Here's14U's Account Talk

Good Morning; :)
Unbelievable volatility lately. C, S and I funds still bullish after last week’s and yesterday's whipsaw. Some good economic reports this morning moving the markets up. F-fund down some and getting quite overbought. Oil and gas up from what I have seen earlier.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST neutral.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly negative.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought, weak up trend so far.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST neutral, strong up trend but may be peaking.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/20 C 14.5805 -.144 -.121 BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.121
8/21 C 14.6177 -.104-.094 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.11
8/22 C 14.7852 -.005 -.068 BullishCross >+.60 <-.1.10 +.10
8/25 C 14.4950 -.018 -.046 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.07
8/26 C 14.581est -.018 -.047 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 .00

8/20 S 18.3049 -.082 -.081 BearishCross >+.90 <-1.45 -.20
8/21 S 18.2457 -.039 -.037 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.14
8/22 S 18.4578 +.048 -.014 BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.06
8/25 S 18.0980 +.106 -.018 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.12
8/26 S 18.208est .000 -.008 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.08

8/20 I 19.9848 -1.359 -1.204 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.39
8/21 I 20.0350 -1.385-1.254 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.19
8/22 I 20.1422 -1.265 -1.287 BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.08
8/25 I 19.9794 -1.258 -1.284 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.16
8/26 I 20.058est -1.250 -1.286 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.17

8/20 F 12.1775 +.056 +.034GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/21 F 12.1444 +.074 +.045GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/22 F 12.1288 +.057+.049GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
8/25 F 12.1725 +.073 +.057GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/26 F 12.155est +.072 +.062GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.00

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Higher fear oil, Gustav heading toward the Gulf. Stocks hanging tight so far. If anything breaks this market you would think it would be higher energy prices never mind failing banks. I’m remaining in G fund as I don’t trust this rally any longer.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST neutral.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly positive.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought, weak up trend continues.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST neutral, strong up trend but may be peaking.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
In my IRA I have positions in DIG, SKF, UYM, USO, KWT, SDD, UNG, UHN, SRS.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/21 C 14.6177 -.104-.094 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.11
8/22 C 14.7852 -.005 -.068 BullishCross >+.60 <-.1.10 +.10
8/25 C 14.4950 -.018 -.046 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.07
8/26 C 14.5487 -.018 -.047 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 .00
8/27 C 14.568st -.028 -.038 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.02

8/21 S 18.2457 -.039 -.037 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.14
8/22 S 18.4578 +.048 -.014 BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.06
8/25 S 18.0980 +.106 -.018 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.12
8/26 S 18.1766 .000 -.008 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.08
8/27 S 18.282est +.015 -.005 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05

8/21 I 20.0350 -1.385-1.254 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.19
8/22 I 20.1422 -1.265 -1.287 BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.08
8/25 I 19.9794 -1.258 -1.284 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.16
8/26 I 19.9947 -1.250 -1.286 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.17
8/27 I 20.059est -1.230 -1.281Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.22

8/21 F 12.1444 +.074 +.045GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/22 F 12.1288 +.057+.049GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
8/25 F 12.1725 +.073 +.057GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/26 F 12.1804 +.072 +.062GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/27 F 12.180est +.088 +.071GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
In the face of higher oil prices, the markets are still showing strength. The Intermediate Term readings for C, S and I still remain Up-Hold after changing on the 22cnd. The F-fund continues to plow into overbought territory. The energy stocks must be putting a floor under this market as well as the financials IMO.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
In my IRA I have positions in DIG, SKF, USO, KWT, SDD, UNG, UHN, SRS.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date----Price---ITRead---Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/22 C 14.7852 -.005 -.068 BullishCross >+.60 <-.1.10 +.10
8/25 C 14.4950 -.018 -.046 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.07
8/26 C 14.5487 -.018 -.047 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 .00
8/27 C 14.6674 -.028 -.038 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.02
8/28 C 14.752est+.069-.005 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.19

