Griffin Account Talk

The pattern in the dollar index suggests more upside for the dollar adversly effecting the I-fund. However, I am in the I-fund for the long haul (for me that means until the next major market move). Although, the OSMs got pounded when the French hedge funds shut down, I suspect that they are a little more insulated then the US market, in the event that some type of spill over occurs. The current most pressing problem is the credit crunch, once that starts to loosen up, we should see quality financials recover. The credit crunch does represent a spill over effect into the general market, but it is an easily curable situation. The Alt-a's are a slightly extrapolation of the sub-primes and probably should have been lumped in the same category from the get go, so I don't really see them asa spill over effect. Good CPI numbers tomorrow might give the Fed the flexibility we need to see a rate cut at their next regularly scheduled meeting. I'm staying in the market because I feel the worst is over, and a suprise Fed move is possible. I completely agree with Tom's assessment of the situation.

Good move Griffin. Are you staying in the I-fund today? or do you see other signals calling?
Article from George Friedmen at Stratfor (free newsletter) will take two posts to get the whole thing up here.

The subprime crisis is worth analysis in its own right, though it also gives us the opportunity to discuss our own approach to economic issues. Stratfor views the world through the prism of geopolitics. In geopolitics, there is no such thing as separating a country's economy from its national security or its political interests. A nation is a nation. Academic departments divide themselves nicely into areas of study. In the real world, things are much too intertwined and sloppy for that. Geopolitics views the international system and nations as consisting of a single fabric of relationships, with economics being one of the elements.
Not all events have geopolitical significance. To rise to a level of significance, an event -- economic, political or military -- must result in a decisive change in the international system, or at least a fundamental change in the behavior of a nation. The Japanese banking crisis of the early 1990s was a geopolitically significant event. Japan, the second-largest economy in the world, changed its behavior in important ways, leaving room for another power -- China -- to move into the niche Japan had previously owned as the world's export dynamo. The dot-com meltdown was not geopolitically significant. The U.S. economy had been expanding for about nine years -- a remarkably long time -- and was due for a recession. Inefficiencies had become rampant in the system, nowhere more so than in the dot-com bubble. The sector was demolished and life went on. Lives might have been shattered, but geopolitics is unsentimental about such matters.
The Russian default of 1998 was a geopolitically significant event. It marked the end of the post-Cold War period and the beginning of the new geopolitical regime that is increasingly showing itself in Russia. The global depression of the 1920s and 1930s was enormously significant, transforming the internal political and social processes of countries such as the United States and Germany, and setting the stage for political and military processes that transformed the world. The savings and loan (S&L) crisis of the 1980s had no real geopolitical effect, and the collapse of Enron meant nothing. However, the consolidation of Russian natural gas exports under Gazprom's control is certainly a major change.
The measure of geopolitical significance is whether an event changes the global balance of power or the behavior of a major international power. Looking at the subprime crisis from a geopolitical perspective, this is the fundamental question. That a great many people are losing a great deal of money is obvious. Whether this matters in the long run -- which is what geopolitics is all about -- is another matter entirely.
The origins of the crisis seem fairly clear. Traditionally, when banks look at mortgages on homes, they carefully study the likelihood that the loan will be repaid, as well as the underlying collateral. Their revenue and profits come from the repayment of the loan or the ability to realize the value of the loan through the forced sale of the house.
Two things changed this simple model. The first started a long time ago. Encouraged by the federal government, banks that issued mortgage loans began selling those loans to other entities. This, then, created a large secondary market in bundled mortgages -- huge numbers of mortgages grouped together and sold and traded as if they were simply financial instruments, which, of course, they are.
As a result, banks began to view mortgages less as long-term investments than as transactions. They made their money on closing costs, rapidly selling the mortgages to aggregators, which in turn passed them on to others. The banks then loaned the money again. The more mortgages banks racked up, the more money they made. The risk was transferred to others.
In the past few years, two new groups of players entered the scene, one on either end of the spectrum. The first group comprised mortgage companies and brokers, nonbanking institutions whose business model was built primarily around the transaction. The brokers in particular had no skin in the game. Every time they executed a mortgage, they made money. If they didn't execute one, they didn't make money. The role of evaluating the borrower increasingly fell to these entities, neither of which was going to hold on to the debt instrument for more than a moment.
The second group was the final buyers of bundled mortgages -- increasingly, hedge funds. Hedge funds are monies gathered from various "qualified" investors -- otherwise known as rich people and institutions. They are private partnerships, so what they do with their money is between the managers and partners. No federal agency is responsible for protecting the private placement of money by the wealthy.
In a world of relatively low interest rates, wealth-seeking investors flocked to these hedge funds. Some of the older ones were superbly managed. The newer ones frequently were not. With a great deal of money in the system, there was a restless search for things to invest in -- and the secondary market in subprime mortgages appeared to be extremely attractive. Carrying relatively high rates of return, and theoretically collateralized by fairly liquid private homes, the risks of these deals appeared low and the returns on the mortgages -- particularly when you looked at the contracted increases -- seemed extremely attractive.
The fact is that no one really worried about defaults. The mortgage originators that prepared the documentation for these riskier loans certainly didn't care. They just wanted the mortgages to go through. The primary lenders didn't worry because they were going to resell them in hours or days anyway. The mortgage aggregators didn't care because they were going to resell them, too. And the final holders didn't worry because they assumed the system would permit easy refinancing of loans at sustainable interest rates, and that -- in a worst-case scenario -- they at least owned a portfolio of houses that they could bundle and sell to real estate companies, perhaps even at a profit.
