Yesterday was an evil day and the late day shut down what looked like a potentially succesful recovery from last Friday's technical damage. That sell-off turned the market into a real nightmare situation. The VIX spiked, and the fear that seemed to be absent last Friday materialized with a vengence.
The Fed failed to step in with an emergency rate cut. On the surface, yesterday seemed to confirm that the credit auction failed (it created debt but little stimulation). However, the credit data reported predates the auctions, so they may yet prove to be the medicine the market needs (this will become important very soon and may serve to reverse or amplify the results of the 4th quarter earnings report. The Bush administrations hints at an economic incentive packages and tax cuts are clearly are coming up short of instilling investor confidence. Yesterday was a strategic failure for the Bush administration. You can call it irony that it occurred on the New Hampshire primary, but yesterday's market action was as politically important as the primary. The market voted and the outcome is: "the economy is in serious trouble"
Serious trouble means serious action, and the time for action is now. If you go to Tom's graph from this morning's comments: the thin red line at the bottom leading to 1375 is the last opportunity this administration and Fed have to salvage things - below this is recession. I do not want to steal Tom's thunder, but depending on what happen's at this level, we may see the making's of a grand thesis.
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Had I not been in the market last Friday, I would have bought in yesterday morning - I know that and I know if I had stayed in bonds through then, I would not be eyeing this downturn as a buying opportunity. So rather then giving into the coaxing of my newly formed ulcer, I am going to stay vigilant about looking for the oversold relief rally.
Below 1375 I bail out - regardless, otherwise I am on a quest to find an more acceptable exit point. 1375 may also be the ignition point for a signficant rally. However it works out, I will eat whatever losses I have too and accept this for what it is - the losses associated with a major market reversal. That's the price you pay for being a 100% aggressive timer when your in a bull market.
This is a tough and bold position to take, and not for the faint of heart.