8/22 S 18.4578 +.048 -.014 BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.06
8/25 S 18.0980 +.106 -.018 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.12
8/26 S 18.1766 .000 -.008 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.08
8/27 S 18.3914 +.015 -.005 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
8/28 S 18.461est+.127 +.032 Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.23

8/22 I 20.1422 -1.265 -1.287 BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.08
8/25 I 19.9794 -1.258 -1.284 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.16
8/26 I 19.9947 -1.250 -1.286 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.17
8/27 I 20.0717 -1.230 -1.281Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.22
8/28 I 20.309est-1.090-1.235 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.46

8/22 F 12.1288 +.057+.049GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
8/25 F 12.1725 +.073 +.057GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/26 F 12.1804 +.072 +.062GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/27 F 12.1961 +.088 +.071GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
8/28 F 12.200est+.098 +.078GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Profit taking today, oil up, warnings from Dell. C, S and I funds still Up-Hold as well as F-Fund.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
In my IRA I have positions in DIG, USO, KWT, UNG, UHN.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/25 C 14.4950 -.018 -.046 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.07
8/26 C 14.5487 -.018 -.047 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 .00
8/27 C 14.6674 -.028 -.038 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.02
8/28 C 14.8877+.069-.005 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.19
8/22 C 14.799est +.138 +.035Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.20

8/25 S 18.0980 +.106 -.018 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.12
8/26 S 18.1766 .000 -.008 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.08
8/27 S 18.3914 +.015 -.005 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
8/28 S 18.6925+.127 +.032 Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.23
8/29 S 18.586est +.249 +.093Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.31

8/25 I 19.9794 -1.258 -1.284 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.16
8/26 I 19.9947 -1.250 -1.286 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.17
8/27 I 20.0717 -1.230 -1.281Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.22
8/28 I 20.4024-1.090-1.235 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.46
8/29 I 20.488est -.945 -1.177 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.58

8/25 F 12.1725 +.073 +.057GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/26 F 12.1804 +.072 +.062GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/27 F 12.1961 +.088 +.071GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
8/28 F 12.1938+.098 +.078GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/29 F 12.183est +.093+.081GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 .00

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning;
Oil down, US markets up significantly.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly overbought.
I should be listening to my own system. I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will be going 50G, 50 S for tomorrow. Any questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price------ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par---Par--Read
8/26 C 14.5487 -.018 -.047 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 .00
8/27 C 14.6674 -.028 -.038 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.02
8/28 C 14.8877+.069-.005 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.19
8/29 C 14.6844 +.138 +.035Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.20
9/02 C 14.895est +.190 +.068 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.25

8/26 S 18.1766 .000 -.008 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.08
8/27 S 18.3914 +.015 -.005 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
8/28 S 18.6925+.127 +.032 Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.23
8/29 S 18.5195 +.249 +.093Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.31
9/02 S 18.669est +.318 +.143Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
8/26 I 19.9947 -1.250 -1.286 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.17
8/27 I 20.0717 -1.230 -1.281Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.22
8/28 I 20.4024-1.090-1.235 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.46
8/29 I 20.3833 -.945 -1.177 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.58
9/02 I 20.342est -.924 -1.130 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.38

8/26 F 12.1804 +.072 +.062GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/27 F 12.1961 +.088 +.071GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
8/28 F 12.1938 +.098 +.078GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/29 F 12.1896 +.093+.081GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 .00
9/02 F 12.162est +.086 +.085GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -03

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning;
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 50G, 50S in the tracker. Any questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/27 C 14.6674 -.028 -.038 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.02
8/28 C 14.8877+.069-.005 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.19
8/29 C 14.6844 +.138 +.035Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.20
9/02 C 14.6247 +.190 +.068 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.25
9/03 C 14.580est +.068 +.063Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.03

8/27 S 18.3914 +.015 -.005 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
8/28 S 18.6925+.127 +.032 Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.23
8/29 S 18.5195 +.249 +.093Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.31
9/02 S 18.3866 +.318 +.143Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
9/03 S 18.358est +.202 +.152 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05

