Well it's Saturday afternoon and I was supposed to be watching WSU Cougars playing basketball but those North Carolinians put a stop to that...(at least I didn't lose money) BUT...which got me thinking about how this TSP IFT limitation has changed my trading style.
I used to tend the market news continuously (watching to make sure the the CSF and I funds were following the trend line as our famous TSP Thrift Board leader would say

), starting at an early 4-5am and staying tuned until I had to make my decision..I had charts of the SPX, DOW, patterns of stocks trends, market definitions, and even spreadsheets, all open and churning Internet fed data. I certainly felt in tune with the moment and the market momentum, even though my gains were just average compared to the leader board.
Nowadays, I'm lucky if I've turned the computer on before it's time to make that IFT decision...the morning news and coffee seem to have taken precedence...and this changed behavior is definitely something I, as a TSP stalwart, need to be concerned about. So, this much I can tell you, the Board's actions have changed my life...and it's not prety..Because of what's been taking place with TSP, I'm sluggish in the am, not posting daily, not watching MSNBC, or keeping up with the market critical chatter that occurs on this site. So, to all my TSP friends I ask your patience and good wishes for a full recovery. Although, the real answer is to just let me make my IFT decision on a daily basis like I used to so I can get my groove back.

Good luck all!!