ezmoney's Account Talk

Still 3% in stocks and DCAing on paydays. Looking to up from 3% to 4% soon. Will continue to DCA on paydays the bulk of it going to I fund this payday but could change before payday.:)
Yep! untill this market gets on it's feet again. Not making a lot of money but I'm makin money and that's what counts till the market takes off for good who know when that will be.:)
Waiting for the market to drop then will up my stocks a measly 1% from 3% to the measly 4% and continue to just DCA on paydays. Hey I know it ain't much but I'm trying to stay tight till the market decides it's ready to make some real gains for the long term and that could be a long time with all that has and still going on. No one is going to get rich in this market.:)
I did my IFT when the stocks were down. Up my IFT position in stocks from the measly 3% to a measly 4%. Still DCA'ing on paydays. Made some lost some but holding steady.:)
My position is still the same, DCA'ing on paydays. Will continue this position till the markets do better which could be a long time off. I'm doing fair with the DCA'ing and will continue the route till the markets improve.;)
Way back earlier this year I said stock prices were to high. This market still has a whole lot of correction that still has not played out. When the dust settles and the stocks are at bargain prices again there will money to be made. Buy Low!:)
It ain't over yet. The smoke screen is just that. Banks will continue to fail business's will go under and prices will continue to go higher. Enron failed no bailout and some went to jail. Now we have a bailout the CEO and our congress men/women as well as senators that have probably been corrupt and broke every law mentionalable regarding our finances get to walk what a deal. Look out we ain't seen nothing yet. I'm tired of paying for that Damned Tea! Buy Low!:)
Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does! I wonder if anyone knows what is going on? It seems everyone is just guessing and hoping they are right.
Like I mentioned in several of my earlier post, stocks are way to high. They are finally being corrected to their real worth. Now when we buy low we will actually start to make some money. We ain't seen nothing yet. They will cry uncle before this is over with. Fortunes will be lost. Bet we continue to send billions to Russia though so they won't push that button. Tired of paying for that DAMNED TEA!:)
I bet most of the congress men and women as well as senators that helped us get in this mess will be re-elected by their states. We haven't suffered enough and we will continue to be stupid by re-electing those who are to blame. Just think we gave them 700 billion of our money so the banks can loan it back to us and charge us interest. What a country! When Americans finally stand up and say no more is when it will change so that will be a long time, because we want to blame the president instead of getting rid of those corrupt congress and senators that each state has elected to $RAPE us. I'm tired of paying for that DAMNED TEA!:mad:
Re: ez money Account Talk

You can throw away all the charts and statistics away this is not an ordinary market. It will take years if not a decade to recover from this mess.:mad:
Be careful the market wants it's money back from all those years of profits. All this talk of recovery and stabalization can pump the market up just to get you back in then wham it's done got your money and the the bottom falls out. This mess is just starting and it will have a long hard ride before it is over. Buy low $$$$$:worried:
I said many months back when they were messing with our IFT's. How long will it be before they figure we have a pot of money sitting in our TSP ready for the taking. They are already discussing the money they can make by taxing our (401's & TSP.) I'm sure they are discussing changing the rules on the ROTH's as well. They have said American's save the least. I'm sure that will help us save more. Stocks are still to high but they are getting where they need to be. Be patient and buy'em low. Made a few bucks on DCA'ing but have since taken my profits to the safety of G. Will buy'em low and reap the rewards but they aren't low enough yet. Hope everyone makes the money. There is still going to be some pain and suffering; we'll all have to stick together or we will lose our mind.;)
G till the election blows over. This market not going to do any quick turn arounds it's a long hard road to riches now.:)
Re: ez money Account Talk

Be careful with these mini rallies. It will have you jumping all in just to lose the shirt on your back. If greed takes over optimism it could be devastating to some. Sure I want the whole pie but I will settle just for some of the crumbs. The market wants all of it's gains back that we have earned for all those good years. Be careful and don't get caught betting the bank.