8/27 I 20.0717 -1.230 -1.281Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.22
8/28 I 20.4024-1.090-1.235 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.46
8/29 I 20.3833 -.945 -1.177 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.58
9/02 I 20.2025 -.924 -1.130 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.38
9/03 I 20.167est -962 -1.099 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.20

8/27 F 12.1961 +.088 +.071GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
8/28 F 12.1938 +.098 +.078GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/29 F 12.1896 +.093+.081GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 .00
9/02 F 12.2260 +.086 +.085GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -03
9/03 F 12.206est +.104 +.092GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
I believe this 6-7 week rally is over. September and October can be bad months for stocks. Will be moving to the G fund for tomorrow.
C-fund, IT trend Bearish Cross (Sell), ST mildly oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Bearish Cross (Sell), ST oversold overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Bearish Cross (Sell), ST oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST very overbought.
Will be moving to 100G for tomorrow. Any questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/28 C 14.8877+.069-.005 Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.19
8/29 C 14.6844 +.138 +.035Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.20
9/02 C 14.6247 +.190 +.068 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.25
9/03 C 14.6025 +.068 +.063Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.03
9/04 C 14.480est +.031 +.062BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12

8/28 S 18.6925+.127 +.032 Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.23
8/29 S 18.5195 +.249 +.093Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.31
9/02 S 18.3866 +.318 +.143Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
9/03 S 18.3163 +.202 +.152 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
9/04 S 18.1446est +.122 +.156BearishCross>+.90 <-1.45 -.15

8/28 I 20.4024-1.090-1.235 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.46
8/29 I 20.3833 -.945 -1.177 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.58
9/02 I 20.2025 -.924 -1.130 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.38
9/03 I 19.9410 -962 -1.099 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.20
9/04 I 19.678est -1.148 -1.120BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.22

8/28 F 12.1938 +.098 +.078GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/29 F 12.1896 +.093+.081GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 .00
9/02 F 12.2260 +.086 +.085GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -03
9/03 F 12.2527 +.104 +.092GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/04 F 12.276est +.136 +.105GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.06

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
I will be on vacation next week, weather permitting, so it appears the markets have peaked and are headed down in future weeks. I will remain in the G fund until the 11am IT Reading can move back above its 13 day moving average, which I don’t expect to happen for at least 4 weeks but then we have October to contend with, not a good month. Bottom line, the bear market reasserts itself again and the July lows are in jeopardy of being taken out..
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST very overbought.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead---Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
8/29 C 14.6844 +.138 +.035Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.20
9/02 C 14.6247 +.190 +.068 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.25
9/03 C 14.6025 +.068 +.063Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.03
9/04 C 14.1615 +.031 +.062BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/05 C 14.030est-.185-.016 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.44

8/29 S 18.5195 +.249 +.093Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.31
9/02 S 18.3866 +.318 +.143Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
9/03 S 18.3163 +.202 +.152 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
9/04 S 17.8387 +.122 +.156BearishCross>+.90 <-1.45 -.15
9/05 S 17.629est-.122 +.077 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.53

8/29 I 20.3833 -.945 -1.177 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.58
9/02 I 20.2025 -.924 -1.130 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.38
9/03 I 19.9410 -962 -1.099 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.20
9/04 I 19.2068 -1.148 -1.120BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.22
9/05 I 19.174est-1.410-1.209 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.55

8/29 F 12.1896 +.093+.081GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 .00
9/02 F 12.2260 +.086 +.085GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -03
9/03 F 12.2527 +.104 +.092GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/04 F 12.2860 +.136 +.105GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.06
9/05 F 12.313est +.158 +.120GettingOB>+.05 <-.13+.07

