ezmoney's Account Talk

When interest is low bonds will grow. That's a general rule. Keep the gains and add to your profits in safety and wait for this thing to blow over. The only down side to this is those stupid two trade limits that will keep us from maximizing out potential for real profits when this thing finally bottoms out. Don't get impatient as we don't know how long the pain will last. It didn't happen over night so don't expect the rainbow to show up anytime soon. I'll take the lower interest rates but that is not the problem. If the fed's would get out of bed with the corrupt Banking and Corporate institutions and hold them accountable for their financial house this mess wouldn't have been as severe. Patience and conserving your capital is the most important thing right now. As I said many times the market wants it's money back for all the good years that you were making a profit. Stock are way too over priced and when they finally bottom out then will come some really nice profits. Sit tight read the mb and lets all gear up to make some money once this thing finally reachs the "Real Bottom.":blink:
More fraud in the billions in the French sector. I'm sure that won't bother us. More corruption, it's starting to really heat up now. Do not follow the herd as you could end up really getting burnt. Stocks are still over priced.:suspicious:
Let me see if I have this stimulus package right. I'm going to get somewhere around $1600. Then I am going to stimulate the economy by purchasing merchandise that is made overseas. This will stimulate the American economy. Then next year I can pay taxes on the stimulus package. All our jobs overseas and we get a stimulus package to send more of it overseas. Now we could save it or invest it but I'm not sure that is what they had in mind. But spending it on all of the overseas stuff now that really gets the old economy working. I just got a letter from my heating oil supplier my $180 a month for 10 months is'nt enough to cover my heating cost so they want $395 a month for 10 months. Looks like I'm stimulating something. HA! :mad:
Taking my little piece of pie and going back to safety. 20g 80f. I don't have to get in at the bottom although I would love too. If I get in the middle or even at the end of the rally is fine with me as long as I can take some profit. Will sit tight till I can get another slice for as long as it takes. Like I have said over and over the market wants it's money back for all those years of profits. They may get some of mine but they will have to fight to get all of it. I'm going to stay safe and pop in and out on those little rallies even though I may miss most of them, some is better than none and + beats a - any day. This thing ain't over yet.:D
So all of us frequent traders have to exercise our right to utilize those (3)trades per month. I wonder how long it will take them before they take that away limiting us to (1) every six months. I don't guess those brilliant minds at the TSP Board stopped to think this one through as well. How much money will the (3) trades cost the I Fund.:D
Japan was in the same mess that we have gotten ourselves into back in the 90's took them ten years to recover. So be careful when trying to decifer all of those signals. The market want's it's gains back an sad to say but some will end up giving them back. Take your time and look at the situation that the corrupt Banking and Idustrial Institutions have gotten us into and our own government allowing them to legally commit fraud and scam the american taxpayer, but we have to be responsible for our actions. What a shame; this country is in a mess. As I say the whole world has gone mad. Our politicians of the past would not solve the problems in their time and now we are paying for those decisions and the politicians of our time will not solve the problems of our time so our grandkids will be saying the same thing about us. We created the mess that they will have to live with. Until there is a bill that will allow the individuals in this country to recall their elected officials from office at any time for not doing what they were elected to do there will never be any change. Will it happen no, will there be change no, but we will get what we always get a lot of talk and all kinds of disagreement as to how to move forward.:)

Market got a nice little bounce. Glad to see that some made some money in this crazy market. I'm still on the patient side. Hopefully we can catch a small rally now and then till this blows over, I caught a small one January but missed this one. Those blasted (2/3) trade limits really make it tough in a market like this when you've taken a loss and try to get a bounce only to miss the mark and take another hit. Then your in the G and the market takes off and you can't get out because of those blasted xfer limits. Then we have the elections and don't know what might happen for the first few months after that. The markets will try to figure out what the new Boss is up to before they respond. Lucky for us we have the mb so that we all might gain a little insight as to market conditions. Let's hang tough and make some money!:)
Re: ezmoney

I wonder how the Board would handle all of the frequent trading if we sent a trade in every day by mail, sure would cost a bundle in stamps and envelope's but it would create a mess for them and of course if you could afford certified return receipt that would really get their dandruff up.:mad:
Re: ezmoney Account Talk

This being a weak market an election year and quite possible a change of parties should the democrats win will as it usually does when another party wins the white-house the markets will be very cautious as they wait to feel out the new president and his/her policies. Then add to it the fact that when a party wants to penalize an restrict those business's or individuals for making money and want to re-distribute the hard earned capital that they have made then we are going to have even greater problems. You better hold on to horses because we could be in for an even tougher ride; of course I hope not but it is a scary picture.:)