I'm of the opinion that the S&P index (C fund) is the way to go for the next several years. My wife has a defined contribution plan and is 100% in an SPX index fund - making close to $27K a point. She took in +$86K the last six months which is good money. So as a family unit we have the bases covered.
GOFORIT -- I empathize w/your troubles. I'm former Military, & my only real investment is TSP. I also have not done great last year or this (gain very little yet thankful not to Lose too).
(BIRCHTREE: Thanks again for your sharing here. I'm thankful for your views "on the markets and investing"; respect ya bunches but don't see eye-to-eye on the politics... so thanks for these type comments here & on your account talk.)
So, I certainly am not any expert on investing... but I know long-term (like more than a year these days) is NOT the best strategy. It worked great in the late-80's thru 90's when Mrkt basically kept going up & up. Look at it since then, ups & downs, steady at times, but highs for recent 3-years arn't getting to what they were in '07-'08. The quick-trading/ timing hasn't worked out for many of us either... so I might suggest a modified approach.
Market may bounce around or be generally down for next few months or year. Yes, as B.T. reminds us, it could ratchet up too. However, though US market seems to be finding foundation overall, it is still a generally slow-grow; yet international troubles realistically seem like they'll get worse before better and will take (likely years) to come out (China/ India/ S. America slowing, EU long-term troubles, etc.). So, perhaps I was considering doing L2020 (or approximately) type fund for TSP now... if Mrkt takes off up, you get some share of the gain, but if it drops then your pain is fairly minimal... & then... start moving a little at a time into L2030 or L2040 if market has dropped quite a bit overall (maybe a year from now, or two or so??). That way, if/when Market starts generally going Up again, you'll reap more rewards, buying a lot at LOW(ish) and can sell at HIgh(ish). Don't know... Just thinking.
Good Luck to all of us!