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Thank you for the kind words everyone. Had a nice vacation last week.
I stand by what I said on 9/5/08.
“I will be on vacation next week, weather permitting, so it appears the markets have peaked and are headed down in future weeks. I will remain in the G fund until the 11am IT Reading can move back above its 13 day moving average, which I don’t expect to happen for at least 4 weeks but then we have October to contend with, not a good month. Bottom line, the bear market reasserts itself again and the July lows are in jeopardy of being taken out“.
I am currently 100% G in the tracker.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST slightly oversold. Continues to defy gravity as the credit crisis affects stocks negatively.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/02 C 14.6247 +.190 +.068 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.25
9/03 C 14.6025 +.068 +.063Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.03
9/04 C 14.1615 +.031 +.062BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/05 C 14.2290 -.185-.016 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.44
9/15 C 13.922est -.281 -.161Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.30

9/02 S 18.3866 +.318 +.143Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
9/03 S 18.3163 +.202 +.152 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
9/04 S 17.8387 +.122 +.156BearishCross>+.90 <-1.45 -.15
9/05 S 17.8867-.122 +.077 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.53
9/15 S 17.330est-.367 -.179Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.42

9/02 I 20.2025 -.924 -1.130 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.38
9/03 I 19.9410 -962 -1.099 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.20
9/04 I 19.2068 -1.148 -1.120BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.22
9/05 I 19.0276-1.410-1.209 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.55
9/15 I 18.731est -1.611 -1.490Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.21

9/02 F 12.2260 +.086 +.085GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -03
9/03 F 12.2527 +.104 +.092GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/04 F 12.2860 +.136 +.105GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.06
9/05 F 12.2056 +.158 +.120GettingOB>+.05 <-.13+.07
9/15 F 12.319est +.182+.178GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Looks like rallies are to be shorted to me. I plan on buying more SDS, SDD, and EFU should they pull back in my traditional IRA. This crisis is far from over IMO. Every week going forward will bring new negative revelations which will cause more selling. I expect the S&P500 to test 800 going forward. Sounds far fetched but who thought oil would be where it is now?
I am currently 100% G in the tracker.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST slightly overbought. Continues to defy gravity as the credit crisis affects stocks negatively.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/03 C 14.6025 +.068 +.063Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.03
9/04 C 14.1615 +.031 +.062BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/05 C 14.2290 -.185-.016 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.44
9/15 C 13.6689 -.281 -.161Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.30
9/16 C 13.547est -.501 -.258Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.52

9/03 S 18.3163 +.202 +.152 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.05
9/04 S 17.8387 +.122 +.156BearishCross>+.90 <-1.45 -.15
9/05 S 17.8867-.122 +.077 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.53
9/15 S 17.1047-.367 -.179Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.42
9/16 S 16.824est -.645 -.308Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.73

9/03 I 19.9410 -962 -1.099 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.20
9/04 I 19.2068 -1.148 -1.120BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.22
9/05 I 19.0276-1.410-1.209 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.55
9/15 I 18.5861 -1.611 -1.490Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.21
9/16 I 18.198est -1.838 -1.592Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.52

9/03 F 12.2527 +.104 +.092GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/04 F 12.2860 +.136 +.105GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.06
9/05 F 12.2056 +.158 +.120GettingOB>+.05 <-.13+.07
9/15 F 12.3584 +.182+.178GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
9/16 F 12.367est +.201 +.187GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
This crisis is far from over IMO. Every week going forward will bring new negative revelations which will cause more selling. I expect the S&P500 to test 800 going forward. Sounds far fetched but who thought oil would be where it is now?

As usual I sincerely appreciate your input and insights.

What amazes me all the more is how Gas can go up over .40 cents in less than a week - while Oil is where it is. :worried::(
Good Morning; :)
Looks like rallies are to be shorted to me. I expect the S&P500 to test 800 going forward.

Today I saw someone else talk the number I've had in back of my head so will finally bring it forward. 800.

IMO, this market has potential to revisit that number, when you look at the double top in 2000 and 2007, and where the tech and RE screaming bubbles started in the S&P in 1997 and 2003 respectively. Current bubble has a couple years to go between RE and financials-Full collapse brings us to 800 just like with the tech bubble pop.

Somebody else sees what I and the Minyans are seeing. One more good reason to hold off and wait on indicators. Wish there weren't so many good reasons to be a bear, but hey, the lower things go, the cheaper things will be when I buy back in with all the capital I've held onto.

