Here's14U's Account Talk

Good Morning; :)
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought not a good day to buy in.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 20C, 20I, 60S in the tracker.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/05 C 14.6747 -.498 -.679 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.19
8/06 C 14.7307 -.453 -.617 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.29
8/07 C 14.4683 -.376-.548 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.21
8/08 C 14.8130 -.324 -.477 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.23
8/11 C 14.81est -.213 -.397 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32

8/05 S 18.1125 -.642 -.775 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.08
8/06 S 18.2758 -.615 -.718 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.30
8/07 S 17.9861 -.492 -.640 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.19
8/08 S 18.3507 -.422 -.569 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.24
8/11 S 18.39est -.320 -.498 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34

8/05 I 21.2371 -1.171 -1.297 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.16
8/06 I 21.2180 -1.161 -1.257 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.20
8/07 I 20.8914 -1.103-1.209 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.07
8/08 I 20.9500 -1.163 -1.174 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 -.12
8/11 I 20.97est -1.053 -1.114 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.11

8/05 F 12.0509 -.011 -.023 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/06 F 12.0154 -.028 -.026BearishCross>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/07 F 12.0825 -.020-.023BullishCross>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/08 F 12.0829 -.001-.018 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/11 F 12.08est +.007 -.014 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought not a good day to buy in.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 20C, 20I, 60S in the tracker.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/06 C 14.7307 -.453 -.617 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.29
8/07 C 14.4683 -.376-.548 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.21
8/08 C 14.8130 -.324 -.477 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.23
8/11 C 14.9200 -.213 -.397 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/12 C 14.85est -.125 -.339 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32

8/06 S 18.2758 -.615 -.718 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.30
8/07 S 17.9861 -.492 -.640 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.19
8/08 S 18.3507 -.422 -.569 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.24
8/11 S 18.6051 -.320 -.498 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
8/12 S 18.57est -.160 -.421 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.46

8/06 I 21.2180 -1.161 -1.257 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.20
8/07 I 20.8914 -1.103-1.209 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.07
8/08 I 20.9500 -1.163 -1.174 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 -.12
8/11 I 21.0507 -1.053 -1.114 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.11
8/12 I 20.99est -0.988 -1.084 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.18

8/06 F 12.0154 -.028 -.026BearishCross>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/07 F 12.0825 -.020-.023BullishCross>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/08 F 12.0829 -.001-.018 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/11 F 12.0489 +.007 -.014 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/12 F 12.08est +.005 -.011 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Bearish-Cross, ST mildly oversold.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 20C, 20I, 60S in the tracker. Moving to 80S, 20C today for tomorrow. I-fund lagging.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/07 C 14.4683 -.376-.548 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.21
8/08 C 14.8130 -.324 -.477 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.23
8/11 C 14.9200 -.213 -.397 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/12 C 14.7414 -.125 -.339 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/13 C 14.65est -.170 -.306 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11

8/07 S 17.9861 -.492 -.640 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.19
8/08 S 18.3507 -.422 -.569 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.24
8/11 S 18.6051 -.320 -.498 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
8/12 S 18.4523 -.160 -.421 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.46
8/13 S 18.39est -.177 -.376 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.26

8/07 I 20.8914 -1.103-1.209 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.07
8/08 I 20.9500 -1.163 -1.174 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 -.12
8/11 I 21.0507 -1.053 -1.114 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.11
8/12 I 20.8873 -0.988 -1.084 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.18
8/13 I 20.47est -1.142 -1.101 BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.24

8/07 F 12.0825 -.020-.023BullishCross>+.05 <-.13 +.00
8/08 F 12.0829 -.001-.018 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/11 F 12.0489 +.007 -.014 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/12 F 12.0916 +.005 -.011 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/13 F 12.10est +.017 -.004 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.03

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
I had an important meeting this morning, sorry I couldn’t get this out sooner.
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 20C, 20I, 60S in the tracker. Moving to 80S, 20C today for tomorrow. I-fund lagging.
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/08 C 14.8130 -.324 -.477 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.23
8/11 C 14.9200 -.213 -.397 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/12 C 14.7414 -.125 -.339 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/13 C 14.7029 -.170 -.306 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/14 C 14.46est -.105-.224 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.18

8/08 S 18.3507 -.422 -.569 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.24
8/11 S 18.6051 -.320 -.498 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
8/12 S 18.4523 -.160 -.421 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.46
8/13 S 18.5280 -.177 -.376 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.26
8/14 S 17.98est -.045 -.293 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.44

