Good Morning;
C and S fund prices have moved above their respective 5dyma’s yesterday. The C-fund 20dyma has turned back up with its 5dyma now below its 20dyma but starting to climb again. The S fund is holding up a little better, with its 5dyma also heading back up as well as its 20dyma. Yesterday’s rally was badly needed to get these 5dyma going back up to prevent them from crossing under their respective 20dyma’s.
The I fund 5dyma is still above its 20dyma and has also started to move back up. This fund is stronger than the C and S funds. The weak US dollar has been benefiting the I fund so I am starting to watch it in the table below. As long as the US dollars’ 5dyma remains below its 20dayma (which it currently is) the I-fund should benefit with this wind at its back.
SDS, SDD, and EFU (the shorting instruments) 5dyma’s remain beneath their respective falling 20dyma’s. I think it helps to watch these to give you the opposite perspective. Since these funds are falling in value this could very well mean C, S and I funds will continue to move up near term, after minor pullbacks. Their 20dyma’s are falling and they also have moved beneath their 50 day ma’s.
The F-fund continues to chug along, and has been holding up very well lately with its price and 5dyma above its climbing 20dyma. It has been quite overbought on a very short term basis for quite some time but these runs can last longer than you think. Bond bubble is on everyone’s mind as bond prices go thru the roof. If the bond market collapses after January 20th (Obama day) where’s the money going to go? Hopefully into stocks with hope for the future. With a falling dollar, foreign equities seem to be a better bet. Let’s try to plan ahead on that one.
Regarding the $USD which is bearish now. Should there be a bad drop, this could pop the bond bubble, so those of you in bonds (F) be careful!
I’ve started to list the $VIX (Volatility Index). Currently it is bearish, 5dyma below its 20dyma. This should benefit stocks (lower volatility) providing it keeps falling.
I’ve started to list gold, GLD. Currently it is bullish, 5dyma above 20dyma.
I’ve also started to list oil, USO. Currently it is bearish, 5dyma below 20dyma
I’ve also started to list the New York Stock Exchange Bullish Percent Index. Simply put it is a percentage of NYSE stocks on buy signals from all NYSE Point and Figure charts. A reading above 50% is bullish, below 50% is bearish. A reading above 70% is overbought, below 30% is oversold. Currently (with today’s rally) the index percent has moved back above its 5dyma, a good sign if it can continue.
I’m currently 25C, 25S, 50I in the tracker. Good Luck Everyone and Happy Holidays!
Date Fund Price 5dma 20dma Stock Price 5dma 20dma
12/23 C 09.9545 10.18 10.11 SDS 77.43 83.31 88.07
12/24 C 10.0170 10.09 10.12 SDS 76.83 82.35 87.07
12/26 C 10.0704 10.07 10.11 SDS 76.11 80.64 86.37
12/29 C 10.0426 10.03 10.09 SDS 76.13 78.79 85.77
12/30 C 10.288510.07 10.14SDS 72.71 75.8484.23
12/23 S 11.5214 11.76 11.41 SDD 70.70 90.41 105.67
12/24 S 11.5411 11.67 11.45 SDD 69.73 85.67 102.93
12/26 S 11.6768 11.65 11.46 SDD 68.10 79.96 100.81
12/29 S 11.5013 11.57 11.45 SDD 70.31 75.25098.93
12/30 S 11.8475 11.62 11.52 SDD 65.77 68.92 095.53
12/23 I 13.5765 13.90 13.40 EFU 100.52 115.17 131.36
12/24 I 13.6398 13.74 13.42 EFU 097.92 112.48 129.09
12/26 I 13.7453 13.71 13.45 EFU 097.11 108.11 126.93
12/29 I 13.8814 13.72 13.48 EFU 096.86 103.15 124.81
12/30 I 14.2392 13.82 13.58 EFU 090.56 096.59 121.50
12/23 F 12.5474 12.55 12.33 $VIX 45.02 46.34 55.57
12/24 F 12.5487 12.56 12.35 $VIX 44.21 45.21 54.74
12/26 F 12.5713 12.56 12.37 $VIX 43.38 44.42 54.16
12/29 F 12.5924 12.56 12.40 $VIX 43.90 44.21 53.56
12/30 F 12.6157 12.58 12.42 $VIX 41.63 43.63 52.22
12/23 GLD 82.63 83.60 79.96 USO 30.00 32.25 36.59
12/24 GLD 83.46 83.21 80.09 USO 29.02 31.09 35.97
12/26 GLD 85.60 83.56 80.35 USO 29.10 30.36 35.20
12/29 GLD 86.35 84.30 80.65 USO 30.92 29.93 34.64
12/30 GLD 85.90 84.79 81.16 USO 30.20 29.85 34.15
12/23$USD 81.24 80.38 83.97 $BPNYA 52.97 55.68 42.15
12/24$USD 81.15 80.89 84.54 $BPNYA 52.27 54.82 43.99
12/26$USD 80.90 81.11 83.56 $BPNYA 52.32 53.87 45.42
12/29$USD 81.15 81.11 83.29 $BPNYA 51.02 52.52 46.56
12/30$USD 80.88 81.06 82.99 $BPNYA 52.32 52.18 47.84
I’m trying something a little different but very simple. We are only going to deal with daily closing price, and two simple moving averages, a 5 day and a 20 day. The rules are simple, when price then the 5 day moving average move above the falling 20 day moving average we buy. To sell I will use the upper Bollinger Band as a target to sell (bear market now you know). How much you buy or sell is up to you depending on your risk tolerance. Keep in mind we are still in a bear market (primary trend is down) as the 200 day moving averages are still falling for the stock funds. I’ll be using closing prices to compute the moving averages.

