goforit's Account Talk

can't make money without people to buy from business. workers mean more production and more goods to sell and more profits. its relevant to each other. business hire people to produce people get paid from business and spend money at business. no people no business no money.
My personal solution is one most people wouldn't agree with.

I'd print 14 trillion dollars and make our dollar worth half of what it is worth today. I'd then use that money to hit reset on the national debt. Then I would sit back and laugh as the Yen doubled in price compared to the USD thus doubling their direct labor costs. Two birds one stone pay off the debt destroy Chinese manufacturing.

China has been manipulating the Yen for decades, if they want an economic war - I say game on.
My personal solution is one most people wouldn't agree with.

I'd print 14 trillion dollars and make our dollar worth half of what it is worth today. I'd then use that money to hit reset on the national debt. Then I would sit back and laugh as the Yen doubled in price compared to the USD thus doubling their direct labor costs. Two birds one stone pay off the debt destroy Chinese manufacturing.

China has been manipulating the Yen for decades, if they want an economic war - I say game on.
I believe you're right about printing enough dollars to lower the dollar's value and pay down the debt, but the consequences depend on what actions the Chinese take, they are far from stupid you know.
i don't think its just the Chinese. the euro zone if you really think of it is still in its infant stages of life even though it is higher valued the the usd it too could use a little less value and then i believe we could decrease the usd value by the same which could put a bigger value on the yen and effect the manufacturing jobs salary base but what the chinese need is a strong union to fight for better wages and health benefits. even so if we here in the US can get the banking system to not be so corrupt maybe people would put money in a bank for savings if they would give interest rates at least comparable to the mortgage rates. the way way banks should run is they can't borrow money unless they have the money on site. watch its a wonderful life.
But on the other hand::cool:

[h=1]Dollar Shortage Seen in $2 Trillion Gap Says Morgan Stanley[/h]
By Lukanyo Mnyanda, Emma Charlton and Allison Bennett - Jun 18, 2012 9:48 AM ET

Central banks rebuilding foreign- exchange reserves at the fastest pace since 2004 are crowding out private investors seeking U.S. dollars, boosting demand even as the Federal Reserve considers printing more currency.
After falling to an all-time low of 60.5 percent in the second quarter of last year, the dollar’s share of global reserves rose 1.6 percentage points to 62.1 percent in December, the latest International Monetary Fund figures show. The buying has left the private sector with $2 trillion less than it needs, according to investment-flow data by Morgan Stanley, which sees the dollar gaining 8.2 percent in 2012, the most in seven years.
Dollar Shortage Seen in $2 Trillion Gap Says Morgan Stanley - Bloomberg
just popping in to say hello to all. things are getting intense over hear but thats why i do what i do. the market really hasnt changed much but at least its back to a some what historical cycle of sorts. maybe?? havent really pyed much attention thats why i went into lonf term buy and hold. 100% s and well i was pretty much banking on my first loosing year in four years but the s fund got me back to something i can hod on too. we got the fourth quarter so thats when i hope to finish positive. hope all are well and happy investing.


Lots of discussion on various threads (search threads for 'roth' or 'tsp roth'). As I have said before, I was really excited about Roth TSP when it was first announced, but really soured on it after the details came out. So I am doing 'my Roth thing' on the outside of TSP, in my Roth IRA.

Seems like the ones who really like it are younger tsp'ers with low tax rates. :cool:
nnutt i never did comment back on this. your right. my bad if a union formed they would just shoot them.

posted by you nnutt."Chinese and strong union is an oxymoron." about three weeks ago sorry for the delay kind of busy over here the whole syria thing and now egypt and sinai
given the end of the gov fiscal year in ssix weeks or so and all gov office are trying to spend what is left of their budget so they don't get short changed next year i am thinking of pulling out until the last days of aug because the historical charts are usually good around labor day and then pull out until the fourth quarter starts. last pres election Mcain was gaining fast on ohbummer but around the mid sep the economy **** the bed and well in my opinion is why he lost. today looks to be some what of a ok day so far and i have actually climbed back from -8 or so to a -.75 still not good but long term did me a little good. i think i will do some capital preservation. hopefully the day will stay and finish positive. i know we have been riding a rising wedge since jun but sept is never good always losing. theres a fire at a chevron refinery that seems to have the gas prices in california going up fast and they(media nazi's) seem to think it will effect the rest of the country. the euro zones are just holding air at this time because is seems they too have alot of bank coruption like we found out three=four years ago. I fund to me is not where to be.

