So last night I'm preaching "Patience" to DBA and this morning I'm wringing my hands to get in.....forgive me DBA:embarrest::embarrest::embarrest:
At 6:30am I was up and about and read on the EW page that if the SPX broke 1899 that the bottom was likely in for the immediate future; then saw that Cactus was going F, jonfresno and Raven are moving into in equities, and Clester is holding but has his finger on the button based on Forum and Autotracker. This continues (all quiet like) until 7:48am when the 2nd Coffee pot completes and i go to fetch coffee for me and my #1. That gets us into a small discussion on the news crawl AND suddenly the day takes over my life (chores, groceries, schedules and doctors appts). So, I'm back to check in 2 hours later to find that Whipsaw, MacDaddy, Clester, JTH, and Amoeba are in equities, and Cactus changed his mind and went equities and this happened in the few minutes I was away from action. If Tsunami had jumped in, I think I'd have started chopping off appendages as sacrifice to the stock gods...
I'm bummed but Good Luck to you guys.
The morale of the story is don't whine nobody cares, and don't get addicted to morning coffee...