ezmoney's Account Talk

Re: ezmoney Account Talk

Ok might be a bad move on my part but it's not like I haven't made a bad decision before. For Monday March 3, 2008 I will slip 50% into I Fund so my allocations will be 20g 30f 50i all for Monday. I've made a bit in the F so I will try to catch a little bit hopefully in the I Monday if not will probably slip back to the f fund. Those blasted trade limits gripe my $$$.:D
Taking it on the chin today, I should have bobbed and weaved then come back with an uppercut. Instead I'm sitting in my corner with my cornerman yelling you have to stay on top of him, and I'm like; he is throwing from all directions how do you get inside this monster to take him down. Oh well I'll live to fight another day. Will have to wait till the swelling goes down and my eyes are opened. Still in the i fund for 50% I'm down for the count I lost this one.:D
Still in for 20g 30f 50i for 3/6/08 got some back today. Just have to see what happens. Still takes two days of gains to get back any losses.:)
Maybe this market will hold. And I can recapture my loss. One day loss takes two days of gains to get my money back.:D
Ya know, you have a good idea..if there ever was a class action law suit on the TSP bastards..

The best way to track your account as to what you would have moved in and out of as far as TSP funds..enter each virtual IFT move into the TSP Tracker here, as if you actually did the IFTs..Then compare to what you really made or lost to that of what the tracker records show..This way there would not be any dispute as to what your intentions would have been had it not been for the fricken restrictions and both your tracker account and your actually TSP account is well documented and quite accurate for tangible evidence to your claim.

Well said, Seperate yet relavent information to prove unavoidable loses
and the failure to capture maximum possible gains can add up based on
the imposed restrictions.
Been hanging in the G since 3/18/08 100% G but have been DCA with 20G 75F 1C 2S 2I.
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My allocation is 100%g but I am DCAing with my contribution allocations 20g 71f 3c 3s 3i starting this pay day May 2, 2008. Will see what happens. If anyone reads the post what is the fax number for the transfers by fax and if it is quicker post reply. I will as most be reading the different post on the MB. Tnx an good investing, blasted limits.:D
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My allocation is 100%g but I am DCAing with my contribution allocations 20g 71f 3c 3s 3i starting this pay day May 2, 2008. Will see what happens. If anyone reads the post what is the fax number for the transfers by fax and if it is quicker post reply. I will as most be reading the different post on the MB. Tnx an good investing, blasted limits.:D
Starting May 1 everyone can E-IFT. Why would you fax? If you want to fax, the number is on the TSPTALK main page.

You get only 2 UNRESTRICTED IFT's (meaning to any fund including G). After that, you can DCA as many times as you want only INTO G (by reducing percentages in other funds and increasing your G percentage) not OUT.
Tnx Luv2 read for the info. Well I guess we lost the battle with the board. I haven't read anywhere that there might be some adjustments of the sorts with regards to allowing more trades or pay fees. Or is the verdict still out waiting for the finale decision. Looks like the decision has been made in their favor.:mad:
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Tnx Luv2 read for the info. Well I guess we lost the battle with the board. I haven't read anywhere that there might be some adjustments of the sorts with regards to allowing more trades or pay fees. Or is the verdict still out waiting for the finale decision. Looks like the decision has been made in their favor.:mad:

The Board actually left the door open for more changes, if needed.
Non of which would open the doors to fees or increased IFT limits.
The verdict is in, the trial is over. Appeals are always possible but
are not likely going to change anything, anytime soon.
It would be nice if we could have 3 unrestricted moves. Since moving into the G early in the month would constitute one of your moves it really does handcuff everybody. Three moves would allow you to get inot the stock funds early in the month and if the market starts to decline you could pull back into the G without being penalized to safe guard your money. Then get back into the stock funds if the market starts a rally. Then you still have the G safetynet.


More to say but I got to go. :D
NO change will just do DCA'ing on paydays. Still 20g 71f 3c 3s 3i with 100% all g as of May 5, 2008. Just hanging with DCA'ing till this market improves. Might make a quick IFT if the markets are right.:o
Still DCA'ing on paydays. 100% vested in G fund. DCA'ing contributions on pay days 20g 65f 5c 5s 5i, this pay day May 16, 2008.:)