8/08 I 20.9500 -1.163 -1.174 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 -.12
8/11 I 21.0507 -1.053 -1.114 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.11
8/12 I 20.8873 -0.988 -1.084 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.18
8/13 I 20.4084 -1.142 -1.101 BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.24
8/14 I 20.89est -1.189-1.113 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.22

8/08 F 12.0829 -.001-.018 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/11 F 12.0489 +.007 -.014 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/12 F 12.0916 +.005 -.011 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/13 F 12.0725 +.017 -.004 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/14 F 12.08est +.014-.002 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I’m currently 80S, 20C in the tracker. Any comments. Questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/11 C 14.9200 -.213 -.397 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/12 C 14.7414 -.125 -.339 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/13 C 14.7029 -.170 -.306 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/14 C 14.7849 -.105-.224 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.18
8/15 C 14.76est -.068 -.187 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11

8/11 S 18.6051 -.320 -.498 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.34
8/12 S 18.4523 -.160 -.421 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.46
8/13 S 18.5280 -.177 -.376 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.26
8/14 S 18.6826 -.045 -.293 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.44
8/15 S 18.63est +.023 -.207 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.32

8/11 I 21.0507 -1.053 -1.114 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.11
8/12 I 20.8873 -0.988 -1.084 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.18
8/13 I 20.4084 -1.142 -1.101 BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.24
8/14 I 20.4655 -1.189-1.113 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.22
8/15 I 20.31est -1.122 -1.110 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.25

8/11 F 12.0489 +.007 -.014 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/12 F 12.0916 +.005 -.011 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/13 F 12.0725 +.017 -.004 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/14 F 12.0937 +.014-.002 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/15 F 12.107est +.027+.006 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Well, so far so good, as prices for the C, S and F funds continue to rise as the system recommends Holds for these 3 funds. . The I-fund is having quite a problem contending with a rising US dollar and weak economies in Europe and Great Britain. We can’t lose sight of the fact we are still in a bear market that can turn back down at any time regarding the C, and S funds. It seems to be all about oil. The S&P500 can probably make it to 1330-1340 but after that we will most likely head back down again. We are back to a bearish rising wedge pattern in the S&P so caution flags are up. It’s easy to say the C-fund has a ways to go to the upside as it isn’t any where near to its Overbought Parameter of +.60 but again we need to be very cautious during this bear market.
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought, not a good day to buy in.
I-Fund, LT trend Down-Avoid, ST mildly oversold.
F-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST overbought.
I’m currently 80S, 20C in the tracker. Any comments. Questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/12 C 14.7414 -.125 -.339 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.32
8/13 C 14.7029 -.170 -.306 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/14 C 14.7849 -.105-.224 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.18
8/15 C 14.8471 -.068 -.187 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/18 C 14.85est -.018 -.146 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11

8/12 S 18.4523 -.160 -.421 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.46
8/13 S 18.5280 -.177 -.376 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.26
8/14 S 18.6826 -.045 -.293 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.44
8/15 S 18.6960 +.023 -.207 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.32
8/18 S 18.63est +.081 -.139 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.25

8/12 I 20.8873 -0.988 -1.084 Up-Hold >+1.20<-2.00 +.18
8/13 I 20.4084 -1.142 -1.101 BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.24
8/14 I 20.4655 -1.189-1.113 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.22
8/15 I 20.2948 -1.122 -1.110 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.25
8/18 I 20.38est -1.186 -1.134 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.09

8/12 F 12.0916 +.005 -.011 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/13 F 12.0725 +.017 -.004 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/14 F 12.0937 +.014-.002 Up-Hold>+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/15 F 12.1203 +.027+.006 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/18 F 12.12est +.041 +.017 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Thank you for the encouragement... Dissecting the word, you get COURAGE!:)

and thanks for the no nonsense analysis...your's has been the only one that I've held to;)

Thank you for the encouragement... Dissecting the word, you get COURAGE!:)

and thanks for the no nonsense analysis...your's has been the only one that I've held to;)


Without trying to sound Gay, I've held to his too.
However, a little nonsense goes a long way when
your mood is as down as the market is ! :)
Just wanted to add my thanks again to the chorus. I very much appreciate your analysis and clear commentary. You're so good! :)
Thank you all for the kind words.

I just got home, and saw how the market faired today. Not very good to say the least. The bulls will have to come out in force tomorrow, otherwise the rally will be in jeopardy. I noticed oil was not at fault, so it must be the Russian-Georgia crisis which is not pretty.

Anyway, let's see if the markets can pick themselves up tomorrow. Thanks again, and good luck to all!:)
Thank you all for the kind words.