The final owner of the mortgage, of course, is the loser. The assumption that subprimes could be refinanced if need be failed to take into account that higher interest rates priced these people out of the market. But the worst part is this: Many hedge funds leveraged their purchase of mortgages by using them as collateral to borrow money from the banks.
That was the tipping point. When the subprime defaults started to hit, the banks that had loaned money against the mortgage portfolios re-evaluated the loans. They called some, they stopped rollovers of others and they raised interest rates. Basically, the banks started reducing the valuation of the underlying assets -- subprime mortgages -- and the internal financial positions of some hedge funds started to unravel. In some cases, the hedge funds could not repay the loans because they were unable to resell their subprime mortgages. This started causing a liquidity crisis in the global banking system, and the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank began pumping money into the system.
Told this way, this is a story of how excess emerges in a business cycle. But it is not really a very interesting story because the business cycle always ends in excess. As economic conditions improve, more people with more money chase fewer investment opportunities. They crowd into investments that seem to guarantee vast or sure returns -- and they get hammered. The economy contracts into a recession, as it tends to do twice every decade, and then life goes on.
There currently are three possibilities. One is that the subprime crisis is an overblown event that will not even represent the culmination of a business cycle. The second is that we are about to enter a normal cyclical recession. The third, and the one that interests us, is that this crisis could result in a fundamental shift in how the U.S. or the international system works.
We need to benchmark the subprime crisis against other economic crises, and the one that most readily comes to mind is the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. The two are not identical, but each involved careless lending practices that affected the economy while devastating individuals. But looking at it in a geopolitical sense, the S&L crisis was a nonevent. It affected nothing. Bearing in mind the difficulty of quantifying such things because of definitions, let's look for an order of magnitude comparison to see whether the subprime crisis is smaller or larger than the S&L crisis before it.
Not knowing the size of the ultimate loss after workout, we try to measure the magnitude of the problem from the size of the asset class at risk. But we work from the assumption that proved true in the S&L crisis: Financial instruments collateralized against real estate, in the long run, limit losses dramatically, although the impact on individual investors and homeowners can be devastating. We have no idea of the final workout numbers on subprime. That will depend on the final total of defaults, the ability to refinance, the ability to sell the houses and the price received. The final rectification of the subprime will be a small fraction of the total size of the pool.
Therefore, we look at the size of the at-risk pool, compared to the size of the economy as a whole, to get a sense of the order of magnitude we are dealing with. In looking at the assets involved and comparing them to the gross domestic product (GDP), the overall size of the economy, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. estimates that the total amount of assets involved in that crisis was $519 billion. Note that these are assets in the at-risk class, not failed loans. The size of the economy from 1986 to 1989 (the period of greatest turmoil) was between $4.5 trillion and $5.5 trillion. So the S&L crisis involved assets of between 8 percent and 10 percent of GDP. The final losses incurred amounted to about 3 percent of GDP, incurred over time.
The size of the total subprime market is estimated by Reuters to be about $500 billion. Again, this is the total asset pool, not nonperforming loans. The GDP of the United States today is about $14 trillion. That means this crisis represents about 3.5 percent of GDP, compared to between 9 percent and 10 percent of GDP in the S&L crisis. If history repeats itself -- which it won't precisely -- for the subprime crisis to equal the S&L crisis, the entire asset base would have to be written off, and that is unlikely. That would require a collapse in the private home market substantially greater than the collapse in the commercial real estate market in the 1980s -- and that was quite a terrific collapse.
Now, many arguments could be made that the estimates here are faulty or that different concepts should be used. We will concede that there are several ways of looking at this crisis. But in trying to get a handle on it strictly from a geopolitical perspective, this gives us a benchmark with which to analyze the mess.
Can it balloon into something greater? The big risk is that the weak hands in the game, the hedge funds, are suddenly coming into possession of a great number of houses that they will have to put on the market simultaneously in fire sales. That could force home prices down. At the same time, most homes are not at risk, and their owners are not hedge funds. Moreover, it is not clear whether most of the hedge funds that own subprime mortgages will be forced to try to monetize the underlying assets. It is far from clear whether the crisis will affect home prices decisively. If home prices were to collapse at the rate that commercial real estate collapsed in the 1980s, we would revisit the issue. But, unlike commercial real estate, in which price declines force more properties on the market, home real estate has the opposite tendency when prices decline -- inventory contracts. So, unless this crisis can pyramid to forced sales in excess of the subprime market, we do not see this rising to geopolitical significance.
From this, two conclusions emerge: First, this is far from being a geopolitically significant event. Second, it is not clear whether this is large enough to represent the culminating event in this business cycle. It could advance to that, but it is not there yet. We cannot preclude the possibility, though it seems more likely to be a stress point in an ongoing business cycle.
Apart from discussing the subprime issue, this crisis offers us an opportunity to explain how we view economic activity. First, we try to understand, at a fairly high level, what exactly happened, much as we would approach a war or a coup. Then we try to compare this event to other events whose outcomes we know. And, finally, we try to place it on a continuum ranging from fundamental geopolitical change to normal background noise. This is more than normal background noise, but it has not yet risen even to the level of a routine, cyclical shift in the business cycle.
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.....Anthony, pay very close attention to the chart Tom posted this morning, without bobbleheads we might never get panic. BUY I TELL YOU! BUY! BUY! BUY! while the blood is thick and the stench of it all makes you want to puke.:D on a more sane note - if the S&P drops below 1430 you may want to SELL SELL SELL!

