returns in various time frames as calculated by an independent 3rd party:


For comparison purposes, here are the returns of the S fund:


If one were using all the signals produced by my timing system in a self-directed IRA using funds similar to our S and F funds (or if we had more IFTs), their return YTD would be 19.96%.

My YTD returns as of Friday's close using 3X ETF long/short funds are:

TNA/TZA: 49.20%

FAS/FAZ: 62.26%

These are all updated and verified daily in my commentaries.

*My 30-day return matches what the S fund made, but I was only in the S fund for three days so my risk was greatly reduced.
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You'll have to reduce your rates of return by the ordinary income taxes you are going to be forced to pay. Remember, our friends at the IRS will have a 1099 copy of every transaction you make - they'll track you like a blood hound. There is no escape from Big Brother regulations. So the better you do and the more money you make the more taxes you'll pay. Unless President Romney decides to do a roll back on tax rates or suspends the capital gains rates for a year or two - that's possible to energize the economy.
You'll have to reduce your rates of return by the ordinary income taxes you are going to be forced to pay. Remember, our friends at the IRS will have a 1099 copy of every transaction you make - they'll track you like a blood hound. There is no escape from Big Brother regulations. So the better you do and the more money you make the more taxes you'll pay. Unless President Romney decides to do a roll back on tax rates or suspends the capital gains rates for a year or two - that's possible to energize the economy.

Are gains in the ETF's taxed as short term capital gains (15%) then ?? But what about ETF trading in a IRA account ? Thanks.
You'll have to reduce your rates of return by the ordinary income taxes you are going to be forced to pay. Remember, our friends at the IRS will have a 1099 copy of every transaction you make - they'll track you like a blood hound. There is no escape from Big Brother regulations. So the better you do and the more money you make the more taxes you'll pay. Unless President Romney decides to do a roll back on tax rates or suspends the capital gains rates for a year or two - that's possible to energize the economy.

Not if you are trading in an IRA account. And what do taxes matter anyway? They can only tax profits. Taking home 70% of something is better than making nothing in cash or next to nothing in savings accounts, CDs or whatever. ;)
Are gains in the ETF's taxed as short term capital gains (15%) then ?? But what about ETF trading in a IRA account ? Thanks.

Short term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income and dependent on your tax bracket while long term capital gains are taxed at 15%, for now anyway.
You'll have to reduce your rates of return by the ordinary income taxes you are going to be forced to pay. Remember, our friends at the IRS will have a 1099 copy of every transaction you make - they'll track you like a blood hound. There is no escape from Big Brother regulations. So the better you do and the more money you make the more taxes you'll pay. Unless President Romney decides to do a roll back on tax rates or suspends the capital gains rates for a year or two - that's possible to energize the economy.

Dang, sorry Birch:

"Here are some of the new taxes you're going to have to pay to pay for Obamacare:
A 3.8% surtax on "investment income" when your adjusted gross income is more than $200,000 ($250,000 for joint-filers). What is "investment income?" Dividends, interest, rent, capital gains, annuities, house sales, partnerships, etc. Taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to 18.8%--if Congress extends the Bush tax cuts. If Congress does not extend the Bush tax cuts, taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to a shocking 43.8%. (WSJ)"

Here Are The New Obamacare Taxes - Business Insider
"Here are some of the new taxes you're going to have to pay to pay for Obamacare:
A 3.8% surtax on "investment income" when your adjusted gross income is more than $200,000 ($250,000 for joint-filers). What is "investment income?" Dividends, interest, rent, capital gains, annuities, house sales, partnerships, etc. Taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to 18.8%--if Congress extends the Bush tax cuts. If Congress does not extend the Bush tax cuts, taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to a shocking 43.8%. (WSJ)"

Here Are The New Obamacare Taxes - Business Insider

Just more reasons that the American People have to put the GOP in charge of the Senate and White House, so that Obama Care can be repealed .... No way we can tolerate these type of tax increases !!
End of June update.

The below are my TSP returns in various time frames as calculated by an independent 3rd party:

View attachment 19412

For comparison purposes, here are the returns of the S fund:

View attachment 19413

If one were using all the signals produced by my timing system in a self-directed IRA using funds similar to our S and F funds (or if we had more IFTs), their return YTD would be 19.96%.

My YTD returns as of Friday's close using 3X ETF long/short funds are:

TNA/TZA: 49.20%

FAS/FAZ: 62.26%

These are all updated and verified daily in my commentaries.

*My 30-day return matches what the S fund made, but I was only in the S fund for three days so my risk was greatly reduced.

Just for comparison:

Trend Following Wizards - June '12 | Au.Tra.Sy blog - Automated trading System