I just got home, and saw how the market faired today. Not very good to say the least. The bulls will have to come out in force tomorrow, otherwise the rally will be in jeopardy. I noticed oil was not at fault, so it must be the Russian-Georgia crisis which is not pretty.

Anyway, let's see if the markets can pick themselves up tomorrow. Thanks again, and good luck to all!:)

Today was Financial Panic Day. Low volume and conviction didn't
help earlier in the day either. Kinda expected, it is Summertime after all ! :confused:
Good Morning; :)
As you have noticed I don’t say much about the economy. It’s not that I don’t want to, I’ll just leave it up to the others on the MB who have the time to research and report about it. My only concern is what this technical system is telling me. It’s all about the LT current reading and whether it can stay above its 13 day moving average. Also the ST reading for timing buy and sell points. If we had daily IFT capabilities the ST reads would be valuable indeed but since we don’t we have to concentrate more on the LT Readings.
You will notice at times the ST reading may be at a very high number (like the S fund on the 14th) but the price didn’t peak until the 18th giving you a few days to sell either all or some shares. It happens more often than not so try to keep this in mind if you are investing very short term .
C-fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST oversold, need some buying tomorrow for sure..
S-Fund, LT trend Up-Hold, ST oversold, need some buying tomorrow for sure..
I-Fund, LT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold but most likely stay that way, trend down, avoid.
F-Fund, LT trend Getting Overbought, ST overbought.
I’m currently 80S, 20C in the tracker and staying that way for now. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---LTRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/13 C 14.7029 -.170 -.306 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/14 C 14.7849 -.105-.224 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.18
8/15 C 14.8471 -.068 -.187 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/18 C 14.6248 -.018 -.146 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/19 C 14.49est -.119 -.144 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.14

8/13 S 18.5280 -.177 -.376 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.26
8/14 S 18.6826 -.045 -.293 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.44
8/15 S 18.6960 +.023 -.207 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.32
8/18 S 18.4246 +.081 -.139 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.25
8/19 S 18.22est -.055 -.122 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.12

8/13 I 20.4084 -1.142 -1.101 BearishCross>+1.20<-2.00 -.24
8/14 I 20.4655 -1.189-1.113 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.22
8/15 I 20.2948 -1.122 -1.110 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.25
8/18 I 20.2103 -1.186 -1.134 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.09
8/19 I 19.91est -1.352 -1.192 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.40

8/13 F 12.0725 +.017 -.004 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/14 F 12.0937 +.014-.002 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/15 F 12.1203 +.027+.006 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/18 F 12.1352 +.041 +.017 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/19 F 12.125est +.054 +.028GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.03

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am LT (longer term (weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am LTReading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
One other thing left to consider with the table above. In order to know if the 11 am Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the reading is the more oversold the market is. During a longer term up trend (LT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During a longer term down trend (LT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am LT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am LT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am LT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Because LT (for long term) is misleading, implying 6 months or more, I’ve decided to change LT to IT (Intermediate Term). Intermediate Term, for me and for this system is in the 4-10 week range. I think IT is a more accurate abbreviation rather than LT so I am changing those below, starting today.
Also, below I’ve put the recent Peak TSP Share Prices, and recent Peak IT and ST readings in bold. Just remember the TSP Share Prices are at the 4:00pm closing prices, for the day, whereas all the IT and ST Readings are before 11am EDT so really comparing apples to oranges. A lot can happened between 11am and 4pm as we all know.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold and may stay that way now.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold, and may stay that way now.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold and may stay that way now.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST overbought.
I’m currently 80S, 20C in the tracker but moving to 100G for tomorrow. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/14 C 14.7849 -.105-.224 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.18
8/15 C 14.8471 -.068 -.187 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/18 C 14.6248 -.018 -.146 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/19 C 14.4899 -.119 -.144 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.14
8/20 C 14.44est -.144 -.121 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.19

8/14 S 18.6826 -.045 -.293 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.44
8/15 S 18.6960 +.023 -.207 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.32
8/18 S 18.4246 +.081 -.139 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.25
8/19 S 18.2226 -.055 -.122 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.12
8/20 S 18.16est -.082 -.081 Down-Avoid >+.90 <-1.45 -.20

8/14 I 20.4655 -1.189-1.113 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.22
8/15 I 20.2948 -1.122 -1.110 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.25
8/18 I 20.2103 -1.186 -1.134 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.09
8/19 I 19.8863 -1.352 -1.192 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.40
8/20 I 19.84est -1.359 -1.204 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.39