....and I will be taking my own advice tomorrow regardless of what happens. I think I will move to the G. At this stage of the game, I've lost about 5% and will probably lose another 2-3% by the time my IFT goes through. That's ok though, because if this falls apart completely as it now looks like is going to happen, we could be looking at another 10% or more. The psychological damage of crossing the "10% or more correction" is going to be devestating. Even if the CPI comes in OK, the turd spokesmen are going to use that as an opportunity to poke the Fed with a "we told you so" and proceed to explain how the Fed could have prevented this with a rate cut.
After yesterday's 1426 close we have already seen the S&P use the 1420 as support and 1430 as resistance. The 1420 support is meaningless, but seeing 1430 act as resistance...that's important. Fortuantely, it looks like the market may give us something of a chance to bail and hopefully it will hold. However, from a technical standpoint, it seems that the greater odds are now to the downside.

IMHO, today may look like a bottom forming, but I see it as the market holding it's breath, waiting to see if the Fed will do an emergency rate cut. I think the market will run out of air before the Fed cuts.

I really hate walking away from the market when everything is going so well for the vast majority of the business world....but the financials are what they are and unfortuantely, they have the ability to make the entire market pay for their foolishness.

I will be highly disappointed if lots of people don't go to jail, when all is said and done....and I really resent the market pundits trying to put the blame on the Fed.

