Hey FS, I'm here with you/holding on!!Hesh:
Looks like earnings and home sales are going to make for a good day today..It's crazy...Asia was down and Europe up...it's really difficult to figure this market out..
I'm not certain whether to stay in tomorrow. I'm hoping that Griffin gives us a clue what he's up to..Right now I'm thinking 50 G, 50 S...but I'm still holding..
New event - chart below - James34432 and I been watching this one ("S") for weeks!
If you know p&f's, NEW Xs just broke the red Bearish Resistance line this morning at 11:17 today - and a NEW blue Bullish Suport Line just formed under all! (Note the NEW Bullish PO number too! - this worm just turned!)
Its just another factor, for consideration/confirmation (i.e 12%'s call earlier) - not meant as advice - who knows what tomorrow/Ben will bring.)

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