Somebody else sees what I and the Minyans are seeing. One more good reason to hold off and wait on indicators. Wish there weren't so many good reasons to be a bear, but hey, the lower things go, the cheaper things will be when I buy back in with all the capital I've held onto.

First 2 thoughts were: 2 peas in a pod - and - great minds think alike.

The INDICATORS are the bottom line for me, as they most accurately reflect the economic conditions that RULE the Markets. Yet I'm trying to pay closer attention to the chart experts (Tom, CP, Uptrend, and others).

Your last comment is the KEY to making the BEAR your friend. ;)
Good Morning; :)
I thought we would have a rally today with the AIG news but now treasury needs to auction off more debt! Serious inflations problem looming down the road in my estimation with more debt added everyday (quicksand scenario)..
Looks like rallies are to be shorted to me. I plan on buying more SDS, SDD, and EFU (shorting vehicles) should they pull back in my traditional IRA. (Bought some more SDD yesterday). This crisis is far from over IMO. Every week going forward will bring new negative revelations which will cause more selling. I expect the S&P500 to test 800 going forward. Sounds far fetched but who thought oil would be where it is now just a few short weeks ago?
I am currently 100% G in the tracker.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST slightly oversold. Continues to defy gravity as the credit crisis affects stocks negatively.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/04 C 14.1615 +.031 +.062BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/05 C 14.2290 -.185-.016 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.44
9/15 C 13.6689 -.281 -.161Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.30
9/16 C 13.9071 -.501 -.258Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.52
9/17 C 13.681est -.494 -.271Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.37

9/04 S 17.8387 +.122 +.156BearishCross>+.90 <-1.45 -.15
9/05 S 17.8867-.122 +.077 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.53
9/15 S 17.1047-.367 -.179Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.42
9/16 S 17.4875 -.645 -.308Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.73
9/17 S 17.259est -.530 -.302 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.32

9/04 I 19.2068 -1.148 -1.120BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.22
9/05 I 19.0276-1.410-1.209 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.55
9/15 I 18.5861 -1.611 -1.490Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.21
9/16 I 18.4142 -1.838 -1.592Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.52
9/17 I 18.145est -1.912 -1.630Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.48

9/04 F 12.2860 +.136 +.105GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.06
9/05 F 12.2056 +.158 +.120GettingOB>+.05 <-.13+.07
9/15 F 12.3584 +.182+.178GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
9/16 F 12.3130 +.201 +.187GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/17 F 12.341est +.191 +.186GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.01

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
I’ll be gone away tomorrow and possibly Monday. Market is due to rally somewhat but I think we eventually go back down to retest lows.
I am currently 100% G in the tracker.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
F-Fund, IT trend Bearish Cross (Sell), ST oversold. Correction way overdue.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/05 C 14.2290 -.185-.016 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.44
9/15 C 13.6689 -.281 -.161Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.30
9/16 C 13.9071 -.501 -.258Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.52
9/17 C 13.2522 -.494 -.271Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.37
9/18 C 13.483est -.635 -.373Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.42

9/05 S 17.8867-.122 +.077 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.53
9/15 S 17.1047-.367 -.179Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.42
9/16 S 17.4875 -.645 -.308Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.73
9/17 S 16.7243 -.530 -.302 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.32
9/18 S 17.0234est -.692 -.422Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.39

9/05 I 19.0276-1.410-1.209 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.55
9/15 I 18.5861 -1.611 -1.490Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.21
9/16 I 18.4142 -1.838 -1.592Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.52
9/17 I 17.8556 -1.912 -1.630Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.48
9/18 I 18.370est -1.892 -1.683Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.14

9/05 F 12.2056 +.158 +.120GettingOB>+.05 <-.13+.07
9/15 F 12.3584 +.182+.178GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
9/16 F 12.3130 +.201 +.187GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/17 F 12.2872 +.191 +.186GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.01
9/18 F 12.259est +.154 +.181BearishCrossOB>+.05 <-.13 -.08