C and S fund prices have moved above their respective 5dyma’s yesterday. The C-fund 20dyma has turned back up with its 5dyma now below its 20dyma but starting to climb again. The S fund is holding up a little better, with its 5dyma also heading back up as well as its 20dyma. Yesterday’s rally was badly needed to get these 5dyma going back up to prevent them from crossing under their respective 20dyma’s.
The I fund 5dyma is still above its 20dyma and has also started to move back up. This fund is stronger than the C and S funds. The weak US dollar has been benefiting the I fund so I am starting to watch it in the table below. As long as the US dollars’ 5dyma remains below its 20dayma (which it currently is) the I-fund should benefit with this wind at its back.
SDS, SDD, and EFU (the shorting instruments) 5dyma’s remain beneath their respective falling 20dyma’s. I think it helps to watch these to give you the opposite perspective. Since these funds are falling in value this could very well mean C, S and I funds will continue to move up near term, after minor pullbacks. Their 20dyma’s are falling and they also have moved beneath their 50 day ma’s.
The F-fund continues to chug along, and has been holding up very well lately with its price and 5dyma above its climbing 20dyma. It has been quite overbought on a very short term basis for quite some time but these runs can last longer than you think. Bond bubble is on everyone’s mind as bond prices go thru the roof. If the bond market collapses after January 20th (Obama day) where’s the money going to go? Hopefully into stocks with hope for the future. With a falling dollar, foreign equities seem to be a better bet. Let’s try to plan ahead on that one.
Regarding the $USD which is bearish now. Should there be a bad drop, this could pop the bond bubble, so those of you in bonds (F) be careful!
I’ve started to list the $VIX (Volatility Index). Currently it is bearish, 5dyma below its 20dyma. This should benefit stocks (lower volatility) providing it keeps falling.
I’ve started to list gold, GLD. Currently it is bullish, 5dyma above 20dyma.
I’ve also started to list oil, USO. Currently it is bearish, 5dyma below 20dyma
I’ve also started to list the New York Stock Exchange Bullish Percent Index. Simply put it is a percentage of NYSE stocks on buy signals from all NYSE Point and Figure charts. A reading above 50% is bullish, below 50% is bearish. A reading above 70% is overbought, below 30% is oversold. Currently (with today’s rally) the index percent has moved back above its 5dyma, a good sign if it can continue.
I’m currently 25C, 25S, 50I in the tracker. Good Luck Everyone and Happy Holidays!
Date Fund Price 5dma 20dma Stock Price 5dma 20dma
12/23 C 09.9545 10.18 10.11 SDS 77.43 83.31 88.07
12/24 C 10.0170 10.09 10.12 SDS 76.83 82.35 87.07
12/26 C 10.0704 10.07 10.11 SDS 76.11 80.64 86.37
12/29 C 10.0426 10.03 10.09 SDS 76.13 78.79 85.77
12/30 C 10.288510.07 10.14SDS 72.71 75.8484.23
12/23 S 11.5214 11.76 11.41 SDD 70.70 90.41 105.67
12/24 S 11.5411 11.67 11.45 SDD 69.73 85.67 102.93
12/26 S 11.6768 11.65 11.46 SDD 68.10 79.96 100.81
12/29 S 11.5013 11.57 11.45 SDD 70.31 75.25098.93
12/30 S 11.8475 11.62 11.52 SDD 65.77 68.92 095.53
12/23 I 13.5765 13.90 13.40 EFU 100.52 115.17 131.36
12/24 I 13.6398 13.74 13.42 EFU 097.92 112.48 129.09
12/26 I 13.7453 13.71 13.45 EFU 097.11 108.11 126.93
12/29 I 13.8814 13.72 13.48 EFU 096.86 103.15 124.81
12/30 I 14.2392 13.82 13.58 EFU 090.56 096.59 121.50
12/23 F 12.5474 12.55 12.33 $VIX 45.02 46.34 55.57
12/24 F 12.5487 12.56 12.35 $VIX 44.21 45.21 54.74
12/26 F 12.5713 12.56 12.37 $VIX 43.38 44.42 54.16
12/29 F 12.5924 12.56 12.40 $VIX 43.90 44.21 53.56
12/30 F 12.6157 12.58 12.42 $VIX 41.63 43.63 52.22
12/23 GLD 82.63 83.60 79.96 USO 30.00 32.25 36.59
12/24 GLD 83.46 83.21 80.09 USO 29.02 31.09 35.97
12/26 GLD 85.60 83.56 80.35 USO 29.10 30.36 35.20
12/29 GLD 86.35 84.30 80.65 USO 30.92 29.93 34.64
12/30 GLD 85.90 84.79 81.16 USO 30.20 29.85 34.15
12/23$USD 81.24 80.38 83.97 $BPNYA 52.97 55.68 42.15
12/24$USD 81.15 80.89 84.54 $BPNYA 52.27 54.82 43.99
12/26$USD 80.90 81.11 83.56 $BPNYA 52.32 53.87 45.42
12/29$USD 81.15 81.11 83.29 $BPNYA 51.02 52.52 46.56
12/30$USD 80.88 81.06 82.99 $BPNYA 52.32 52.18 47.84
I’m trying something a little different but very simple. We are only going to deal with daily closing price, and two simple moving averages, a 5 day and a 20 day. The rules are simple, when price then the 5 day moving average move above the falling 20 day moving average we buy. To sell I will use the upper Bollinger Band as a target to sell (bear market now you know). How much you buy or sell is up to you depending on your risk tolerance. Keep in mind we are still in a bear market (primary trend is down) as the 200 day moving averages are still falling for the stock funds. I’ll be using closing prices to compute the moving averages.