goforit's Account Talk

staying in for awhile yet even though after day three of seasonality shows crap until last two days in may. read a article that was on the headline news link on the tsptalk home page saying that europe unemployment was 10.9 but their economy is starting to "bottom out"... sounds like the U.S. about 1.5-2yrs ago and well we have been on a slow incline since so... is the euro zone right behind us? anyway i was not able to read the article BT linked to about that this years "go away in May" might be different but some have read it and well to be honest they seem to be intrigued by it. like a said staying for awhile yet 100% S if i move it may be into the C because that fund seems to be the leader lately. just my thoughts. i always like a gamble.
staying in for awhile yet even though after day three of seasonality shows crap until last two days in may. read a article that was on the headline news link on the tsptalk home page saying that europe unemployment was 10.9 but their economy is starting to "bottom out"... sounds like the U.S. about 1.5-2yrs ago and well we have been on a slow incline since so... is the euro zone right behind us? anyway i was not able to read the article BT linked to about that this years "go away in May" might be different but some have read it and well to be honest they seem to be intrigued by it. like a said staying for awhile yet 100% S if i move it may be into the C because that fund seems to be the leader lately. just my thoughts. i always like a gamble.

I heard that Spain has an unemployment rate of 25%.
do we really measure our unemployment right. is there something called the non-farm payroll and also what about ALL the people who have had their unemployment run out and can't be counted. we seem to base unemployment in our country on those who filed for unemployment benefits. Spain has been part of that whole PIGS thing over there and well you see how well bail outs worked for them. anyway we weren't any better not to long ago and we seemed to have had a slow very slow climb out. maybe and a strong maybe europe is at a bottom and will start a slow methodical climb back out. oh yeah UNLES the euro goes away then all bets are off.
its been awhile since last post so here i am. i did not go away in may so i am staying put and staying in the buy and hold mode. i have been busy preparing for a 6 month deployment over seas. leaving soon and wont be back till xmas maybe longer. i will be in and out on the board so instead of stressing about my TSP i will leave it ride in both the technician and the military account. 100% Sfund and 100% C fund respectfully. to all happy investing.
its been awhile since last post so here i am. i did not go away in may so i am staying put and staying in the buy and hold mode. i have been busy preparing for a 6 month deployment over seas. leaving soon and wont be back till xmas maybe longer. i will be in and out on the board so instead of stressing about my TSP i will leave it ride in both the technician and the military account. 100% Sfund and 100% C fund respectfully. to all happy investing.

Good luck on your deployment and in your TSP.
its been awhile since last post so here i am. i did not go away in may so i am staying put and staying in the buy and hold mode. i have been busy preparing for a 6 month deployment over seas. leaving soon and wont be back till xmas maybe longer. i will be in and out on the board so instead of stressing about my TSP i will leave it ride in both the technician and the military account. 100% Sfund and 100% C fund respectfully. to all happy investing.

Be Safe!
its been awhile since last post so here i am. i did not go away in may so i am staying put and staying in the buy and hold mode. i have been busy preparing for a 6 month deployment over seas. leaving soon and wont be back till xmas maybe longer.

Be Safe and Be Strong!
its been awhile since last post so here i am. i did not go away in may so i am staying put and staying in the buy and hold mode. i have been busy preparing for a 6 month deployment over seas. leaving soon and wont be back till xmas maybe longer. i will be in and out on the board so instead of stressing about my TSP i will leave it ride in both the technician and the military account. 100% Sfund and 100% C fund respectfully. to all happy investing.

Be safe and take care goforit. Let us know how your doing as we await your return.
thanks to ALL for the send off and you all keep our country afloat over here. invest and spend but above all don't forget to tip your waitress and waitors its their lively hood.
made it safe and sound so for those that said prayer ad best wishes thanks for those that thought it thanks for all other. thanks "see Ya Later" and well the wi fi is really strong. lets get to business ... I see the market is up and down still. one or two days up and three or four days down. i also see that the S and C have given back quite a bit from this years high. hopefully for those that are smart they pulled out and got good profits. way to go top ten..... WHATS YOUR SECRET... dont come back with timing. any how i am still the same because well if birchtree believes i believe and i hell through may which was not smart.AGAIN!!! talk later i dont like the spain bail out because it took two or three bail out to get us out and our economy is not that bad and OBAMA must go. i wish people will HEAR Ron Paul. ooooops sorrry hope politics dont get in the way of making money....
got some back but need more greed is so cool thought.... is the euro nations behind the US in figuring out that their banking system is corrupt like ours and was the US crisis just a shadow producer for the euro crisis. now we have to suffer AGAIN because the newsvesting morons are trying to make us believe the world economy is bad. so why didn't the Britts buy into the euro hmmm, ask our selves if the US economy is so bad then why are the big corps reporting record profits, because they have cut man power and energy savings and still produce the same amount but pocket all the money. they wont hire because they do not want to go through another 2009(bad banking). well they need to hire so that the american people can start to out produce and perform the other countries that are just now hitting their recession(oops i said) and take advantage of this so the dollar becomes once again the strong hold in the world economy. whew what i rant i went on happy investing.
got some back but need more greed is so cool thought.... is the euro nations behind the US in figuring out that their banking system is corrupt like ours and was the US crisis just a shadow producer for the euro crisis. now we have to suffer AGAIN because the newsvesting morons are trying to make us believe the world economy is bad. so why didn't the Britts buy into the euro hmmm, ask our selves if the US economy is so bad then why are the big corps reporting record profits, because they have cut man power and energy savings and still produce the same amount but pocket all the money. they wont hire because they do not want to go through another 2009(bad banking). well they need to hire so that the american people can start to out produce and perform the other countries that are just now hitting their recession(oops i said) and take advantage of this so the dollar becomes once again the strong hold in the world economy. whew what i rant i went on happy investing.

"They need to hire"

Just out of curiousity, what is the purpose of a business? To hire people?