....and I will be taking my own advice tomorrow regardless of what happens. I think I will move to the G. At this stage of the game, I've lost about 5% and will probably lose another 2-3% by the time my IFT goes through. That's ok though, because if this falls apart completely as it now looks like is going to happen, we could be looking at another 10% or more. The psychological damage of crossing the "10% or more correction" is going to be devestating. Even if the CPI comes in OK, the turd spokesmen are going to use that as an opportunity to poke the Fed with a "we told you so" and proceed to explain how the Fed could have prevented this with a rate cut.
Mr Griffin

I always look forward to reading your post and insightful commentary. I'm starting to see some positive stories out there on the internet. I'm hoping the worst is over and the world is tired of dealing with bad news.

I too have passed the 5% mark and will take a severe hit if I jump over to G. I've gone too far down the rabbit hole and may start scaling back in small increments. My biggest concern is getting left behind in a rally.
That is what has kept me in the past few days. I am doubting my decision to pull out, but I would rather miss a day then run the risk of riding this down, since we now have a new bottom to contend with. I'm being thankful for this opportunity to back out before we see 1419 again

Mr Griffin

I always look forward to reading your post and insightful commentary. I'm starting to see some positive stories out there on the internet. I'm hoping the worst is over and the world is tired of dealing with bad news.

I too have passed the 5% mark and will take a severe hit if I jump over to G. I've gone too far down the rabbit hole and may start scaling back in small increments. My biggest concern is getting left behind in a rally.
That is what has kept me in the past few days. I am doubting my decision to pull out, but I would rather miss a day then run the risk of riding this down, since we now have a new bottom to contend with. I'm being thankful for this opportunity to back out before we see 1419 again

As you have realized by now, we busted 1419, the next stop is around 1365. This position is supported technically in a couple of different ways. What is most interesting, is this takes us to the bottom of the 5 year channel - that magical channel we have been running in since the post tech bubble bear.

This is a great point from which the bulls can rally. However, if the market continues to cast aside good news stories with such disdain, and we see this support crumble, then we will slip below that five year channel. We actually have until approximately 1330 on the S&P before we bottom out on the more recent 3 year channel. However, if we stray outside the 5 year channel, then call it a bear. Only time can tell but we are still technically in a bull market, so I am looking for the next buying opportunity.

What do you consider as a "buying opportunity"?

Ur one of the leaders, please share Ur thoughts! I got a few! Maybe we could match them up?

In the other down turns we had 1 or 2 factor, now we have multiple!.....:sick:

Would like to see us help others to get out of this bucket bottom!.....:D

.......... so I am looking for the next buying opportunity.

It is so cool and noble of you to think of us at times like these! I for one moved 20% to the I fund yesterday while I still believed buying at ~$22 was a great buying opportunity. HOwever, reading what you all have to say about your analysis and moves, sometimes leaves me wondering if just going 100 G for the rest of the year wouldn't be the best move. Then again, if I miss out on the rally I would feel real bad, so 20% I for the long term seems to be a good deal for me. Please tell me I am right and make me feel good, pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheesy::cheesy:

It is so cool and noble of you to think of us at times like these! I for one moved 20% to the I fund yesterday while I still believed buying at ~$22 was a great buying opportunity. HOwever, reading what you all have to say about your analysis and moves, sometimes leaves me wondering if just going 100 G for the rest of the year wouldn't be the best move. Then again, if I miss out on the rally I would feel real bad, so 20% I for the long term seems to be a good deal for me. Please tell me I am right and make me feel good, pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheesy::cheesy:

Spa is really big on risk vs reward. The market will come back up, but now you have to think about the time that it will take for it to get back up to the previous high levels. Look at what you do know...the # of years left to retirement and your tolerance for pain ( are you watching and thinking about the market constantly, maybe losing some sleep because of worry), are you a buy and holder ( dollar cost avg.) or a trend buyer or seller. The market is in a downtrend ( correction) in a much bigger uptrend. At some point buyers will come into the market and there will be a big rally, but there will also be a test or several retest to make sure that the new support will hold. Don't feel like your missing out on just a rally, just be glad you have 80% in cash to buy in after the all clear signal is given. The one mistake I've seen repeated is after a person has a loss after a pullback is they are afraid to get back into the market even after an uptrend is established, because of fear of lossing again. We need a correction near 10% so that its behind us and talking heads will stop saying " we haven't had a 10% correction in over 4.5 years ".
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I'm not going to multi-quote, just consider this the shot-gun response.