different note i still read many of you guys post and when i can i pipe in. i have five months left and back to my home and family. hope all on this board are doing well and happy investing.
just went 100% g in my civilian account and PIP is only 2.79% went 80 g 10 s 10 c PIP is 15.58 % but i am -.75 for the year starting 1jan. in my civ account. i should really pay attention to my mil account. actually i do i usually do the oppisite or something resembling it between the two.
just stopping in to hi all. still alive. i see i missed the rally these last few weeks. oh well i will wait for a pull back and then its all in for the year. if i remember last pres. election year the economy started sep the same and about this time of the month it tanked until just before the election and took off shortly after the election. does history repeat itself?? we will see.
election years seem so hard to be on the right side of making money. i see the market is trying to give back the small gains yesterday. it must be a job reports week or something. still in G 100% looking for a 2-3% pull back before investing. it seems that this market is high and overbought(just my opinion) so that kind of worries me about jumping in now. the euro seemed to gain back some value against the dollar but it is still weak. happy investing GOD BLESS AMERICAN MILITARY and thanks to that support us
well i have been away from the board for awhile still over playing war. i see if you got in yesterday the day of election and then bailed you did well but if you stayed its all gone gone over the "CLIFF" and by the way does anyone know when this proverbial "financial cliff jumping" is going to happen? like what is the deadline DEC 31? but it doesnt matter we are in the best months of the year for gains. i am thinking of taking the car out of the garage BUT obummer and congress scares me and i only have 5-7 years left. what is intriguing is this 1.5% + drop right now i think it is a buying point because the rest of this month looks good according to the historical charts. anyone what are you guys thinking??
so i went 100S yesterday before the deadline. i know i missed the BIG bounce from Monday but... i based it on the seasonality chart and if it plays out like it should. except the last few years.. i actually from tsp talk "Per sentimenTrader.com, the day prior to the Thanksgiving holiday has been positive 77% of the time since 1950 (thanks to a perfect record from 1965 - 1986). It has been positive 8 of the last 10 years. The day after the holiday has a similarly impressive historical record, though over the past decade it has been positive only 4 times." (taken from the article, thanks tom hope you dont mine.). i am just gambling that this year follows the seasonality, it seems that the last 3-5 yrs have gone against it but this year seems to be holding more true to it. just my observation. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL only 30 days left and i am home with family freezing my ass off cant wait
well i am a few days away from going home and just want to say "THANKS" to all on this board who always and never ending support our troops. GOD BLESS. i also want to say (publicly to my wife of 24 years) THANKS FOR THE YEARS OF SUPPORT.

back to business. i just moved to F 100% this is is (thursday) the fourth trading day of the month and according to seasonality it may be good (but yesterday was suppose to be too) and the week to follow is not so good. also according to several people on these boards that print charts and stuff we are in an over bought scene and usually that last for about three days before it goes backwards to under sold or neutral and by my count this is day three in this area. anyway this is my reason for moving and only my reason. it does however feel good to be back in the positive (not by much 2+% for the year only and a PIP of 7.49%). its still better then negative.

my own opinion!!! this "fiscal cliff" will get resolved and we wont go into another recession so if you can listen to the experts here and not the news media who favor the scare tactic of finance....
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been home for two weeks and itt felt good to celebrate Christmas and New Years with family. still in F and missed the two day rally. my bad didnt make time for a move. waiting for a pullback, the market jumped 4+% in those two days. dont want to buy high right now but dont want to sit on the sidelines if this market decides to blow upwards either. i know Jan is one of the good months for positive gains so i wont sit too long.

just a observation note.. my investment of tsp is this year is a good example of how moving too much can cost you gains as oppose to if a person held all year in C/S/I they would have scored 12% or better for the year. this year is a good example of how buy and hold for long term works well most of the time. maybe i should check it out for this year.. maybe???..