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They do sell culottes with really deep pockets. Vintage c 1980s Yellow Culottes Shorts with Deep by smallLaundryI'll pick up what you leave on the table providing my pockets are deep enough.
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They do sell culottes with really deep pockets. Vintage c 1980s Yellow Culottes Shorts with Deep by smallLaundryI'll pick up what you leave on the table providing my pockets are deep enough.
jumped into S fund 100% the last day of Mar just got tired of playing conservative again and well even though everyone is screaming pull back i will test the seasonality for april it looks nothing but good and then try to come up wilh a plan for May until OCT because those months just seem to be junk for the buy and hold. i dont really like buy and hold but if i would have well you all see what the ones who have held in S all year have got on their returns nicely done. Maybe just Maybe this will be a little different this summer with the election year in full stride and the economy really trying to stay healthy. we will see. good luck
Hi goforit!
Ive been waiting on this market myself....looks like I missed the bus for the months of February and March. So I moved 15% S and 10% I funds at the end of march. Looking to add maybe 25% more perhaps during the week...was hoping for some decent pull back.
jumped into S fund 100% the last day of Mar just got tired of playing conservative again and well even though everyone is screaming pull back i will test the seasonality for april it looks nothing but good and then try to come up wilh a plan for May until OCT because those months just seem to be junk for the buy and hold. i dont really like buy and hold but if i would have well you all see what the ones who have held in S all year have got on their returns nicely done. Maybe just Maybe this will be a little different this summer with the election year in full stride and the economy really trying to stay healthy. we will see. good luck
Thanks Mapper. I really didn't pay any attention to my TSP until 2008-09. When CSRS were let into it, I contributed 50C-50G and left it that way for years. Didn't do my first IFT till 2008.The problem with what you did was jumping out at the low and then waiting too long to jump back in. It's a common problem, hence why buy and hold will work better for many people. If you want to swing trade you need to work so that, as much as humanly possible, you buy in at lower prices than you sell at..."buy low, sell high". Easier said than done...and takes a lot of time. You need to be right twice (on the buy AND the sell).
It can be done though. It takes some cajones to move all your money in/out hoping you're timing it right. Big moves like 2008/2009 are the most important to time correctly.
The problem is that everyone's result is different. I guess you can look at the Autotracker results and see how/if/when people trading beat the larger indexes and mutual funds.
For example. The indexes ended flat last year but even with a couple of bad trades I made 12.73%. I'm very happy I managed my accounts, but everyone has different results.
Yeah, I did pretty well last year too -- 10.38%. But this year I'm lagging -- currently 1.81% -- so it's kind of a wash. I definitely lean toward timing as a strategy (well, swing trading), but it sure woiuld be good to see evidence that it actually does work for all those who make the effort.
The problem is that everyone's result is different. I guess you can look at the Autotracker results and see how/if/when people trading beat the larger indexes and mutual funds.
For example. The indexes ended flat last year but even with a couple of bad trades I made 12.73%. I'm very happy I managed my accounts, but everyone has different results.
thanks for all the talk. i have played both buy and hold/ sell low buy high. in my opinion they both take a strong stomache to stay the course and good timing. of which timing is the hardest. i became more aware(involved) in my TSP because of 9/11. the market crashed i lost a lot. thats when a fellow co-worker asked me several months after the crash if i had moved my money(not knowing really how to do it) he then proceeded to tell me he did months ago and i told him thanks for telling me. i then realized it was up to me and no one else to work my TSP so fast foward to now i have increased my TSP earnings every year since 2004 by using one of the above method except in 2009(only decreased about 3% from 2008) my timing was off and i did the hit and run approach. if you are buying and holding you still need to pay attention to your account as if you are buying low selling high because if the market decides to just keep going lower like it did back a few years ago to the levels it did why would you stay in until it bottoms out if you catch it early you can shift to G hold there until it starts back up and still jump in at a significantly lower share price and gain more shares then when you had when you jumped out hence forth more return on the way up. as of right now i am going to do the hold for awhile because this market just doesn't seem to want to pull back and i will say it, BT always predicted something likie this happening and i think his words were hold on to the train as it takes off to higher highs. this is not a qoute. so.. bottom line is stay involved with TSP its your money. only you can direct it.
The way I look at the "pros" who push buy and hold in Vanguard, or something along those lines, is that they (or their big bucks companies) just take our money and use it to buy low, sell high for themselves. After outperforming us for 20-30 years, they're only happy to give us back our principal plus 6%, or whatever those Vanguard ETFs are projected to earn over the long haul.