Hold my beer

It was a joke and only that, nothing personal..we say that to each other at work all the time..(Mother jokes that is)

Been fine..where in the hell you been?

I was getting cranky, taking jokes too personal, stuff like that. So i went in for some reprograming to, you know, get right with the lard.

How did you score a job in a frat house?
I was getting cranky, taking jokes too personal, stuff like that. So i went in for some reprograming to, you know, get right with the lard.

How did you score a job in a frat house?
Yeah..rockin in the free world..it's cool..
Keep your head on straight...and remember, don't dish it, ifin you can't take it.;)
Hmmm. Did you know there are a lot of people in this area named Joe Mama? So many times when I introduce myself to a local they reply "Jo Mama".
That's big brother government for ya!

Man charged with illegally feeding gator that bit off his hand11 hrs ago MSN