8/14 F 12.0937 +.014-.002 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.02
8/15 F 12.1203 +.027+.006 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/18 F 12.1352 +.041 +.017 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/19 F 12.1248 +.054 +.028GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/20 F 12.135est +.056 +.034GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.03

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Yesterday morning the C and S funds were down before 11am. At that time their IT 11am Readings fell below their respective 13 day moving averages triggering Bearish Crosses. Today they are Down-Avoid just like the I-fund.
I have read that on 9/30/08 $230 BILLION of bonds need to be rolled over by Fannie and Freddie. Will the Fed have to bail them out? Big question overhanging the markets.
I watch the ratio between oil and the S&P500. Currently oil is outperforming the S&P500 which fits in with what the system below is saying. Avoid the stock funds for now.
C-fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold and may stay that way now.
S-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST oversold, and may stay that way now.
I-Fund, IT trend Down-Avoid, ST very oversold and may stay that way now.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST overbought.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/15 C 14.8471 -.068 -.187 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/18 C 14.6248 -.018 -.146 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/19 C 14.4899 -.119 -.144 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.14
8/20 C 14.5805 -.144 -.121 BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.19
8/21 C 14.51est -.104-.094 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.11

8/15 S 18.6960 +.023 -.207 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.32
8/18 S 18.4246 +.081 -.139 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.25
8/19 S 18.2226 -.055 -.122 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.12
8/20 S 18.3049 -.082 -.081 BearishCross >+.90 <-1.45 -.20
8/21 S 18.23est -.039 -.037 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.14

8/15 I 20.2948 -1.122 -1.110 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.25
8/18 I 20.2103 -1.186 -1.134 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.09
8/19 I 19.8863 -1.352 -1.192 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.40
8/20 I 19.9848 -1.359 -1.204 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.39
8/21 I 19.90est -1.385-1.254 Down-Avoid >+1.20<-2.00 -.19

8/15 F 12.1203 +.027+.006 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/18 F 12.1352 +.041 +.017 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/19 F 12.1248 +.054 +.028GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/20 F 12.1775 +.056 +.034GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/21 F 12.16est +.074 +.045GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.04

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Had some good news regarding Lehman this morning pushing the markets up. This strength has produced Bullish Crosses with the C, S, and I funds. It’s hard to believe this rally will have staying power with higher oil prices and a defiant Russia but anything can happen. Maybe Russia will pull out of Georgia today which would be good news, short term, but then what as the Lehman news wears off?
C-fund, IT trend BullishCross, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend BullishCross, ST mildly overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend BullishCross, ST mildly overbought.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly oversold, may have seen the peak.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there for Monday. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/18 C 14.6248 -.018 -.146 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.11
8/19 C 14.4899 -.119 -.144 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.14
8/20 C 14.5805 -.144 -.121 BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.19
8/21 C 14.6177 -.104-.094 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.11
8/22 C 14.72est -.005 -.068 BullishCross >+.60 <-.1.10 +.10

8/18 S 18.4246 +.081 -.139 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.25
8/19 S 18.2226 -.055 -.122 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.12
8/20 S 18.3049 -.082 -.081 BearishCross >+.90 <-1.45 -.20
8/21 S 18.2457 -.039 -.037 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.14
8/22 S 18.43est +.048 -.014 BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.06

8/18 I 20.2103 -1.186 -1.134 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.09
8/19 I 19.8863 -1.352 -1.192 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.40
8/20 I 19.9848 -1.359 -1.204 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.39
8/21 I 20.0350 -1.385-1.254 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.19
8/22 I 20.10est -1.265 -1.287 BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.08

8/18 F 12.1352 +.041 +.017 Up-Hold >+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/19 F 12.1248 +.054 +.028GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/20 F 12.1775 +.056 +.034GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/21 F 12.1444 +.074 +.045GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/22 F 12.109est +.057+.049GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.
Good Morning; :)
Up trends in stocks are still in force after being whipsawed last week. Financials and oil are the keys to the stock market outlook. The rally thus far has not had very good momentum, which could spell disaster later on, maybe a week or two out.
C-fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
S-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought.
I-Fund, IT trend Up-Hold, ST mildly overbought, weak up trend so far.
F-Fund, IT trend Getting Overbought, ST mildly overbought, strong up trend but may be peaking.
I’m currently 100G in the tracker and will remain there. Any comments. questions, or suggestions are most welcome!
Good Luck to all! 14U.
Date Price---ITRead-Avg--- Recm-----Par------Par--Read
8/19 C 14.4899 -.119 -.144 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 -.14
8/20 C 14.5805 -.144 -.121 BearishCross>+.60 <-.1.10 -.19
8/21 C 14.6177 -.104-.094 Down-Avoid>+.60 <-.1.10 -.11
8/22 C 14.7852 -.005 -.068 BullishCross >+.60 <-.1.10 +.10
8/25 C 14.685est -.018 -.046 Up-Hold >+.60 <-.1.10 +.07

