One thing I forgot to mention about this monkey market. It is mostly meant to test a little theory I have. Those sudden market moves to the down (or up) seem to catch everybody by surprise. My little theory is that there may be some moments in the market where all these different strategies happen to merge together causing a strong force in one direction. It seems like the entire market is acting in unison to that direction and it seems like some coordinated effort, but I think that there are just times where a bunch of investing styles accidentally meet in the same direction. I'm hoping that my monkey market will stumble upon a similar scenario. Even if I give it some random starting data, I'd like to see if the monkey market would produce a market that looks real with its sudden drops out of the blue.
Your ideas about looking for a "coordinated effort" seem very interesting to me, especially since I seem to like to follow "conspiracy theories" wherever I find them, LOL.
I thought this paragraph below from Griffin's account talk was very insightful. May be elementary for others but I really like his definitions for the different categories of aggressiveness. Seems like that would fit into a nice logic for a program (somehow..) .
Since abandoning my original plan for this year, I decided to go back to the old methodology but use "the matrix" to control my approach between a highly aggressive approach (hold stocks when the market is toppy and buy on the expectation of support) versus a low aggressive approach (sell the rally at the first sign of topping and wait for retests before buying bottoms). I base my decisions to move or stay on how aggressive I think I should be. This is basically a low, medium, high (and very high = buy and hold). Yesterday I was on high, now I'm on low and will remain so long enough to give our new model a fair shake at predicting the next pullback (two weeks or so). This is why I expect to sell tomorrow, but I wasn't about to give up on what looks to be a no-brainer (sugarandspice for CEO) move.