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The chart above shows the 5 year trend (the blue channel) and the 3 year trend (the red channel - which we have now been above for a year). We have seen the resistance of the red channel turn to support, now that appears to be falling apart. Which suggests this line will be come resistance once again.

Lets say the market finds support at the blue channel (about 1365 which is also supported by the change in market behavior back in Oct-Nov 06 time frame and Feb's lows.) This represents a decent buying opportunity for a short term play.

However, it will not take long before the upper red line and the lower blue line converge. Now it's been six quarters since the yield curve inverted, we're overdue for a slowdown/recession (it typically happens within 5 quarters). yeah I know, it's different this time right? Unfortunately this is where that argument can crumble. If we truely see a change in fundamentals, then we slip back into the red channel and from there the Fed will steer this ship. If we are headed for an economic slowdown, there is nothing the Fed can do, responsibly - because inflation fighting is still more important. The global economics has to deal with the BB generation retirement above anything else (because the BB generation is a global phenomenon - never forget that when assessing the magnitude of what's coming as a result).

The big question now is how far is this subprime mess going to spill over into the market. IMHO, I think you can conclude that every piece of news that suggests subprime spill over is happening directly correlates to slowdown/recession and now the market is going to price that in. I would like to believe that a slowdown/recession is not coming but the market has come to the collective conclusion to start considering it a serious potential reality. That is what I think this is all about now and that's what were seeing out of Wal-mart and some of the other big retailers....the vote is not cast yet, but yesterday it went out for vote. Now we have to wait and see.

This is why my perspective has changed so rapidly in the past 36 hours - I think we hit a tipping point which I whole heartedly believed was a good buying opportunity, I was wrong and I paid dearly. However, I am going to go into the 1365 buy with a much more cautious short term approach - if I can pick up 1-2% on the dead cat bounce, I'll be happy and skeedadle.
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I'm still hoping that upper red line will prove to be support and that this dip below it is just that - a dip.

Thanks for the chart. I don't have access to my server yet, so I'm pretty late in uploading my charts.
Griffin and Tom are looking at this market the same way. The market went from buying the dips to selling the rallies overnight. I agree with Griffin, I will sell the rallies and try and grab a percent here and there.

Tom speaks of the three legs to the market often, I think we are seeing a change in the psych this week.
Griffin and Tom are looking at this market the same way. The market went from buying the dips to selling the rallies overnight. I agree with Griffin, I will sell the rallies and try and grab a percent here and there.

Tom speaks of the three legs to the market often, I think we are seeing a change in the psych this week.

I edited the text of what I wrote earlier (I said lower red line where I meant to say lower blue line). I'm glad you got what I meant, I have a tendency to crank these comments out in a stream of concious, which is why I have errors.
I kinda laughed when you suggested S&P a few weeks ago could go to 1320. You were conservative thinking back then, what now.

It is my intention to try to make a quick move in and out tomorrow unless 1365 collapses before then. Although, i am second guessing that now, since situation is disintegrating so quickly. I didn't really expect this move in one day. I have to say, the early poll results from that vote I mentioned earlier are starting to tally up in favor of recession.
I guess I should clarify something, I have been throwing around 1365. 1370 is where you would expect to find the majority of support triggered since the S&P operates off of round multiples of 10. I set targets around the halfway point to the next multiple because it is reasonable to expect some penetration at any given support level because of the lag time between quotes and the automated buying systems, that stop these freefalls.
We had a decent support level triggered at 1370, and we are seeing the automated buying response. We should see this rally to at least 1410 but I would expect this to bounce to get crushed somewhere between 1425 to 1430. That's the risk vs reward. It looks like most of the reward is going to be sucked out of the dead cat bounce today, we can only hope that it bounces back above 1430.

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