8/19 S 18.2226 -.055 -.122 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 -.12
8/20 S 18.3049 -.082 -.081 BearishCross >+.90 <-1.45 -.20
8/21 S 18.2457 -.039 -.037 Down-Avoid>+.90 <-1.45 -.14
8/22 S 18.4578 +.048 -.014 BullishCross>+.90 <-1.45 +.06
8/25 S 18.494est +.106 -.018 Up-Hold >+.90 <-1.45 +.12

8/19 I 19.8863 -1.352 -1.192 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.40
8/20 I 19.9848 -1.359 -1.204 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.39
8/21 I 20.0350 -1.385-1.254 Down-Avoid>+1.20<-2.00 -.19
8/22 I 20.1422 -1.265 -1.287 BullishCross>+1.20<-2.00 +.08
8/25 I 20.098est -1.258 -1.284 Up-Hold>+1.20<-2.00 +.16

8/19 F 12.1248 +.054 +.028GettingOB >+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/20 F 12.1775 +.056 +.034GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.03
8/21 F 12.1444 +.074 +.045GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.04
8/22 F 12.1288 +.057+.049GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 -.02
8/25 F 12.163est +.073 +.057GettingOB>+.05 <-.13 +.02

How to use the above chart & Recommendation Explanations;
There are only a few columns to the table. The Current Trend and Recommendation column is based on the relationship between the 11am IT (Intermediate term (4-10 weeks)) Reading and its 13 day moving average. If the 11am IT Reading is higher in value than its respective 13 day moving average than an up trend is in force and you should be in the fund. If the 11am IT Reading starts to stall at or near overbought parameter or goes below its 13 day moving average than a change in trend (to down) is on the horizon. You should then think of selling the fund.
In order to know if the 11 am IT Reading is nearing or in Over Bought or Over Sold territory, I’ve entered two more columns. To avoid confusion, OB Par means Overbought Parameter (column) and OS Par means Over Sold Parameter (column) as column headings. For the C fund, for example an 11am IT Reading greater than +.60 would be at the Over Bought parameter so think about selling or at least lightening up on those shares. An 11am IT Reading Less than -1.10 would be at the Over Sold Parameter so think about buying the fund or Dollar cost averaging into it. The best timing signals are given when 11 am IT readings are in Overbought or Oversold ranges and the 13 day moving average flattens out. Of course in a bear market stock prices can turn on a dime so I’m not sure if I would wait that long to sell. I think the first day I see the 11am IT Reading fall at or above its Overbought Parameter I would be selling. The flattening 13 day moving average sequence seems to work best when forming a bottom.
The ST (short term (days)) 11am Reading tells you if you are currently Overbought or Oversold. The more positive a ST reading is the more overbought the market is. The more negative the ST reading is the more oversold the market is. During an intermediate term up trend (IT 11am Reading above its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly positive with minor dips below 0 (buy points). During an intermediate term down trend (IT 11 am Reading below its 13 day moving average) the Short term reading will stay mostly negative with up days nearing 0 or above, as shorting opportunities.

UP-HOLD - It’s fine to hold this fund as higher prices are expected.
GETTING OVERBOUGHT - Time to start thinking about selling the fund. The11am IT Reading is peaking or has already peaked in its overbought range. Momentum may carry it higher but getting risky now.
DOWN-AVOID - Trend is down at this time. Avoid this fund for now.
GETTING OVERSOLD - Time to start thinking about buying the fund. The 11am IT Reading is bottoming or has already bottomed in its oversold range. Momentum may move it lower but time to think about buying.
BULLISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves above its respective falling 13 day moving average implying higher prices ahead.
BEARISH CROSS - 11am IT reading moves below its respective rising 13 day moving average implying lower prices ahead.
Disclaimer: Here’s14U is not a registered investment advisor. The analysis presented is not a solicitation to buy, avoid, sell or sell short any security. Anyone using this analysis does so at his or her own risk. Here’s14U assume no liability for the use of this analysis. There is no guarantee that the facts are accurate or that the analysis presented will be correct. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Here’s14U may have positions in the securities analyzed and these may have been taken before or after the analysis was present.