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead. (Buy Signal).
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead. (Sell signal).
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Although the longer term trend changed to Up-Hold, the Short Term trend got extremely overbought on 9/19 for the C, S, and I funds. In order for the longer term trend to remain bullish the next few trading days will have to remain up. Bottom Line; this is still a very dangerous market, so I will remain in the G fund in the tracker.
The F-fund threw a Bearish Crossover on 9/18 and sure enough prices are plummeting now. If bonds continue to tank this sounds like a loss of confidence in our countries debt. Could a downgrade for US Treasuries be right around the corner?
I am currently 100% G in the tracker.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST very overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead--Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/16 C 13.9071 -.501 -.258Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.52
9/17 C 13.2522 -.494 -.271Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.37
9/18 C 13.8286 -.508 -.344Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/19 C 14.3857 -.327-.345BullishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 +.44
9/22 C 14.186est -.296 -.338Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.21

9/16 S 17.4875 -.645 -.308Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.73
9/17 S 16.7243 -.530 -.302 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.32
9/18 S 17.5980 -.481 -.375Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 +.11
9/19 S 18.5009 -.154 -.332BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.94
9/22 S 18.068est-.135 -.292Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.42

9/16 I 18.4142 -1.838 -1.592Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.52
9/17 I 17.8556 -1.912 -1.630Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.48
9/18 I 18.3038 -1.916 -1.688Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.20
9/19 I 19.5100 -1.479-1.645BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.98
9/22 I 19.301est -1.361 -1.586Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.71

9/16 F 12.3130 +.201 +.187GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.01
9/17 F 12.2872 +.191 +.186GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.01
9/18 F 12.2439 +.148 +.179BearishCrossOB>+.05 <-.13 -.10
9/19 F 12.1586 +.106 +.164DownAvoid>+.05 <-.13 -.16
9/22 F 11.979est +.021+.133DownAvoid>+.05 <-.13 -.29

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead. (Buy Signal).
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead. (Sell signal).
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
C-Fund registered a bearish crossover this morning. It remains to be seen how this will effect the S and I funds. Europe is down this morning. $IEE down about 1.46% this morning.
The F-fund threw a Bearish Crossover on 9/18 and sure enough prices are plummeting now. If bonds continue to tank this sounds like a loss of confidence in our countries debt. Could a downgrade for US Treasuries be right around the corner?
I am currently 100% G in the tracker and staying there.
C-fund, IT trend Bearish Cross (Sell), ST neutral.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold (doubtful if this will hold with C-fund bearish now), ST neutral.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold (doubtful if this will hold with C-fund bearish now), ST very overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm------Par------Par--Read
9/17 C 13.2522 -.494 -.271Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.37
9/18 C 13.8286 -.508 -.344Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.12
9/19 C 14.3857 -.327-.345BullishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 +.44
9/22 C 13.8374 -.296 -.338Up-Hold>+.60 <-.1.10 +.21
9/23 C 13.912est -.409 -.391BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 .00

9/17 S 16.7243 -.530 -.302 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.32
9/18 S 17.5980 -.481 -.375Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 +.11
9/19 S 18.5009 -.154 -.332BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.94
9/22 S 17.6031-.135 -.292Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.42
9/23 S 17.619est -.312 -.347Up-Hold>+.90 <-1.45 +.03

9/17 I 17.8556 -1.912 -1.630Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.48
9/18 I 18.3038 -1.916 -1.688Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.20
9/19 I 19.5100 -1.479-1.645BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.98
9/22 I 19.3392 -1.361 -1.586Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.71
9/23 I 19.057est -1.323 -1.557Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.44

9/17 F 12.2872 +.191 +.186GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.01
9/18 F 12.2439 +.148 +.179BearishCrossOB>+.05 <-.13 -.10
9/19 F 12.1586 +.106 +.164DownAvoid>+.05 <-.13 -.16
9/22 F 12.1467 +.021+.133DownAvoid>+.05 <-.13 -.29
9/23 F 12.137est +.063 +.130DownAvoid>+.05 <-.13 -.12

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead. (Buy Signal).
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead. (Sell signal).
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.