When interest is low bonds will grow. That's a general rule. Keep the gains and add to your profits in safety and wait for this thing to blow over. The only down side to this is those stupid two trade limits that will keep us from maximizing out potential for real profits when this thing finally bottoms out. Don't get impatient as we don't know how long the pain will last. It didn't happen over night so don't expect the rainbow to show up anytime soon. I'll take the lower interest rates but that is not the problem. If the fed's would get out of bed with the corrupt Banking and Corporate institutions and hold them accountable for their financial house this mess wouldn't have been as severe. Patience and conserving your capital is the most important thing right now. As I said many times the market wants it's money back for all the good years that you were making a profit. Stock are way too over priced and when they finally bottom out then will come some really nice profits. Sit tight read the mb and lets all gear up to make some money once this thing finally reachs the "Real Bottom.":blink: